Mighty Karma: Uncovering the Reasons Behind Our Actions
Karma is a mysterious force that shapes our lives and determines the future we will experience. Discover what karma is, why it matters, and how to exercise karmic justice.
Let's explore the concept of karma, from its traditional origins to its use in modern society. We will discuss the different types of karma, its application in everyday life, and how it can be used to shape our understanding of the world. We will look at the different theories of karma and how they can be applied to our daily lives. Finally, we will examine how karma can be used as a tool for self-betterment and how it can help us live a more meaningful life.
Exploring the Meaning of Karma
Many of us might use karma as a generic term in our daily lives. But has anyone of us really thought about what karma is and what exactly it means? Let's dive into the karma concept. Karma or karm is derived from the Sanskrit word "karman", which means "action" or "deeds".
As a notion, karma can be said to be all the deeds done by a human, both by their body and minds.
All actions create karma. Karma can also be referred to as the spiritual theory of cause and effect, which means a person’s present actions would be responsible for the future consequences. The basic ideology behind this theory is that good karma/actions will reap you happiness in the future, whereas bad karma/actions will lead to suffering.
Discover the Difference Between Positive and Negative Karma
Karma is a boomerang; what you give you get!
Well, the karma rule is somewhere related to Newton’s law-every action has a reaction, and it can be the opposite as well! No action can be detached from its results. Thus, karma will chase you until you bear your consequences. There’s no escape here! If we look at a religious point of view, it is believed that karma can follow you from one life to the next. It is not necessary that all your karmic consequences will occur in this life only.?
Even though deeds create karma , it is said that the intention behind the actions is what matters. Pure intentions will reap good karma, but revenge, sinful and negative intentions will reap bad karma. Bad karma is like instant coffee these days; you don’t have to wait long, but good karma is believed to be carried on for life and will have a positive effect on your future generations as well.
You might ask, why only me then?
Well, karma is not individualist. It affects the masses as well. Karma can affect a community, a country, or even the planet depending on the karma of the majority of people. In today’s world where it is easy to earn bad karma, doing good is becoming less and more difficult.
We cannot reverse our consequences of bad karma, but there’s always a way to neutralise it by doing good.
When we become aware of our bad intentions and the negative actions we have committed, we may be able to distinguish between bad and good actions and choose good over bad, which may reduce our bad karma and our chances of meeting the consequences.
A human turns into something good by good actions and into something bad by bad actions. A person who has good karma is always held in higher esteem. Hence, it is important to earn good karma to balance out our bad karma.
But how to earn good karma?
All positive deeds like charity to those in need, helping women and children, service to the elderly, giving without expecting anything in return, etc., are the simplest way to earn good karma. All good intentions and efforts to help others are rewarded.
If you are thinking about how and where to donate to charity, then Karma Points is here to help you.
We have built the Karma Points app to help people reach out to those in need. Karma points are used to raise funds for charities that benefit women and children, education, poverty, child care, the elderly, and healthcare, among other things. The karma points app enables donors to personalize their donation experiences and contribute with full transparency. By donating through the Karma Points app, you can actually help a lot of women, children, and elderly, help in poverty eradication, and educate children.
Before you go!
Karma Points also rewards you for your good deeds with points. These points can be redeemed on our app. We have various brands that have partnered with us like Cult Fit, Nat Habit, Ugaao.
Visit the Karma Points Website and check us out!