This Might Be Your Next Big Thing!
Kamaldeep Singh
Engineer Recruiter for Senesco Marine | Leading Shipbuilding Opportunities
Anyone interested in white labeling Computer Desktop Building services? I have a team who I've trained ground up to build 20 computer builds a day.
I'm a tech junkie at heart, before I'm a business owner. So I really love what I do.
You could target it at consumers and get a plethora of customers as we already do locally here in NJ. However, we'd like to register our business under it's own name rather than having a bunch of sole proprietors working together. Where we see the biggest potential is b2b with IT, schools, offices and really any place that needs a computer upgrade.
*also open to investors and co-founders/co-ceo's to give equity or a profit margin based on investments.
Not only can people choose what parts they want. They can give us the exact uses they want it for, and a budget. We'll give them a quote for what parts would best suit them at the budget including fees. We will also provide them estimated performance benchmarks for what they desire.
Then if we would suggest them to purchase, or not. We won't sell someone a product if we know it's not a good fit for them.
Monday to Friday workdays.
That's about 250 computers a month current production capacity for each vendor. If we get another vendor, we'll need you to wait for us to train a new set of team and make sure quality control is in place.
All PC Builds are Custom Quotes so we'd need to get info first before giving you a price according to current market rates and be able to provide a proper pricing according to a transparent invoice to give you. As well as a invoice based on what you're charging so people can make sense of whatever they're paying. Don't worry, there's always something we can offer to make most prices worth it.
We have been using value based pricing for a very long time. Anyone decent at sales should be able to close twice the price and have happy clients as the product will meet their needs for what they want to do. Most of the time, exceed them.
We can fulfill more but we'd want to know if it is needed.
Our fees are PC Parts Expenses (We take the price of the one we can get the cheapest in 7 days, or if they request asap then we can give them express prices plus prices from vendors who consistently deliver on time)+ Taxes +Shipping + $200 build fee/management/quality insurance on our part. Then you can mark up as much as you want.
Custom water loops & Blocks, Custom RGB lighting
Water Loops + $150 extra
Custom RGB Lighting Strips + $25 Extra
Custom such as Innovative Workstation Desk Rigs will start at $2,500.
Some examples may be treadmill desks.
Delivery + Packaging (We package with high quality materials and make sure to provide as much shock absorption and static protection as possible)
$100 for Ground.
$125 for 3 Day Air
$150 for 2 Day Air
$200 for Next Day Air
Processing + Shipping + Delivery Times
Order Review - 1 Business
Order Processing to get payment - Varies On When We Get Your Payments
Time To Gather Parts - 7 Business Days
Time to Build Computer - 2 Business Days
Quality Control Check - 3 Business Days
Software Installations - 1 Business Days
We can pre-install any software they would like before shipping, with out gigabit internet speed.
Shipping Time - 2 Business Days
Delivery Time - Based on Selection
Refund Policy:
Can request refund if we have not assembled the parts as of yet.
Shipping damage/lost packages will be covered by the shipping provider.
Refund policy on your end can be anything you want it to be since you're up charging so if you're selling at twice the value a good rate for refunds is half the price. Later down the line we may offer 50% of refunds even after building once the business has enough capital from sales to do so. That would be on our end.
If they have any problems with the computer in 90 days they can pay the shipping and send it back and we'll have a look at it to make sure everything is in check. If one of the parts seem to not be working we can claim a warranty as we'd keep all the original packaging for 90 days.
They would need to cover any fees related to getting the warranty covered parts.