MidWeek Muse #52
We send out three cool things that we have discovered over the period of the week. We send this out every Wednesday, intended to be a mid week relief.
1. To Be Successful, You Need To fail 16% Of the Time
If you want to succeed really, really badly, the paradoxical solution proposed by many successful people is to ease up. Albert Einstein was obscenely productive, but his productivity came in bursts.
2. 6 Things i wish I Knew In My 20’s
In our 20s, most of us are kinda idiots. We pursue the wrong goals, care about the wrong people and worry about the wrong problems.?
3. Podcast -Seth Godin- “The Pursuit of Meaning, The Life-Changing Power of Choosing Your Attitude”
You work in a place where you have no options. You have no agency. You have no significance. If that is actually true, you should quit, because you don’t get tomorrow over again. My guess: it is not actually true.