Midland Exploration Inc. (MD-V) Midland and SOQUEM discover new copper-gold mineralization on Nachicapau Project in Labrador Trough, Québec
Midland and SOQUEM discover several new mineralized horizons grading up to 25.6 % Cu, 4.9 g/t Au and 162 g/t Ag in Nunavik, Labrador Trough, Québec
On October 4, 2022. Midland reported in partnership with SOQUEM Inc. the discovery of several new metric to plurimetric mineralized horizons with high-grade copper (Cu) and gold (Au). The discovery is a result of the Strategic Alliance ?concluded in February 2021 between Midland and SOQUEM in the Labrador Trough in Nunavik, Québec. Recall on June 9, 2022. Midland had announced the commencement of an important exploration program targeting Cu-Zn-Co-Ag-Au / Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag-Au volcanogenic massive sulfides (“VMS”) in the Labrador Trough with SOQUEM (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/eric-lemieux-9468715_quebec-nunavik-labradortrough-activity-6940703680421654528-CN8O?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop). The exploration programs conducted under the Strategic Alliance appear to have generated a new area of Cu-Au mineralization.
New favorable area in the Labrador Trough: Summer 2022 prospecting campaign has discovered, on surface, several new mineralized horizons with high-grade copper and gold that cover an area of at >160 m by 170 m to the south of Lac Nachicapau ~150 km south of Kuujjuaq, Québec ?Grab samples have returned up to 25.6 % Cu, 4.9 g/t Au, 162 g/t Ag (29.97 % CuEq*); with 2 channels returning 4m @ 1.49% Cu, 0.54 g/t Au and 11.4 g/t Ag (1.93% CuEq*) (Channel #1) and 3m @ 0.90% Cu, 0.45 g/t Au and 6.5 g/t Ag (1.25% CuEq*) (Channel #2). The mineralization dimensions have yet to be fully determined but the zones remain open in all directions given the vegetative cover. The surrounding area has seen very little exploration. The new mineralized system was discovered during prospecting work conducted that followed up on a discovery made by Midland in 2018 (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/midland-exploration-inc-md-v-very-active-labrador-trough-eric-lemieux/). ?A calcite vein with bornite and malachite mineralization had graded up to 3.16% Cu, 5.27 g/t Au and 40.7 g/t Ag. Recall on April 6, 2017, ?Midland had acquired, by map designation, the Nachicapau Project with strong base metal (Zn-Cu) potential in the Labrador Trough. The property consisted of 49 claims and had seen previous exploration campaigns in 2008 and 2012 by respectively Sirios (SOI-V) and by Virginia Mines. The mineralized system is hosted in mafic pyroclastic rocks and chlorite-actinolite schists of the Murdoch Formation. It is defined by the presence of disseminated malachite and bornite mineralization in horizons ranging from centimeter-scale to several meters wide and as centimeter -scale pods in calcite veins with some gold mineralization also associated. At least 8 decimetric to plurimetric mineralized horizons have been identified to date. The Nachicapau Project is characterized by mafic lavas and pyroclastic rocks alternating with various sedimentary units (black shales, dolomites, turbidites), as well as several synvolcanic gabbro sills. The Labrador Trough is a geological province with likely potential for additional volcanogenic massive sulphides (“VMS”) of the “pelitic-mafic” sub-type.
The next phase of work on this new discovery shall focus on improving the geological understanding of this mineralized system and the depositional setting of these mineral occurrences. This work ?should help define the best exploration strategy to move forward. A new land position has also ?been established with the acquisition of 187 claims (9,000 ha) that is located to the SE of Lac Lelièvre area, ~95 km south of Kuujjuaq (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/midland-exploration-inc-md-v-soquem-discover-new-boulder-eric-lemieux/).
OCTOBER 06, 2022??10:10AM
Update - October 27, 2022:
Midland and SOQUEM announce new grab results from the Nachicapau Copper-Gold discovery in Nunavik
On October 27, 2022. Midland in partnership with SOQUEM Inc. announced?new grab sample results on the high-grade Cu associated with Au and Ag mineralization discovered during the summer of 2022 under the Strategic Alliance between Midland and SOQUEM (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/eric-lemieux-9468715_quebec-nunavik-exploration-activity-6983150823060963328-SJ8c?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop). Saliently, 8 new grab samples of interest graded up to 10.05% Cu, 0.19 g/t Au, and 62.90 g/t Ag, and 1.26% Cu, 5.80 g/t Au, and 10.90 g/t Ag. These results were obtained from a new high-grade Cu, Au and Ag mineralized system discovered by prospecting in August 2022 in the area south of Nachicapau Lake in the Labrador Trough in Nunavik, Québec. We estimate an average for 29 samples at 3.22% Cu Eq suggesting an initial copper tenor of interest.
Potential bigger footprint: The mineralized system consists of several horizons with high-grade copper, gold and silver mineralization exposed on surface over an area of at least 160 m x 170 m which remain open due to the vegetation cover. The new samples with high-grade Cu-Au-Ag values are located along the extensions of horizons and veins with malachite and bornite mineralization and confirm the potential of the sector. A new area of interest located ~350 m south of these mineralized horizons also exhibits carbonate veining with chalcopyrite and bornite mineralization, which graded 0.11% Cu, 0.03 g/t Au, and 0.20 g/t Ag.
An exploration program shall be undertaken in the summer of 2023, focusing on the immediate vicinity of the Cu-Au-Ag mineralized horizons and their extensions along the volcano-sedimentary Murdoch Formation. Upcoming work may include soil and rock sampling, stripping, channel sampling, and IP (induced polarization) surveys.
Update - June 20, 2023:
Midland and SOQUEM announce an exploration program under their Alliance in Nunavik, Québec
On June 20, 2023, Midland announced its exploration program for the summer of 2023 under the Strategic Alliance with SOQUEM Inc. for exploration projects in the Labrador Trough in Nunavik. The 2023 work program, with a joint budget of $1.3M, aims to build on the work carried out in 2021 and 2022 to identify new mineralized areas within the vast and underexplored Labrador Trough. Recall on October 4, 2022. Midland had reported in partnership with SOQUEM Inc. the discovery of several new metric to plurimetric mineralized horizons with high-grade copper (Cu) and gold (Au) with up to 4m @ 1.49% Cu, 0.54 g/t Au and 11.4 g/t Ag (1.93% CuEq) in channel sample. The exploration program shall focus on this area near Nachicapau Lake and on regional targets generated across the Labrador Trough. Helicopter-supported fieldwork is set to commence in early July and shall consist of geochemical rock and soil sampling, as well as stripping and channel sampling. The 2023 exploration program aims to understand the spatial distribution of the mineralization and define its extent. A total of ~1,200 soil samples and over 400 rock samples may be collected with subsequent exploration work based on results to follow up in fall of 2023.
Regional generative area: Regional exploration work shall mainly focus on the central part of the Labrador Trough, targeted for its potential for magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE deposits. The central area will also be the focus of a rock sampling campaign in areas deemed prospective for orogenic deposits. Additional targets for nickel and copper in other unexplored parts of the area of interest defined under the Alliance were also generated as a result of compilation work and will be investigated over the summer of 2023. Work conditions should not be hampered by the forest fires that have afflicted the James Bay and Abitibi. Recall on June 3, the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts du Québec issued a news release prohibiting access to the forest on lands of the public domain and on the closure of roads for consideration of public interest (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/eric-lemieux-9468715_quebec-abitibi-jamesbay-activity-7071575252291461120-tx0f?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop). The restrictions imposed by the Québec government are ever evolving.
UPDATE - December 7, 2023:
Midland and SOQUEM discover new high-grade copper-gold showings on Nachicapau in Nunavik, Québec
On December 7, 2023, Midland, in partnership with SOQUEM Inc., announced new results from its 2023 exploration campaign in the Labrador Trough, Nunavik, Québec. Exploration efforts mainly focused on the high-grade Cu-Au-Ag mineralized system discovered in the summer of 2022 in the Nachicapau Lake area, which graded up to 25.6% Cu, 4.90 g/t Au and 162 g/t Ag (29.97% CuEq.).
New results, reported under the Strategic Alliance between Midland and SOQUEM, are the discovery of 6 new mineralized veins at surface and numerous erratic boulders with copper and gold mineralization spread over an area of 700ha.? Recall on June 20, 2023, Midland ?had announced its exploration program for the summer of 2023 with a joint budget of $1.3M, aimed to build on the work carried out in 2021 and 2022. The exploration program was to focus also on regional targets generated across the Labrador Trough. The helicopter-supported fieldwork was to consist of geochemical rock and soil sampling, as well as stripping and channel sampling with a total of ~1,200 soil samples and 400 rock samples planned to be collected.
In the late summer of 2023, a geochemistry sampling campaign was conducted during which a total of 227 rock samples and 1,018 soil samples (B horizon) were collected on the Nachicapau Property. Field work, using also real-time XRF analysis, led to the discovery of 6 new mineralized veins composed of calcite and clinochlore, injected into the units of the Murdoch Formation.? The presence of digenite, bornite and malachite are the main copper mineralization. Up to 23 samples, including 9 samples on outcrops, yielded grades > 0.1% Cu and 6 samples yielded grades > 1% Cu, with maximum value of 20.4% Cu in a boulder.
At outcrop level, the best results associated with the mineralized veins are 13.8% Cu and 1.71% Cu. They are located respectively 1.4 km and 2.6 km south of the Cu-Au horizons discovered in 2022. Gold grades reaching up to 3.98 g/t Au are occasionally associated with these veins and confirm the gold potential of the area. This best gold grade, at 3.98 g/t Au, is associated with a boulder located 300 m north of Cu-Au horizons discovered in 2022 and also graded 3.33% Cu and 28.2 g/t Ag.
Field observations also led to the identification of a new deformation zone located ~500 m east of the Cu-Au horizons discovered in 2022. This discontinuity is also highlighted by geochemical and geophysical data; it affects lithological units of the Murdoch Formation and may have played a role in the emplacement of mineral occurrences. It represents a new metallotect that should be followed up on in 2024.
Planning to return: Results continue to suggest that the Nichacapau area remains a prime exploration target in the Labrador Trough. Exploration work in 2024 shall focus on improving the geological and structural understanding of this mineralized system, namely by conducting a magnetic drone survey. Exploration should continue southward to determine the extent of the system. The B-horizon geochemistry survey with real-time XRF analysis, which yielded excellent results in 2023, shall also be continued in 2024 by extending the survey to the south and detailing specific areas of interest. This surface program is planned in preparation for a drilling program pending positive results. For 2024, a joint annual budget of $1M (50% Midland and 50% SOQUEM) has been planned to complete the work program.
UPDATE - June 5, 2024:
Midland and SOQUEM launch the 2024 exploration campaign in the Labrador Trough, Québec
Midland reported on June 4, 2024 ?its summer 2024 exploration program under the Strategic Alliance with SOQUEM Inc. to explore the Labrador Trough in Nunavik, Québec. With a joint budget of $1M, the exploration program is the continuation of work carried out since 2021 and aims to identify new mineralized areas in this vast territory with high-discovery potential.
Follow-up on the Cu-Au system in the Nachicapau Area: Previous work showed mineral occurrences over an area of 700ha with grades up to 25.6% Cu, 4.9 g/t Au and 162 g/t Ag, and a channel sample up to 1.49% Cu, 0.54 g/t Au and 11.4 g/t Ag over 4m within pyroclastic rocks of the Murdoch Formation. The 2024 program shall focus on high-grades copper-gold occurrences in the Nachicapau area as well as regional targets based on structural interpretations and 2023 geochemical anomalies. Helicopter-supported fieldwork shall begin in mid-June and shall consist of geochemical rock and soil sampling (B horizon) along with a drone-based magnetic survey totaling ~770 km that could refine the structural interpretation. Previous work suggests a major multi-kilometre-scale hydrothermal system and the 2024 surface exploration work should target new areas.
Regional Generative Area: Midland and SOQUEM shall also investigate unexplored regional areas that show potential for the discovery of economic deposits within the area of interest defined under the Alliance. Since 2022, sustained efforts to compile historical work and advanced processing of lithogeochemistry results have led to the definition of promising targets. The central part of the Labrador Trough in particular is targeted for its potential for magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE deposits and other areas for VMS mineralization (Cu-Zn-Co-Ag-Au/Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag-Au). We understand that drilling may follow later this fall 2024 as drill rigs may be available in and around Kuujjuaq.
UPDATE - August 22, 2024:
Midland and SOQUEM identify on Nachicapau new high-grade mineralized occurrences and expand the footprint of the copper-gold-silver hydrothermal system
Midland and SOQUEM identify on Nachicapau new high-grade mineralized occurrences and expand the footprint of the copper-gold-silver hydrothermal system
Midland announced on August 22, 2024 the discovery of new showings on its Nachicapau Project in the Québec Labrador Trough. The exploration program, in partnership with SOQUEM (Strategic Alliance between Midland and SOQUEM), was designed to follow up on discoveries on high-grade copper-gold-silver mineralized horizons and veins made in 2022 and 2023.? This over a surface area of 700 ha in a part of the Labrador Trough that has not seen extensive exploration work.
Extended footprint: The objective of the summer 2024 campaign was to determine the extent of this major hydrothermal system exhibiting a strong structural control. Main highlights are: i) the discovery of 11 new Cu-Au-Ag occurrences associated with digenite, bornite, and malachite veins; we estimate an average grade of 4.22% Cu, 32.26 g/t Ag and 0.17 g/t Au for 38 samples, with up to 39.90% Cu; ii) new mineralized veins were identified 10 km SE of the main zone, grading up to 5.22% Cu, 13.8 g/t Ag and 0.65 g/t Au with limited exploration work carried out between the two areas; and iii) gold mineralization is characterized by anomalous values (>0.10 g/t Au) in 10 samples from mineralized veins, reaching up to 1.51 g/t Au.
Fertile Cu-Au-Ag system at Nachicapau: A geochemical sampling campaign was conducted in the early summer of 2024, during which 231 rock samples were collected on the Nachicapau Property. This work led to the discovery, on outcrop, of numerous copper-bearing veins mineralized with digenite, bornite, and malachite pods reaching several centimeters in size. These veins are injected in rocks of the Murdoch Formation and also contain calcite, dolomite, clinochlore and specularite. They range from a few centimeters to several decimeters in thickness, with lateral extents of a few meters. Their distribution in the main zone extends up to 3.7 km to the SE of Cu-Au-Ag horizons discovered in 2022. Additional mineralized veins grading up to 5.22% Cu, 13.8 g/t Ag and 0.65 g/t Au were also identified in a new area located 10 km SE of the main zone. As very little exploration work has been conducted between the 2 areas; the density and distribution of current veins over several kilometers could suggest the presence of a major regional-scale hydrothermal system.
A soil geochemistry survey was carried out in the southern part of the Nachicapau Property, during which 493 samples (Horizon B) were collected. The area is covered by mafic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Murdoch Formation that are imbricated by a series of thrust faults associated with the Robelin Fault. XRF Real-time analysis of these samples enabled Midland to outline several copper anomalies, some of which were investigated during the summer campaign.
A drone-supported magnetic survey totaling 768.2 km was also carried out to cover the main zone including discoveries made from 2022 to 2024. This survey should help refine the structural understanding of the sector.
Results follow in the wake of discoveries made in 2022 and 2023 and highlight the area as a prime exploration target in the Labrador Trough. Work carried out in 2024? has successfully extended the surface footprint of the copper-gold-silver hydrothermal system. The full extent remains unknown. However, the bulk of the data collected during the summer 2024 campaign is being processed and shall be used to define the strategy for 2025. Numerous surface targets remain unexplored on the property and surface exploration should continue to determine the extent of this emerging copper-gold-silver system. Exploration work in 2025 shall also focus on defining drilling targets to assess potential at depth. In 2024, the Strategic Alliance continues exploration work in the Labrador Trough and on the Nachicapau Project with a joint annual budget of $1M (50% Midland and 50% SOQUEM). We would expect eventually diamond drilling to confirm the fertile Cu-Au-Ag system.
Chef d'entreprise, Bally Capital Advisors SA
2 年Enfin ,du nouveau et de bon aloi !!
Président de l'Ordre des géologues du Québec
2 年Une très belle découverte. à suivre...