Midland Exploration Inc. (MD-V) Midland options to Rio Tinto an interest in several prospective lithium properties in James Bay, Québec
Midland options to Rio Tinto an interest in several prospective lithium properties in James Bay, Québec - Potentially up to $65.5M in expenditures and other payments
Midland announced on June 14, 2023 the execution of a new Option Agreement with Rio Tinto Exploration Canada Inc. (“RTEC”) for several of its projects in the Eeyou Istchee- James Bay region showing strong lithium potential. The Option Agreement encompasses 10 properties totalling 2,009 claims and covering a surface area of >100,0000ha. These properties include: Mythril-Corvette, Mythril-East, Mythril-Chisaayuu, Galinee, Moria, Shire, Komo, Warp, Sulu, and Picard. This portfolio of properties is currently wholly owned by Midland and are favourably located near significant lithium deposits such as Corvette (Patriot Battery Metals Inc.), Moblan (Sayona-Soquem inc.), Adina (Winsome Resources), Whabouchi (Nemaska Lithium) and James Bay Lithium (Allkem Limited), all located within the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region of NW Quebec.
Strong strategic partner: The signing of the Option Agreement with RTEC follows the recent identification by Midland of several new exploration targets for lithium on the properties located in the Eeyou Istchee- James Bay, including 3 new projects that were recently acquired by map designation as a result of Midland’s in-house analysis of lake bottom sediment data (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/eric-lemieux-9468715_quebec-jamesbay-lithium-activity-7038662600296955904-0_eJ?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop).
Under the Option Agreement, RTEC may acquire an initial 50% interest (the “First Option”) in the portfolio of properties over a period of 5 years, subject to the following conditions: i) Cash payments totalling $0.5M within 45 days of the lifting of wildfire restrictions in Quebec such that RTEC may commence operations on the properties; ii) Exploration expenditures totalling $14.5M, including a firm commitment to spend not less than $2M in the first 18 months following the lifting of wildfire restrictions in Québec such that RTEC may commence operations on the properties; and iii) $500,000 in cash payments ($100,000 per year). Total cash consideration is thus $1M.
After acquiring an initial 50% interest, RTEC shall have the option to increase its interest to 70% (the “Second Option”) over a period of 5 years following the exercise of the First Option, subject to the following conditions: i) Exploration expenditures totalling an additional $50M (for a total of $64.5M under the Option Agreement); ii) RTEC shall act as project operator.
Midland and RTEC intend to prepare a summer exploration program in the coming weeks that shall initially include airborne surveys and prospecting, all subject to the easing of operational restrictions related to the on-going wildfires in Québec, environmental stewardship, safety of employees and contractors, and local First Nations and other communities all being high priorities.
Recall Midland had reported on December 2, 2021 the signing of an option agreement with RTEC for its Tête Nord nickel-copper property, ?near the town of La Tuque, Mauricie, Québec (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/midland-exploration-inc-md-v-options-its-t%C3%AAte-nord-ni-cu-eric-lemieux/). Under this agreement, RTEC may earn an initial 50% interest in the Tête Nord property over a period of 4 years, by fulfilling exploration expenditures totalling $4M. RTEC may elect to increase its interest to 70%, by fulfilling over a period of 4 years a total of exploration expenditures of up to $10M and cash payments totalling $500,000.?Midland and RTEC are actively advancing the project (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/eric-lemieux-9468715_quebec-grenville-nickel-activity-7057416891664879616-e4dU?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop).
Midland is continuing to astutely apply the partnership generator model: Midland continues to advance certain of its projects by pursuing a partnership strategy. This allows Midland to remain quite active in exploration in Québec while conserving its cash position. Midland has concluded agreements with BHP Canada Inc. for copper exploration (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/midland-exploration-inc-md-v-bhp-dips-finger-mythril-play-lemieux/ and Barrick Gold Corp. for gold (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/eric-lemieux-9468715_quebec-abitibi-gold-activity-7049055685476544512-Tpr7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop), among others.?
See also:
Important Disclosures
Midland Exploration Inc. ??????????????????
C????????????The Mining Analyst, in his own account or in a family related account, owns securities in excess of 30,000 shares of the issued and outstanding equity securities of this issuer.
V????????????The Mining Analyst has visited material operations of this issuer, namely the Mythril, Willbob, Soissons, Pallas, Maritime-Cadillac, Gatineau Zn, Weedon and Ytterby projects.
P????????????This issuer paid a portion of the travel-related expenses incurred by the Mining Analyst to visit material operations of this issuer.
R????????????This issuer has indirectly paid the Mining Analyst.
July 2023:
We highlight that Azimut Exploration Inc. (AZM-V) reported on July 10, 2023 the signing of 2 Option to Joint Venture Agreements with Rio Tinto Exploration Canada Inc. (“RTEC“) for its 100%-owned Corvet and Kaanaayaa lithium properties in Eeyou Istchee James Bay. The Agreements contemplate an aggregate value of up to $115.7 million in expenditures and cash payments.
Under the Agreements, RTEC can acquire an initial 50% interest on each of the Corvet and Kaanaayaa lithium properties from Azimut over 4 years by funding $7 million in exploration expenditures and by making cash payments totalling $850,000 per property. Azimut shall be the operator during this first option phase.
RTEC can earn an additional 20% interest 5 years with further work expenditures of $50 million per property ($100 million combined). Rio Tinto shall act as the operator during this option phase.
AZM holds the right, should it choose, to be funded to production by way of secured loan from Rio Tinto by granting Rio Tinto an additional 5% interest (for a total interest of 75%).
Corvet (877 claims, 42,300 ha) and Kaanaayaa (421 claims, 21,600 ha) display significant lithium exploration potential supported by regional geoscientific data and their strategic locations relative to a major emerging lithium district. Several coincidental Li-Cs-Rb-Ga anomalies have been identified from detailed multi-element lake sediment geochemistry. While the exploration programs under the Agreements shall focus on identifying lithium-cesium-tantalum (LCT) pegmatites, both Corvet and Kaanaayaa also have strong potential for intrusion-related gold-copper and magmatic nickel copper-cobalt mineralization. Recall on March 28, 2019, AZM had disclosed that it had acquired the Kaanaayaa project to cover a potential excellent gold-copper exploration target located ~10km SE of the Pikwa property (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/azimut-exploration-inc-azm-v-moving-several-fronts-eric-lemieux/?trackingId=L0DTBPs5S%2FC%2FTeFegowBKA%3D%3D).
See end of very long thread: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/azimut-exploration-inc-azm-v-more-interesting-results-eric-lemieux/?published=t
Fire Situation:
On July 30, 2023, Patriot Battery Metals Inc. (PMET-V) announced a maiden mineral resource estimate for the CV5 Spodumene Pegmatite at its 100%-owned Corvette Property in Eeyou Istchee James Bay. The Property is located ~220 km east of Radisson and ~240 km NNE of Nemaska. The CV5 Spodumene Pegmatite is situated ~13.5 km south of the regional and all-weather Trans-Taiga Road and powerline infrastructure corridor, and within 50 km of the La-Grande 4 (LG4) hydroelectric dam complex.?
The CV5 Spodumene Pegmatite has an inferred mineral resources of 109.2 Mt @ 1.42% Li2O and 160 ppm Ta2O5 (0.40% Li2O cut-off grade) for a total of 3,835,000 t contained lithium carbonate equivalent (“LCE”) and may be established as one of the largest lithium pegmatite mineral resources in the Americas and the 8th largest globally. The resource estimate includes only the CV5 Spodumene Pegmatite and is based on 63 core holes totalling 56,385 m and does not include any of the other known spodumene pegmatite clusters on the Corvette Property, namely CV4, CV8, CV9, CV10, CV12, and CV13.?????
The geological model interprets a single, continuous, principal pegmatite body ranging in true thickness from ~8 m to upwards of ~130 m, extending over a strike length of ~3.7 km (drill hole to drill hole), and which is flanked by multiple subordinate lenses. ?The high-grade Nova Zone, which has been traced over a strike length of at least 1.1 km – from drill holes CV23-132 to 108 – and includes multiple drill intersections ranging from 2 to 25 m (core length) at >5% Li2O. The CV5 Spodumene Pegmatite remains open along strike at both ends, and to depth along a significant portion of its length.
The CV5 Spodumene Pegmatite may likely pinch and swell along strike, as well as up and down dip. It is primarily the thickest at near-surface to moderate depths (<225 m), forming a relatively bulbous, elongated shape, which may flair to surface and to depth variably along its length. The pegmatites are very coarse-grained and off-white in appearance, with darker sections commonly composed of mica and smoky quartz, and occasionally tourmaline. Spodumene is the dominant lithium-bearing mineral identified and occurs as typically centimetre to decimetre-scale crystals that may exceed 1.5 m in length and ranges in colour from cream-white, to light-grey, to light-green. Minor localized lepidolite has been observed in core and in a small number of lithium pegmatite outcrops.
More than 20 km of prospective trend remains to be explored for lithium pegmatite at Corvette with step-out drilling and development studies at CV5 to be likely advanced.
Osisko holds a sliding scale NSR (net smelter return) royalty of 1.5-3.5% on precious metals, and 2.0% on all other products, including Lithium, at Corvette. Osisko estimates that a large majority (~80-95%) of the CV5 MRE falls on its 2.0% Lithium NSR royalty area. The maiden MRE includes only the CV5 Spodumene Pegmatite, and therefore does not include any of the other known spodumene pegmatite clusters on the Property – CV4, CV8, CV9, CV10, CV12, and CV13; some of which are covered Osisko’s royalty.
UPDATE - August 24, 2023:
Midland, in partnership with Rio Tinto, commence a first exploration program for lithium on the Mythril Regional and Galinée Projects, James Bay, Québec
Midland reported on August 24, 2023 the commencement of a first exploration program for lithium mineralization on its Mythril area and Galinée projects, operated by Rio Tinto Exploration Canada Inc. (“Rio Tinto”). The Mythril Regional (Chisaayuu, Corvette and Mythril East) and Galinée projects are under an option to joint venture agreement with Rio Tinto since June 2023. Recall Midland had announced on June 14, 2023 the execution of a new option agreement with Rio Tinto for several of Midland’s projects in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region concerning 10 properties totalling 2,009 claims and covering a surface area of >100,0000ha. These properties include: Corvette, Mythril-East, Chisaayuu, Galinee as well as Moria, Shire, Komo, Warp, Sulu, and Picard.
The Eeyou Istchee James Bay region is currently the focus of an exploration rush for lithium pegmatites. We refer, among other, to Brunswick Exploration (https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/brunswick-exploration-inc-brw-v-identifies-major-boulder-eric-lemieux/?trackingId=DnLIDvWURqS7yLE2m1wD1w%3D%3D) and?Harfang Explolration (https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/harfang-exploration-inc-har-v-reports-results-its-pontax-eric-lemieux/).
The Chisaayuu, Corvette and Mythril East Projects (Mythril Regional) are located approx. between 12 and 50 km from the lithium pegmatites discovered on Corvette as reported by Patriot Battery Metals Inc.'s. Patriot’s CV5 spodumene pegmatite returned a maiden inferred mineral resource of 109.2 Mt at 1.42% Li2O (0.40% Li2O cut-off). The Mythril Regional projects consists of 730 claims totalling 37,010 ha. The Mythril Regional projects (Chisaayuu, Corvette and Mythril East) contain amphibolite rock formations, the regionally common host rock bearing lithium pegmatites, and compilation of historical work by Midland revealed strong evidence of Li-Be-Ta pegmatite potential. While exploring for copper on Chisaayuu in 2022, a pegmatite outcrop returned two anomalous lithium values in grab samples: 0.12% Li2O and 0.04% Li2O. Grab sample of a pegmatitic boulder on the Corvette project also returned anomalous Li-Ta values of 0.02% Li2O, 72 ppm Ta (see https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/eric-lemieux-9468715_quebec-jamesbay-eyouistchee-activity-7028757221794623488-D0p7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop).
Furthermore, lake bottom lithium anomalies were identified on the Chisaayuu and Corvette projects, following a regional statistical treatment of more than 23,000 analyses and completed by Midland (see https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/eric-lemieux-9468715_quebec-jamesbay-lithium-activity-7038662600296955904-0_eJ?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop). On Chisaayuu, these targets are located more to the west of the anomalous outcrop identified. None of these anomalies have been followed up yet and shall be targeted during the current exploration programs.
The Galinée Project is located to the east of Winsome Resources Ltd.’s Adina project. where lithium mineralization continues to be intersected by Winsome, such as 1.37% Li2O over 61.2 m from 8.9m on its main zone. The Galinée project is located ~ 4 km east of Adina and consists of 54 claims totalling 2,700ha. The Adina showing is located at the contact between amphibolites of the Trieste Formation to the south and felsic intrusives to the north. This contact is marked by a major structure that most likely controlled the emplacement of pegmatites on the Adina showing. This same highly favourable contact is present on Midland’s Galinée property over more than 7 km and has never been really explored for lithium in the past. This suggests that the Galinée project may show potential for lithium exploration. The maiden exploration program for lithium shall target this structure by helicopter supported prospecting and geological mapping.
A high-resolution LiDAR survey covering all the projects to be explored is also ongoing and shall assist the exploration campaign in identifying pegmatites. We expect the Rio Tinto exploration team to generate results.
Midland continues to judiciously apply the partnership generator model: Midland is advancing certain of its projects by pursuing a partnership strategy allowing Midland to remain quite active in exploration in Québec while conserving its cash position. Midland has reputable partners such as Rio Tinto, BHP Canada Inc., Barrick Gold Corporation, Probe Gold Inc., Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd., Agnico Eagle Mines Limited, Osisko Development Corp., SOQUEM INC., Brunswick Exploration Inc., Nunavik Mineral Exploration Fund, and Abcourt Mines Inc. ?Midland is currently reviewing other opportunities and projects to build up its portfolio and generate shareholder value.
UPDATE - April 23, 2024:
Midland amends its Lithium Option Agreement with Rio Tinto with the addition of the Wookie Project
Midland announced on April 23, 2024, the execution of an amended option agreement with Rio Tinto Exploration Canada Inc. (“RTEC”) and the addition of the Wookie Project to the option agreement signed with RTEC in June 2023.? The amended option agreement now consists of 11 projects totalling 2,208 claims covering a surface of about 113,900 ha. These projects include Galinée, Mythril-Corvette, Mythril-East, Chisaayuu, Moria, Shire, Komo, Warp, Sulu, Picard and now Wookie (the “Properties”). The Wookie Project is located in Eeyou Istchee James Bay area, on both side of the Billy Diamond Highway linking Matagami to Radisson. The Wookie Project is located ~40km NNW of Arcadium Lithium James Bay deposit and is composed of 188 claims. It is underlain by a lower Amphibolite facies metamorphosed bedrock, recognized to be one of the most favorable metamorphic facies for lithium pegmatites. The Wookie Project covers >2,000ha of mafic volcanic rocks that have not been extensively explored for lithium and several historical Québec government rock samples of pegmatites collected proximal to the Wookie Project have returned anomalous tantalum, cesium and rubidium values, likely favorable for LCT (lithium-cesium-tantalum) pegmatites.
Modified Agreement with Rio Tinto signals good relationship: The signing of the amended option agreement with RTEC follows the recognition of several new exploration targets for lithium in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay and a new evaluation of the lithium potential of the Wookie Project. ?Highlights of the amended agreement with RTEC include:
i) an additional $1.5M of expenditures for the initial 50% and $4M for 70% interest, with additional $100,000 cash payment upon execution and another $250,000 over a 4-year period for the Wookie Project.??
ii) Under the amended option agreement, RTEC may acquire an initial 50% interest (the “First Option”) in the Properties over a period of 5 years, subject to the following conditions:
a)????? Additional cash payment of $100,000 within 45 days of the amendment execution and additional cash payment of $250,000 over a 4-year period.
b)????? Additional exploration expenditures of $1.5M for a new total of $16M, including a firm commitment to spend not less than $2M in the first 18 months following the lifting of the wildfire restrictions in Quebec last August 2023.
After acquiring an initial 50% interest, RTEC shall have the option to increase its interest in the Properties to 70% (the “Second Option”) over a period of 5 years following the exercise of the First Option, subject to the following conditions:
a)????? Additional exploration expenditures of $4M for a new total of $54M.
Total exploration expenditures under the amended option agreement now amount to $70M (previously $64.5M). The Properties are wholly-owned by Midland and all located within the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region near significant lithium deposits such as Corvette (Patriot Battery Metals Inc.), Adina (Winsome Resources), Moblan (Sayona-Soquem inc.), Whabouchi (Nemaska Lithium) and James Bay Lithium (Arcadium Lithium).? RTEC shall continue to act as project operator under the option agreement during the First Option period and the Second Option period.
The Wookie Project is located within the La Grande geological subprovince and has a favorable geological context. An initial summer exploration program is currently being planned and shall include prospecting and geological mapping combined with a LiDAR survey.
Finally, we highlight that an initial drill program targeting new lithium showings (Iceberg) is also currently in progress on the Galinée Project (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/midland-exploration-inc-md-v-launch-maiden-58m-lithium-eric-lemieux-yfgqe/?trackingId=czV35oReTp2uO%2F73yGbNIQ%3D%3D).
Midland and RTEC are also actively advancing the Tête-Nord Ni-Cu Project in the Mauricie area in the Grenville (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/midland-exploration-inc-md-v-rio-tinto-extend-santos-ni-cu-lemieux/?trackingId=E%2BuTWbzeSBKf5mfrEwH4sA%3D%3D).