"Where is God in this total humankind identity crisis?”
Vladimiro Di Vito
I am a cosmopolitan man, with a spiritual obligation to promote social rights and human dignity of all kinds.
Written by Vladimiro Di Vito
Seattle, 6/2/2024
Growing up in Rome, the words sin, blasphemy, and judgment are part of everyday life.
But, for people with good values inside their hearts when comes the time to decide to which God want to offer their loyalty, devotion, and beliefs they already know.
The first wise thing to do is absorb statements like ” If we are dedicated to God he will never leave us ”
Also, God represents the divine presence that guides our life’s journey, especially in moments of doubts.
Crisis and difficulties like for example the last few years since 2019 all humankind we are experienced profound identity crises.
God or Creator, can have different names and teachings but still the “The One” and the only sovereign of the Universe all.
Regardless if is called Lord, Buddha, Allah, etc... the teaching and doctrines have lots in common as the "Love".
We must believe that our God never leave us to afford our personal daily life.
However, isn’t a wise thing to do take for granted the teaching inside the divine books word by word .
Instead, I suggest to read, learning and understanding the overall concepts, and then, from there live a life in base of your own journey.
I also came to realize by studying different theological concepts ( knowledge is my drug of choice ) that phrase such as “God never leaves us” are the first fundamental teachings that all doctrines and sacred philosophy use to build trust among devoted believers.
The Bible, must at the end a very personal and realistic interpretation otherwise, it can be very difficult to navigate and have fulfilling answers.
The wisest thing to do while we study is to connect the dots with our own contemporary life.
I firmly believe also, that religions are for those who are scared to burn in hell as a result often can be excessively judgemental and harsh with believers.
Preachers can misinterpret God's words because are humans just like all of us.
The truth is that God is all about Love, kindness and forgiveness.
On the other side of the fence, we have spiritualities, and the teachings are more concentrated in the acceptance and understanding the journey of our Life.
But, for all of us, there is a chance to end up burning in hell alive ( metaphorically speaking ).
All can be manifest when issues such as personal challenges, struggle, tragedy, rage, losses and misfortune strike us.
Those experiences manifest themself can give an understanding of how much is important just to learn that be a wise human being, kind, honest, emphatic, and compassionate let flourish the wisdom process in our conciseness.
However, these are only life's lessons and never in any case we must take them as punishment from God .
Sadly, we experience the existence of Cults that claim to be divine entities, when are only deceptive charismatic individuals con-artists who are looking to gain monetary and privileged status and take and turn all religious teaching in favor of their own greediness, ego, and megaloman obsessions.
Are evil impostors controlling and manipulate naive and desperate people gaslighting them, and fueling bigotry, ignorance and weakness followers till they become mental slave sucking their souls and wallets.
Is unacceptable because of their attitude we often lose rationality and intuition, but more sad is that for our own lack of confidence or laziness, we avoid to ask questions because, probably will not like the true answers.
Our wrong weakness can lead us to feed even more those calculated putrid leaches ”God wanna be”.
This is why is not my problem even give importance to that pigsthem or go close to that garbage that are trying to feed on us period.
Life is not perfect but gladly are flows that allow us to reinvent ourselves with energy, positive inputs, and creativity in all fields.
As a result millions of great people fight with Love and faith to rebuild a better planet often overcoming the impossible because "God never leaves us".
But is essential that we do not call upon his name only in our difficult moments and then dismiss him when all good is arounf of us.
Bless you all.
Vladimiro Di Vito