Middle East Destinations : the Challenge of Setting Themselves Apart
Mabrian's Blog - November 2023

Middle East Destinations : the Challenge of Setting Themselves Apart

Mabrian and Katalysts have published their second tourist barometer in the Middle East region. They analysed 5 countries in the?r study, covering both traveller perception and satisfaction data, as well as air connectivity to the destinations and future hotel prices, providing a clear snapshot of the region.

Mabrian's Blog - November 2023

This barometer allows us to identify strengths when it comes to attracting international tourism, such as security. It’s also an opportunity to note that the summer season and its high temperatures can affect the traveller’s perception. Therefore, climate emerges as a key factor to manage in order to ensure a steady flow of tourists throughout the year.

They also notice that the countries in the region are still in the process of differentiating themselves in terms of the products they offer. Traveller mentions on social media highlight a fairly similar top 3 in each destination, with the exception of Oman, which appears to cultivate a different image from its neighbours.

Clearly, destinations within the Middle East can build their image on the world stage and their actions in the coming years will be crucial.

Discover the entire barometer and its insights. Second Middle East Tourist Barometer

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