The Middle of Consulting: Reflections on a Career Level Journey

The Middle of Consulting: Reflections on a Career Level Journey

September 2008. George W Bush was nearing the end of his stint in the White House. McCain and Obama were in a fierce race to claim the oval office as their own. Apple had just opened the App Store for its brand-new iPhone 3G with iOS 2, letting users download third party apps. Android joined the mobile phone arena this month too, sparking a new battle of technology titans. ?

And my title changed to Manager.

Well for a few weeks anyways. Despite getting a title change in a system and a corresponding pay increase for 2 pay periods (that was later deducted back out), I had already decided I would turn down the possible promotion and switch to another unit of the business. It was shared while making this decision that I would not move up to the next level even if the promotion from the old unit was approved.

Although technically not the starting point for my time as a Manager, this is often the date in my head that I start with since promotions in the consulting world are generally a recognition that you have been doing the work at the next level long enough that it is time to be compensated for it.

My actual official move to Manager occurred several years later in 2014. Don't get me wrong, there was time in that span that I was not doing work at a manager level. I did some leading up to the first rejected promotion and I did plenty leading up to the 2014 promotion, but there were detours along the way. More on that another day.

On June 1, 2024, my title changed to Group Manager at Avanade.

In some ways it was the first change since 2014...or 2008 depending on how you count it. By many measures, that is not a great timeline for being at one level. Most really. There were different titles that I held like Expert Practitioner (one of my favorites) and Engagement Manager, but in many ways Group Manager is the first true change when it comes to expectations.

A lot of life happened in this time frame; stories of which would take up more space and time than this article warrants. So, there were outside forces that provided a personal north star as I made career decisions along the way. Perhaps another future post will dive into that topic more.

In more recent years, I have "joked" about the amount of time I've been I've been a Manager. In some ways it is embarrassing, and even silly when I think about it. However, the amount of growth that occurred in this time has been immense for me.

Although many moves have been lateral, and at times maybe even slightly backwards, I felt like there has been a constant forward motion in opportunities and responsibilities despite not having that title change. (Fortunately, I was able to grow both my capabilities and compensation in this time, so that always helps.)

In an industry that has, or at the very least has a history of, "up or out" policies and mindsets, moving sideways while growing does not always feel like real growth. I remember starting out as a consultant and there were rough guidelines provided on when to expect movement to the next level. To say I missed most of those would be a gross understatement.

So, you might ask, or I will for you now: what reflections or insights have surfaced in this decade and a half journey? I'll share a few:

Don't be afraid to shift directions (or jobs)

There are several reasons my "manager" tenue was extended, but making some directional shifts was a key contributor. Leading up to my first "promotion" to manager my career had been going down a project manager path.

Things like BA/PM roles, pure PM roles, Program Manager roles. I was good enough that I kept getting more responsibilities and some thought I was good at being a project manager type. I was not one of them, and the roles were soul sucking for me. If you looked at the key traits of a solid PM, many of them were not things my brain processes effectively and some I out right loathed.

The role that gained me support to go to the Manager level the first time required me to be at the top of my game on PM responsibilities, but it also started to show hints at things that were more natural and interesting. Two items in that role stood out to me as easier and more fun: connecting with people and managing through confusion (or chaos somedays).

Recognition of not liking (or hating) aspects of my roles while also finding other aspects interesting, began the journey of accepting, and at times seeking, roles that better fit to what feeds my work soul. It took some time, but with each role or leap of faith into a different direction, I kept building toward something that felt more right. I kept shifting and searching.

Moving past my PM roles, new roles started to focus on figuring out how to navigate teams through unclear direction, helping determine what groups of people needed to hear and understand through changes, being the team therapist and sounding/venting board, listening for the unsaid things in the room, being the voice in the figurative (and sometimes literal) room for those unable to be heard.

At some point the role of a change manager was the easy way to describe what my day-to-day work, but even that was never fully a perfect fit. More recently I shifted from a change manager focus to helping define strategies for future changes. There is a lot of gray areas and what I focus on is often evolving. And that's ok for me.

Throughout these 15 years, I kept following that little voice or inkling in the back of my head that said make a left here instead of the right and see what happens. At times, this meant leaving a comfortable environment or group of people to switch jobs. Sometimes there were some missteps or a path that brought me back to a point I'd already been. However, even with the circling back, I was now wiser for the journey ahead.

Honestly, I am still seeking today but it does feel different. I still listen to that voice but check it against a list elsewhere in my head to see how it lines up to a bigger picture that has become clearer.

Keep looking for what is interesting (and energizing)

In the zigs and zags of moving forward in my career, one thing that kept me energized when I'd start hitting some ruts, was seeking out interesting opportunities and topics. Sometimes it would be formally in a role, sometimes it was informally in a role, at times I would just jam it into a role, and often it was digging into "workplace hobbies" that turned into more.

I've always been interested in new and evolving technology or approaches. So, I tend to seek those out in areas that my work takes me at any given time. Gamification, change management, the metaverse, generative AI and general AI are different areas that piqued my interest throughout the Manger years (and now beyond).

As workdays get bogged down in the routine and challenging days, it is good to have a something in the workday that lights up neurons and spark some electricity in the cranium.

There are times the interesting topics could be learned or incorporated more passively. At other times, a role would be an intense trial by fire to build up knowledge of the new area. Either way, I found these personal interests to be the fuel needed to keep moving forward and not get stuck.

Always be building your person brand (and resume)

It was after my first "big boy" job change from Accenture to North Highland that a leader for my office, and company, said something that really changed the way I thought about seeking out my workplace direction. During a team meeting they said you always need to be thinking about Brand [You].

Or Brand Stephen, in my case. What is your brand? What do you want to be known for, and not known for? The leader shared that every career decision that you make should be serving the purpose of building out your brand.

I took that to heart and really started looking at what roles, projects, tasks, or other activities would best serve building my brand in a way that I desired. I am sure I can improve on that a bit as part of my brand is diving in and helping where help is needed. That is who I am and sometimes going a bit "off brand" opens me up to places I might not have considered on my own. It is a balance to be sure.

Part of this mindset took on the filter of "how does X, help me build my resume for what is next?" Whether it was for my current company or somewhere else, that is always on my mind.

As I have matured as a manager and in my career, I try to look at most situations as an opportunity for growth but also be willing to have discussions and direct requests that help shift a role or opportunity to better fit my desired direction and brand.

Find your squad (and supporter section)

In my journey through the winding career path, seeking interesting work, and developing my brand, a critical piece has been to have a group of people that can help me think through everything. They are there to push, support, and sometimes challenge.

I can't speak to other professions directly, as I have only been a management consultant in the workplace, but I believe having a solid squad there for you is maybe the most important thing to figure out and nurture. In consulting it is critical, and I believe that is true for many other working worlds as well.

There are many people that have been there at various points in my career to help guide and sometimes shove me in the right direction. These individuals have been gifts to me, and I am forever thankful for those that took time to support me. As I have grown in my career, this is one space I really try to give back to others the way others have given to me.

In every job I have had in the consulting world, I have had some form of a "career advisor". Different words but the concept was usually the same. A formally assigned individual to help me in my career journey. A barometer I use, and suggest others to use, is "would I feel comfortable coming to this person to tell them I am thinking about leaving and know they would be there to support me through figuring out what is the right direction."

That is not always easy in our working world but important. I have been lucky that the vast majority of the time, I could answer "yes" to that question.

Beyond that formal person, finding the individuals, both at your company and in your network, that you can bounce ideas off, vent to, and check yourself against your current lines of thinking, is worth their weight in gold. Sometimes, you just need them to support you when you hit the low points of a week, month, or career moment. Sometimes, they are the bridge to what is next.

Take the time to find these people and continue to invest in developing the relationships. Also look for opportunities to be that person to others. In the hybrid working world that many now live in, this is even more important than ever.

Great lessons learned, but maybe I'll be more efficient in my next title shift

As I have seen others move at a quicker pace in the career journey there are times I question if maybe I should have gone faster or more focused. Maybe so. That said, there have been so many experiences and opportunities that have helped me grow in my years as a Manager, that I am not sure I would change much.

Long held mindsets in the consulting world, and in other professions and workplaces, don't always support moving at a personal pace. Some environments are better at supporting that than others. Some people, some organization, are better at creating those environments.

In a world that more often pushes us to always be moving upward, it is always good to take a step back to make sure it is also forward. I tell people I mentor that I don't really suggest following the path and pace that I have, but if they do, that is totally ok. Each of use has to figure out what is the path and pace that helps you move forward best.

Although I have enjoyed my time and approach as a Manager, as I look towards the next step, phase, or whatever in my career, I do think I will maybe try to be more efficient before the next title change. I've learned a lot through the years, and maybe, just maybe, I've been laying the groundwork for some sprinting up the career mountain for a while. But maybe not.

Until next time.

-StephenG Smith

Jill Jacques

Managing Director, Connector of People, Ideas and Solutions

8 个月

What a journey and powerful reflection, Stephen. Congratulations on getting to the next level on your own timeframe and terms! I've never believed in "up or out" because firms lose incredibly valuable people like you with that mentality. Keep being the most awesome Stephen you are!

Beatriz Freymann

Organizational Change Management and Cultural Transformation

8 个月

Congrats Stephen! And thanks for letting us in and sharing your experiences with us. From working with you I learned that you are an excellent change manager (now proudly group manager) and that you bring a lot of value to the table, but more importantly, I got to meet an amazing human being. Congrats again!

Dr. Erika Michalski

Unapologetic Talent Development Nerd | Research-Loving Professional Speaker | Aggressive Authenticity Advocate | Enthusiastic Encourager

8 个月

This line made me chuckle (in part because of its painful accuracy and the consulting field's general willingness to continue this approach): " ... promotions in the consulting world are generally a recognition that you have been doing the work at the next level long enough that it is time to be compensated for it." Great collection of insights, Friend! Glad to know you and continue to be impressed by you! ALSO ... this is a good reminder that we aren't quite neighbors but also aren't too far apart. Maybe we should get coffee on the calendar! ??

Annie Thomas, MS MBA

Transformation Executive | Organizational Effectiveness | Learning and Development | Program Management | Change Management | Operational Excellence | Consulting

8 个月

Congratulations Stephen!!

Katie Adastra

Unmatched Client Experiences

8 个月

Congratulations again Stephen! Some of my fondest work memories include you and for that I am thankful. I know that I am better at my own career and job because of some of the wisdom you have shared with me. ??


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