The middle class is slowly being wiped out

The middle class is slowly being wiped out

Everything is changing and we can't stop it on a macro scale right now or depend on politicians to fix it. We have to adapt and find other ways... They can be single big things or a series of small things.

The CEO of Johnson & Johnson (Mr. Alex Gorsky) isn't passionate about tampons... But the product helps people and by helping people, people get paid.

So let's get our heads out of our rear ends about needing to be deeply and emotionally passionate about something... Whether it's CBD oil, essential oils, makeup, supplements, jewelry, coffee...*ahem* skincare...

Does it help people? Is it a successful business model? Then do it.

Invest. Then figure the rest out.

Our first and most immediate benefit to starting a business... Our family's tax situation. Our second benefit, helping others make residual income. Our third benefit, a steady and climbing income from this side gig - didn't have to go to an office, sit in traffic or ever have to ask for time off. I work for myself now, and it's amazing freedom.

But, I had to take it in small bites.

Lets not go down without a fight, "middle class" friends or friends getting beat down to the poverty line or friends who are already there... Don't drown. Stop waiting for outsiders to make our pay bigger, our jobs better, our tax burden less heavy...

The amazing thing about this country? We get the opportunity to be our own knights in shining armor. Even better if we have friends with the same mindet and vision.

Suit up and put the saddle on your horse, dragon or unicorn....whatever you've got! Join my calvary - I can't wait to have you!

Wendy Poteat, Independent Consultant

Corporate Trainer, Instructional Designer and Captivate/Power Point Adobe Presenter, editor and voice over artist.

6 年


