Mid-Month Minute 6/15/24
Happy Father’s Day Weekend to all the Dad’s out there. It’s a perfect time to reflect on the role Dad’s play in our lives – and certainly the role my Father played in mine. From my earliest memories I – like most reading this – remember my Dad being the “OG” Hero. Growing up in the 80’s, Dad was up at the break of dawn M-F, decked out in a suit and tie, briefcase in hand, and headed out the door to go ‘make things happen’ at GM. Always home for dinner (unless he was traveling), and then, out in the front yard to play some ball or in the den helping with [math] homework. Weekends were for fun - Looney Toons over some cereal at breakfast, then off for whatever activities were on the docket – mostly sporting events me and my siblings were participating in, or spectating at Tigers, Lions, Pistons, Red Wings or college football games. The evenings were filled with pizza, movie theaters, bowling, or some other family event. Then there were the awesome vacations, skiing out west, summertime in northern Michigan, spring break in tropical locations – Dad always on point and making sure everyone had a great time. The gist is simple, Dad was present, there, giving advice, offering support, and even just observing, letting you figure it out on your own. Fast forward to today, these principles still stand strong. And while we may not eat dinner together every night, or watch cartoons on Saturday mornings, I can always count on Dad to be there for us – for me, my family, my siblings & their families – because…that’s what Dad’s do. I’m trying to be that Dad too, and when I need a reality check, I rely on the OG. Dad’s still my Hero! Thank you. Love you. Happy Father’s Day!
Mitten Stuff – 8 Reasons You’ll Love Working and Living in Michigan
Cutting Edge Tech – How AI Will Kill the Smart Phone
Recruit or Be Recruited – 10 Most Difficult-to-Fill IT Roles — And How to Address the Gap
On the Calendar – IT in the D = IT Networking on June 20th @ 5pm-8pm
Hot Job – QA Manager