

Today marks the day that Coach Daron K. Roberts, J.D. , an inspiring man and friend, launches his new book called “Microwins”. Daron got his JD from Harvard Law after being rejected multiple times, and turned his dream to coach in the NFL into a 7 year career before becoming a speaker, author, philanthropist, and teacher. For years he has been talking about this concept and living it out on a daily basis.

The main idea of “Microwins” is exactly what you’d expect: You achieve big goals and dreams by stacking small, meaningful wins throughout your day. I haven’t read the book yet, I’m starting it in the next few days, and I encourage you to get a copy and we can read it together.

However given what I know about Daron’s work and human behavior, this is what I expect to be in the book:

First is a conversation about mindset and beliefs. The mind cares more about consistency and frequency than size or complexity of action. In other words, doing small things with consistency leaves a larger imprint on your mind than massive displays of will. By planning out, completing, and celebrating microwins, you reinforce that you have what it takes to achieve your goals - Big, small, or micro.

Second is a conversation about momentum. When you add microwin on top of microwin on top of microwin, you build momentum. With momentum comes power and unrelenting, unstoppable force. Once the train is running, you can point it wherever you want and multiply your ability to do it well. One small victory at a time you improve your skills, belief, and knowledge until eventually you become exponentially more capable of rising to any occasion.

Darren Hardy says that momentum is “the most powerful and enigmatic force in the universe.” He also says that once you get momentum, it’s easy to keep it. That’s what this Microwins approach can do for you - Get intentional about the way you build momentum in your life so that you become unstoppable.?

Again, if you want to join me in reading Daron’s new book “Microwins” you can grab your copy by clicking here ! Everything Daron does is exceptional and I'm confident the same will be true for this book!


