Microwave Reflection Based Moisture Mapping Technology
Justin Dravsnik
Providing asset & facility managers with seamless thermographic inspection, NDT, leak detection & rope access solutions.
At Highpoint Solutions, we focus on innovative technologies that allow us to create higher value, more sustainable, more efficient, and safer work environments.
Our R&D team have been busy testing, refining and developing software for the new Microwave Reflection Based Moisture Mapping (MRBMM) technology which we are adding to our service offerings this year.
The MRBMM system is powerful, yet portable, allowing us to deploy the technology in hard to reach areas using our rope access capabilities. The core of this technology is a fast and easy method to measure moisture by microwaves using several types of reflection microwave sensing heads. While conventional methods for moisture determination are affected by other mechanical, chemical and physical properties of the material, moisture measurements on microwave basis overcome most of these disadvantages.
Microwave Reflection Based Moisture Mapping (MRBMM) technology allows for:
- Working non-destructively
- High measurement speed & real-time moisture measurement
- Optimised for very simple acquisition of large numbers of moisture values
- Deliver real volume information of moisture content with high penetration depths
- Can be applied to different depth layers by choice of different microwave sensors that are independent from salinity
Some applications for moisture detection include:
- Condensation Moisture
- Residual Moisture
- Upsoaring Moisture (Hygroscopical moisture by salinisation)
- Moisture damages by thermal bridges
- Leakages by defective wall seams
- Water leakage in floor construction
- Moisture under process pipe insulation (Armaflex, Arma Cyrogel, Pyrogel, GRE)
A few years ago the idea of such technology was still the realm of future aspirations, but such has been the success of cutting-edge research that today Microwave Reflection Based Moisture Mapping technologies are very much a reality.
Ph: 1300 851 842