Who wants to eat freshly baked cookies? How about yummy roasted chicken tikkas? Or what do you think of homemade yum Marguerite Pizza? Who doesn’t want a chocolate cake with whipped cream and a crumb coat? Just mentioning these tasty items gives water in everyone’s mouth. It is all about food, delicious food. Baked goods are a treat for the mouth. Aren’t they? Oh! They so are.
Did you ever try making these at home? Well, who doesn’t? How is the experience? It must be fun right. The most important appliance we use to make home food-special treats, baked and grilled items….. Yes, it is The MICROWAVE OVEN-The kitchen necessity from the 20th century.
Oven usage is always a spiking graph. From being a fancy product to being a daily necessity, the graph is a big buster. You can observe it in this survey about how often do people use ovens in their houses by medium:
Is your oven always an order-obeying appliance? Did it ever give you any hard time while working? Oven not heating properly, gas-burner problem, Interior light is out, the door won’t shut, won’t self-clean… You are not alone. These are the common problems people face with ovens.
Here is an article to help you out - yes YOU. Yes, there are problems with everything-not if you maintain it beforehand. This article is designed to give you tips on how to use the oven efficiently and maintain it properly. Hope this helps you.
Don’t take it as a tip-it is a measure and is important. Wipe out the inside of the microwave regularly. This helps you overcome bad smells and it stops stains and spots to build inside and from corrosion from developing. If you do not clean the inside stage neatly, the food and the liquid that is left over will not be just there rather it gets cooked every time you use the oven decreasing the heat and the energy required to cook what you actually intended to.
1.???Clean any spots, spills right away
2.????Do a full wipe-down with detergent (mild) once a week to once a month based on how often you use it.
It is about efficiency on one hand and on the other side, it is about appearance. Old stains are hard to remove but if it is new, it is just a matter of seconds. Then, why risk by neglecting? Wipe it off. Dust, grease, and other residues can build up into the control system too causing a mess with the system. It might become big if you don’t do it when small.
If there are any stubborn stains or spots in the oven that you cannot clean with your hand, heat a cup of water for 60 to 90 seconds. The steam released loosens up the stains from the stage and you can go well.
Do not ever use plastic containers in the oven. They melt and can even leave toxic particles in your food. Don’t risk your health with ignorance. Make sure you use containers that are developed to be used on the oven’s stage-The microwave-safe labeled ones. These special containers are made especially for this purpose with ceramic, glass, or tough plastic. Know them, buy them, use them.?
There are microwave-safe plastic covers specially designed to use as covers on the containers inside the oven. Or you can also use lids. During the process of microwaving, splashing might happen when the liquid heats up and hits the walls. To prevent this, and to keep the interior mess-free and easy to clean, use either lids or plastic covers.
Any microwave oven emits microwaves and these waves bounce off any metallic materials which may blow up or cause damage to the interior of the oven. The heat emitted will be uneven which disturbs the whole system and the protocol. This includes aluminum materials.
?You should not use:
1.???Aluminium foils
3.???Dishware with gold foils-accents
4.???Dishware with silver accents.
If you do not close the door properly, the emission or the heat escapes creating an uneven atmosphere inside the oven. The food won’t be cooked evenly. If this is repeated, it damages the system leading to a bigger repair needing a technician. Don’t let the radiation escape. Just close it tight and good.
Running a microwave with a container with nothing inside is not fun-it creates serious damage to the oven. Don’t run the microwave with anything in it either. When it is empty, the energy the microwave produces will be absorbed by its own parts, like the glass or the magnetron which produces the energy. These components are not designed to withstand this kind of exposure causing terrible damage to the oven. Repairing or replacing them can be expensive.
These items are preprogrammed which means they are specially designed for this. People use them rarely but these make the best use of the oven efficiently. Using these products minimizes the energy loss and heats the food as effectively and efficiently as possible. Give them a try. You can find the difference in the food well cooked and also in the working and the mechanism of the oven. No mess to clean too.
This is a no-brainer these days because many foods and dishes are all the time below the capacity limit of an oven. But, it is never bad to crosscheck whenever you are using a heavy dish or a large frozen item. Check the weight capacity of your unit. It will be printed on the microwave door. If you cannot find it, search for it in the manual or Google it. If you use a dish with more weight capacity than the capacity of the oven, it will cause mechanical strain on the motor along with the central components like magnetron. This damages the unit and the food won’t be cooked properly either.
Sudden surges in electricity are common everywhere during times of lightning, downed power lines, and grid switching. The thing is out of all the other appliances, ovens can be especially affected by these surges. You have to unplug it after every use or as an alternative and a much safe choice, plug it into a surge protector. It is the most convenient solution. You need not worry about your forgetful actions about not unplugging it.
?You can buy these online. Here is an example - https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiz6JKNkbT1AhVWHSsKHTTCDxEYABANGgJzZg&ae=2&sig=AOD64_2fxAOwdI7_WnIJrgaZ78MTjfImsQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjgzoqNkbT1AhXDxDgGHYhJBk0Q9aACegQIARBI&adurl=
?These are all simple techniques that do not even take much of your time. Why complicate things when they are at your hand.
Get the best out of your oven usage.
We are known to be the best appliance repair and servicing doorstep service providers across Gurgaon. For any kind of oven repair or replacement, try us. We won’t let you down. We provide 90-day rework assurance if there is any discontent in you about the service. We use genuine parts for any fitting and repair. We give our best with skilled technicians’ expertise in several fields.
The world outside is not in a very healthy stage. With the rising omicron variant, we’ve been more careful than we usually are. All of our technicians are vaccinated and strict measures and precautions are followed. From each house we visit, we sanitize ourselves with disinfectant sprays, and being masked is a no-brainer.