Microsoft's Xbox Bails on VR, While Sony Demos Sweet Games via PlayStation, and More in AR/VR This Week
Microsoft is backing off virtual reality (VR) for the Xbox One X, which is an interesting play. Although the company says it is committed to delivering great mixed reality gaming experiences, it was basically silent on the VR front during gaming conference E3 2017. Instead, the company is putting more effort into the PC. (PCWorld)
Why no VR, Microsoft? It believes PCs are a much better fit for VR than gaming consoles, although it didn’t seem that way a year ago. Looks like VR-hungry Xbox users are just going to have to wait. (CNET)
Apple is seizing control of augmented reality (AR) from Facebook, reminding the ever-popular app that it still needs its OS to exist. It’s reminiscent of Facebook’s attempt to build its own HTML5 gaming platform, which didn’t work out so well. Good luck, FB. (TechCrunch)
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Star Wars demos, grotesque zombies and animated rock stars are some of the recent results of Apple’s ARKit. While there will surely be more fun dives into AR with this tech, it’s exciting to imagine the possible AR possibilities with the iPhone 8, which is set to release in September. (MacRumors)
All the big boys are fighting over AR/VR. Apple, Microsoft and Google continue to race toward the finish line, which will likely be augmented with mixed reality glasses. (Forbes)
Sony rolled out a select group of new games for its PSVR headset hardware prior to E3 2017 in LA. This contrasts quite dramatically with Microsoft, which barely mentioned VR. (BBC)
Mario Kart is entering the VR world (finally), leading some to believe that friendship is over as we know it. I’m personally excited to throw banana peels in VR and watch other racers spin out while I whizz by. (Kotaku)
One of VR’s biggest limitations used to be simple: walking. That is no longer the case, and Echo Arena expands on this with zero-gravity VR games of frisbee. Pretty cool stuff. (Engadget)
The world of walkers is heading to virtual reality. A “Walking Dead” VR game is in the works, supposedly allowing players to experience the immersive and terrifying situations they already love in comic, TV and video game form. Sounds spooky.
Nomadic, a location-based VR startup, has raised a $6 million. This means more VR-specific theaters are likely on the way, meaning more VR experiences that rotate in and out. (Variety)
You know VR is a “thing” when someone experiences one of the most important days of their lives wearing headsets, surrounded by 40 guests in the groom’s apartment. Yes, I’m talking about a VR wedding, and it’s real. (TIME)
VR has a missing element: People. Until, and if, VR becomes more mainstream, most people experiencing VR are doing so alone. Looks like we all need a virtual hug. (MIT Technology Review)
VR on the brain? We all know this tech is quickly advancing, but when will we get to stop wearing a bulky headset? Mixed reality glasses are certainly helping, but we may have to wait several more years. (Futurism)
Storytelling will always remain part of our cultural. Sharing experiences, eliciting emotions and recording history. It will be interesting to see how VR fits into one of our greatest pastimes. (Forbes)
ENGADGET - From E3 2017, a panel discusses the direction of where is VR Headed
Follow @misslivirose - Liv Erickson is a former Microsoft developer who is building open source VR at High Fidelity. Give her a follow!
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