Microsoft Zero Sum Game
For this blog I want to talk about the race to the cloud. In fact, I am going to focus on Microsoft Azure IoT (Internet of Things) specifically because I spent a lot of time interviewing Sam George, vice president of Azure IoT at Microsoft. What a truly smart guy. He’s not only smart, but he’s someone who can talk intelligently about what Microsoft is doing, how it is competing in the cloud space because he’s been through the IoT transition as a company and now the company is taking a competitive stance in the cloud arms race.
But first I have to tell you all a little joke I opened up The Peggy Smedley Show on Tuesday. Every morning I talk with my 94-year-old mother-in-law. She always asks how my day is going to be. She knows on Tuesday’s I am going to host my show. I also mentioned that I was going to interview a truly engaging executive from Microsoft who was going to talk about the cloud and how we are connecting all our devices to it. So, she said, “Is this the reason we don’t have any sun these days is that everyone is putting everything in the cloud?” She just might be right with all this climate change.
When we think of cloud leaders Microsoft is without a doubt at the top of list. So this week I had a lot of questions and I spent 45 minutes asking George everything I could think of and more. He proved to be one of the most impressive guests. But I guess with a 20-year and counting career at Microsoft that should come as no surprise. In fact, what I found most intriguing for readers is that he has actually gone through the IoT transition as a company and admits it wasn't an easy one.
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