Microsoft in Vegas! What to expect...
My first trip to Las Vegas was for the SharePoint North America conference last month and it was definitely unique! I was working with sponsors Syskit to create some video content for them and I had plenty of time to go and explore the City outside of the conference working hours.
The one thing that really struck me was the sheer size and scale of the place. It seemed like everything was within walking distance. I was wrong. I'm far too familiar with the small scale Cities of the UK. My first attempt to stroll to a "nearby" comic book store ended in a 90 minute sweat soaked hike.
The Casinos were like theme parks, incredible in size and scale, an impressive 24 hour buzz amongst a labyrinth of arcade machines. You couldn't guess what time it was if you tried and my jet lag made sure that I was up at all manner of hours. There are no windows or fresh air to be found and you can smoke at the casino tables so you often walk into a pillar of thick smog as you make your way around (lets be honest they kept that law in place because you look cooler playing blackjack).
On the second day I downloaded an app for the buses that run up and down the strip and this made things a lot easier to be a tourist. I explored all of the famous spots, the fountains, the Vegas entrance sign and the main casinos.
The food was incredible, every day I tried something new and exotic. But also some of the more standard stateside chains like Denny's (trust me it's special when you live across the pond!). My personal favorite was Shake Shack, which I had experienced back in Washington last year with my favourite South African Alistair Pugin.
Before i'd even reverted to this new timeline I was packing my bags and flying home via an 8 hour lay over in L.A. Although my 4 nights felt like just about the right amount of Vegas.
Overall it was a unique experience, only downplayed by the fact that I was out there alone, surrounded by stag do's and pool parties.
So Vegas, lets do it all again for Microsoft Inspire!
If you're exhibiting, sponsoring, speaking or even just travelling out to Inspire then reach out on [email protected].