Microsoft Office Suite Skills; A must technical skill for all Students, Graduates and NYSC Members
Flora Anusiobi
Partner at PetroPlays International || Product Manager || Tech Entrepreneur || Blockchain Enthusiast || Petrophysicist || Data Analyst
A graduate recently asked if Microsoft Excel is important in one's career as a geoscientist or an engineer.
Most graduates in the Engineering and Science departments believe that learning Microsoft Office Suites like Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, Visio, and Project is not important to their career development or career skills.
As a geologist or an engineer, no matter the software you know how to use, if you cannot use the above tools, there is a high tendency you will struggle in your academic pursuit or career.
Let's look at their importance, one after the other.
Learning Microsoft Word can help you prepare detailed reports for your interpretation and analysis that are well arranged and packaged to be sent to your Boss or Supervisor. Not being able to do that, can affect your career growth. It is an essential tool in Report writing skills.
Learning Microsoft PowerPoint can help you prepare beautiful and well-designed presentations that can be used to present interpretation, analysis, and results of the job done. Remember you won't carry the software and your Laptop to show the clients the Job that was done, But with well-articulated beautiful designs, you can pass your message to the clients. Even in every competition especially the NAPE Basin Evaluation Competition and AAPG Imperial Barrel Awards, your PowerPoint Presentation Slides is very KEY.... Have you ever listened to a presentation, and you are more amazed at the slides than what the presenter is saying... Everything seems to be flowing... Imagine the effect it had on you not to talk more of the Judges, even if they are saying rubbish, their mind is how beautiful their slides are and how they are easily sequenced to flow..., no wonder it is called PowerPoint... It really suits its name... It has the power to capture one attention...And you should know how to use it to the fullest.
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Learning Microsoft Excel helps you perform tasks with ease and develop formulae based models, calculations, and charts. You can also use it to input numerical reports and so much more. There are so many uses of Microsoft Excel, even in Data gathering, interpreting, and analyzing. I told someone that you can design a certificate and program it with names, and it will generate certificates in seconds. Microsoft Excel is the basics of programming especially if you can use Macros and VBA... Even in Data Analysis, Microsoft Excel is first taught as a basis before going into other data analytics software. If you are looking at performing a task with ease, Microsoft Excel is your go-to tool... It is seen as an important tool in today's digital world. Even, Udemy, Coursera, and Edx... have been advertising courses on Microsoft Excel which tells you how important it is as a skill that one must acquire.
I remember, a post-graduate student asked us to help with auditing his project interpretation and its results... We worked on it and sent his results via Microsoft Excel. The results were arranged in six tabs, each representing a result for a particular data. Mr. M.Sc. called us to say, his results were not complete and that we only sent one. We apologized and said, we were going to confirm. We confirmed that we sent out six results... Mr. M.Sc. started complaining, then it dawned on our team that Mr. M.Sc. might not know how to use Microsoft Excel, we had to call him and explain how the results were arranged in different tabs and that Microsoft Excel displays only one tab by default.
Please do not be like Mr. M.Sc., Learn Microsoft Excel, and other Microsoft Office Suites...
Microsoft Access is the bedrock of databases... If you are planning to go into Database Management. Microsoft Access comes in handy before proceeding to learn SQL and Oracle. Knowing how to use Microsoft Access gives you an advantage.
Microsoft Project is for Project Management. If you are being assigned to numerous projects. Microsoft Project comes in handy and can help you organize projects in order...
Microsoft Visio is a tool that helps you easily and intuitively draw flowcharts, diagrams, org charts, floor plans, engineering designs. Learning this tool also adds to your skills. you can easily turn your ideas and solutions to flowcharts that can be presented with ease.
As a graduate with Engineering or Science, learning all the Microsoft Office Suite Softwares as a Skill is very important. As it can go a long way to help your career and even boost your Oil and Gas Technical Skills.
These skills should be the first skill that every student and graduate should acquire before their technical skills.
Each of the Microsoft Office Suite Training is being charged for 15,000 to 30, 000, and most times, graduates cannot afford it. There are so many tutorials online without guidance and step by step procedures.
Well, PetroPlays International has seen the need to help students, graduates, and NYSC Members acquire a Microsoft Excel Skill by becoming a Microsoft Excel Professional in 4 Weeks and get a verified certificate for as low as N1,000 Naira.
1. Basic to Advanced Microsoft Excel in 4 Weeks: N1, 000 Naira.
2. Complete Microsoft Excel with Macros and VBA in 4 Weeks: N2, 000 Naira.
These courses have been discounted based on sponsorship. So, we have limited slots available.
This is a golden opportunity that you cannot afford to miss as you can never get this opportunity again.
#petroplays #online #onlinetraining #Onlinetrainingcourse #MicrosoftEdu #DataScience #dataanalysis #DataAnalytics #careertips #careergoals #MicrosoftOffice #verifiedcerticate #PPI
????Do not be like Mr. M.Sc. Learn Microsoft Excel... Grab this opportunity...??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Send a WhatsApp Message to 08169202093. If you are interested to become a Microsoft Excel Professional and Get a Verified Certificate.