Microsoft ChatGPT in Bing? Is Google about to face competition in search for a first in 2 decades?
In a previous?article, I mentioned that ChatGPT seems to be a game changer as it has the potential to reinvent, enhance & possibly replace traditional search engines in the near future. That's beacause it not only offers answers in human friendly sentences as shown below,
but it also manages to communicate concepts in ways that make sense for humans.
It was thus only a matter of time until Microsoft announced plans to integrate Open AI’s GPT models into its Bing engine. The intention is of course to enhance its search capabilities as demonstrated above & to attract/lure users from its rival, Google. Microsoft believes such conversational and more contextual, better quality replies to users will convince the latter to switch. I could not agree more as I also mentioned that here and as below.
“At an age where there is an overwhelming plethora of information at one’s fingertips & yet the content & time to consume is also very important, it is to be expected that users will happily shift to the next AI augmented solution that promises instant, accurate, human consumable, user tailored information, triggered by text queries or even voice searches”.
Microsoft is expected to benefit additionally from such a move because ChatGPT runs on Azure cloud and the increased activity already leads to increased volumes in Azure even before the feature is added on Bing & GPT 4.0 is introduced. In any case, incorporating ChatGPT's capabilities will allow Bing to grow at a much higher rate for search as well as for the ad business. The first news, mention plans for a release of such a feature (i.e. maybe a limited pilot for a narrow group of users), perhaps before the end of March because despite the current model’s promising results that might make it a good alternative to Google search, it still has areas to improve.
For first, ChatGPT is currently time limited to the period covered by its training data (i.e. up to 2021).?
In addition, the service experiences already high demands even before everyone becomes aware & uses it.??
Last but not least, at the moment, the AI service has no comprehension of meaning and is of course not perfect. As a result, it sometimes confidently offers false information making it unreliable for important tasks. For instance if you ask including the word “maximum”,
then it manages to answer correctly but if you omit “maximum”, then it fails.
It is therefore not strange that Microsoft wants to first handle ChatGPT's accuracy & these mentioned issues before launching it officially as a Bing enhancement.
The success & the soon to come details of the integration will also affect how fast Google will react with its own AI based, search approach that involves LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) & MUM (i.e. Improvements in understanding of human questions & processing of combinations of image & text queries).
In any case, it seems that Google is about to face competition in search for the first time in 2 decades. One thing is for certain, competition is healthy and good for AI innovation, which already from the first days of 2023 looks to be even more promising than last year.
Stay tuned for the next article & keep up to date.