Microsoft Fabric August 2024 Update
This was just released on Wednesday so very late this month but there is quite a lot in it.? Nothing really groundbreaking in my opinion but some solid improvements.
For the full blog go here: Microsoft Fabric August 2024 Update | Microsoft Fabric Blog | Microsoft Fabric where, strangely, you will not find a link to the video this month ??? It is here though:?
The video is 52 minutes long this month so a fair investment of time but you can skip to 21:39 if you already caught up with the Power BI Update.? If you still don’t fancy watching 30 minutes of video, here are my highlights:
Fabric Core
Workspace filter improvement to support nested folders has been introduced to ease searches.? Such seemingly small and cosmetic changes can actually save a lot of time and frustration so well done Microsoft.
Data Warehouse
Some performance improvements are apparently made possible through the ability to manage the ?“V-Order” of Fabric Warehouses.? This is a bit cryptic for most people and you only need to know about it if you are experiencing performance issues when loading a data warehouse. Then you can disable V-Order which should speed things up.? Strangely disabling V-Order on a warehouse is a non-reversible operation!
The TRUNCATE TABLE command is now generally available.? It is hard to comprehend why the this feature was not in the product from day 1 – it is pretty much a vital command for most ETL developers I would say.
Data Engineering and Data Science
Lots of new and updated bits but Data Engineering and Data Science are outside of my personal wheelhouse so I don’t profess to understand the benefits that these updates bring.? If it’s your bag then I advise reading the appropriate parts of the blog and/ or watching the video.
“AI Skill” ?is a new preview feature within Data Science that looks interesting. I am not blown away by it though and I am not sure that it can do much more than Q&A in Power BI, just something new in a different Fabric experience.
Data Factory
Not much going on here apart from releasing new and improved ?connectors which is always welcome.
That’s it for now.