Microsoft D365 | Optimizing Data Insertion in D365: Using insertDatabase
Usama Mehmood
Senior Technical Consultant ERP / Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations | Integration & Customization specialist | Enabler of Business | Digital Transformation
In this article, you will learn how to use the insertDatabase method in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (D365) to insert multiple records into a table more efficiently than by calling the insert method on each record individually. There are several methods to insert data into tables in D365, with the most common being the use of the insert method on the table buffer. However, when dealing with large volumes of records, employing the RecordInsertList or RecordSortedList class and calling insertDatabase can significantly enhance performance. This article will explain how and when to use this optimized approach.
Insert Calls The Database For Each Record
When called many times, the insert method can take longer overall than other approaches.
For example, developers often need to write a ‘while select‘ loop and inside of the loop they call the ‘insert‘ method. Therefore, the ‘insert‘ method runs every time through the loop. Consequently, every time insert runs, the system has to generate a sql statement, ask the database to insert the record, and wait on a response back. This results in many round trips to the database.
InsertDatabase Calls The Database Fewer Times
In contrast, there are times when using insertDatabase in D365 will perform better than calling the insert method. Instead of calling insert, each record is first added to a list of records stored in a object of type RecordInsertList or RecordSortedList. This object stores the records in memory. Then, in the code, after all the records are added to this list of records, the call to the insertDatabase method is made.
Technically, the system does not necessarily insert all the records all at once. Instead the documentation says: “Records are inserted only when the kernel finds the time appropriate, but they are inserted no later than the call to the insertDatabase, add, and insertDatabase methods.” The system can “insert more than one record into the database at a time, which reduces communication between the application and the database.”
To make things easier to my mind, I just imagine all the records being inserted when the call to insertDatabase is made, even if that is not strictly true.
Fewer trips to the database and back means this often performs much faster than calling ‘insert‘ which talks to the database for each and every record.
Next, in order to learn how to use insertDatabase in D365, let us look at an example.
This first example comes from Microsoft’s documentation for RecordInsertList found here.
void copyBOM(BOMId _FromBOM, BOMId _ToBOM)
RecordInsertList BOMList;
BOMList = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(BOM));
while select BOM
where BOM.BOMId == _FromBOM
newBOM.BOMId = _ToBOM;
Instantiating The RecordInsertList Variable
To explain how to use insertDatabase in D365, there are several steps.
First, declare a variable of type RecordInsertList. In the above example, the variable is named “BOMList“. This object will end up storing a ‘list’ of records to be inserted.
Second, instantiate the RecordInsertList class variable. Pass in the type of table record that will added to this list.
<replace with your variable name> = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(<replace with the name of your table>)
In the above example, the variable named “BomList” is set to instantiated RecordInsertList class object, that is able to store records of type “BOM“. If, for example, you were planning on inserting many customers, you would write this code instead:
RecordInsertList custTableList;
custTableList = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(CustTable);
Populating the RecordInsertList
In the third step of using insertDatabase in D365, populate a table buffer variable with data, and add that table buffer variable to the RecordInsertList object, instead of calling ‘insert’. In the above example, the ‘while select’ loops through the BOM table, and populates the ‘newBOM’ table buffer variable with data.
Oftentimes, you will see the code “newBOM.insert();” But instead, in this example you see:
This takes the populates table buffer variable and adds it to the RecordInsertList object variable. Each time through the loop, another record is added to this list of records. This data is stored in memory for the time being.
Inserting The Records
Finally, call insertDatabase in D365 on the RecordInsertList object variable to insert the records into the database. In the above example, the code looks like this:
Similarly, in your case, replace “BOMList” with the name of your RecordInsertList variable.
The system generates the SQL statement and asks the database to insert the database. Since this results in fewer trips to the database, this often performs much faster than communication for each record.
When To Use InsertDatabase
Now that you know how to use insertDatabase in D365, it is important to understand when to use it.
As discussed, you could call the insert method, instead of using a RecordInsertList and calling insertDatabase. So when should you consider using this approach? Let us talk through each approach.
First, call ‘insert‘ when you are only inserting a single record or relatively few records. Most developers use the ‘insert’ method initially. Then, change to one of the next couple approaches when they need the code to run faster. Ideally, more code should use one of these next two approaches.
Second, consider using ‘insert_recordset’ when you are reading values from tables, and copying them into another table. If you can write a SQL statement to retrieve all your source information this is a great approach.
Thirdly, use insertDatabase when the data you are inserting does not come from a table. Such as when you are reading from a file. Or, when processing data a user entered on a form not tied to a datasource.
Additionally, you cannot use insert_recordset when you need to call code to populate the record you are inserting. Consider this example from the SalesTable table ‘createRetailSalesAffiliation‘ method.
The system calls the ‘initValue‘ method on the retailSalesAffiliationNew table buffer variable. Developers use the ‘initValue‘ method to set default values on the record. While a developer can set fields explicitly, this takes advantage of object oriented practices.
Also, use insertDatabase when code inside a ‘while loop‘ has conditional ‘if‘ statements. This is because a insert_recordset cannot typically be used in this scenario.
Essentially, any time you have a ‘while loop‘ an insertDatabase likely can be used. However, when only a few records will be inserted, it is likely not worthwhile to call insertDatabase. Use ‘insert‘ instead.
Furthermore, there is a a class called RecordSortedList. It works very similarly to RecordInsertList. However, it will automatically sort the records that you add to it, given a sort order you provide.
Here is an example from the SalesTable table, copyDiscountLines method.
While the ‘insert‘ method can be used in each of these example, it is best to use code that will insert records the fastest. Code such as insert_recordset and insertDatabase. Now that you have learned how to use insertDatabase in D365, you will be able to use this technique to increase the performance of your code. It is very satisfying when you find that a process that used to take minutes or longer, now takes seconds using when you re-write it to use one of these better performing approaches!
Happy Learning !!
Data Analytics & Governance | AI | Azure | Power BI | Microsoft Certified
4 个月Found a nice article on the same topic ??
Lead Digital Engineer at Sonata Software
8 个月Good article. Thanks for it
Senior Technical Consultant | Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations | Microsoft Certified | Delivering ERP Solutions | Streamlining Business Processes | Expert in Customizations & Integrations
8 个月Nice