Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) using Azure Blob Storage
Encryption Consulting LLC
World's Leading Provider of Applied Cryptography
Deploying an Active Directory Certificate Services is a straightforward way for enterprises to build their PKI infrastructure. But it does have its shortcomings, such as
Lack of deployment in multiple regions
High latency on CDP and AIA points
To overcome this, organizations need to deploy region-specific PKI infrastructure, which can be harder to maintain and introduces complexity to the whole infrastructure.
But using Azure, organizations can deploy a PKI infrastructure that can be operated worldwide with low latency and high availability.
In this article, we will be showing you how your own PKI architecture on Azure.
Note: If this is your first time deploying a PKI, I recommend following ADCS Two Tier PKI Hierarchy Deployment as it is a more straightforward approach and also touches the basics.
An Azure account where we will create Virtual Machines and blob storage
A custom domain name
An offline Windows Server VM, which will be our Root CA
[NOTE: This is a test scenario. As such, CDP and AIA points may not match your requirements. Do use values that are appropriate as per your requirements.]
Preparing CDP and AIA points
We will create blob storage that will act as our CDP/AIA points for our PKI infrastructure. We will also associate it with our custom domain to redirect it to our blob.
Creating Azure Blob Storage
First, we would need to log into our Azure account and navigate to Storage Accounts
We will be creating a new storage account. So click Create on the top left corner.
Provide the necessary details on the basics. For Redundancy, I would recommend at least Zone-redundant Storage (ZRS)
On the Advanced tab, leave everything on default and click next
On the Networking tab, it is recommended to have public access from selected virtual networks and IP addresses and select the Virtual network where all the virtual machines will be deployed. If no virtual network exists, do create one.
On the Data Protection tab, click Next.
On the Encryption tab, leave everything default and click Next.
Provide relevant tags and click Next.
On the review tab, you can review everything looks good and click Create.
This will create the blob storage. Next, we will associate this blob storage with our custom domain and ensure it is accessible via HTTP.
Mapping a custom domain to Azure Blog Storage
For this step, you would need a custom domain. Once you log in, you can navigate to DNS settings
In DNS settings, navigate to DNS records and enter a CNAME record.
Now we need to retrieve the hostname for your storage account. For this, we can navigate Settings > Endpoints on the left pane and copy the static website under Static Website. It should be something like (
Now in the DNS settings, for the hostname of the custom domain, provide pkitest and for the hostname, provide the hostname of the storage endpoint
Navigate to Azure Storage account, click on Networking under Security + Networking and select Custom Domain on the tab above.
Provide the subdomain you created.
Click Save. After successful validation, you will get a validation notification
Disabling secure transfer required
For this blob being a CDP/AIA point, we need HTTP access to the blog, which is why we would need to turn off the secure transfer. If enabled, HTTP access would not be possible; our PKI wouldn’t be able to use this blob as CDP/AIA point.
Navigate to Configuration under Settings
Set Secure Transfer Required to Disabled
Click Save
Testing Accessibility of Storage Account
This section will ensure our storage account is accessible via a custom domain.
First, we would create a container and upload a file to it
Navigate to Containers under Data Storage
On the top left corner, click
Provide the name, set public level access as a blob, and click Create
Click on the name and navigate inside it
On the top left corner, click
Select any file for testing (preferably a pdf or txt file)
Click Upload, and once uploaded, it should be available in the container
Now, we will try to access the file using a custom domain. The URL should be
This concludes our section on preparing CDP and AIA points. Next, we will begin creating our PKI. Now you may delete the test file from the container as it would only contain the cert and CRLs.
Creating Domain Controller
This Step-by-Step guide uses an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) forest named? DC01 functions as the domain controller.
Firstly, we will deploy a VM on Azure. Ensure both the IPs are static.
While deploying, ensure,
VMs are deployed on the same Virtual Network
If deployed on the same region, ensure the subnet is the same
Public IP Address is static
Once the VM is created, navigate to Networking under Settings and click on the Network Interface
Provide other parameters as per your requirement and create the VM.
Configuring Network
Once the VM is created, log in and follow the steps below
Login to DC01 as a local user
Click Start, type ncpa.cpl , and press ENTER
Click on Ethernet, and then click Properties under Activity
Double Click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)
Only change the DNS Server Address, and provide the private IPv4 of DC01
For Alternate DNS, provide or any other public DNS service you want.
Click OK and restart the VM from the Portal
Once Restarted, log in to DC01 as a local user
Click Start, type sysdm.cpl , and press ENTER
Changer PC name to DC01, and Restart Now when prompted.
Installing Active Directory Domain Services and Adding a new Forest
Open Server Manager. To do so, you can click the Server Manager icon in the toolbar or click Start, then click Server Manager.
Click Manage, and then click Add Roles and Features
Before you Begin, click Next
On Installation Type, click Next
On Server Selection, click Next
On Server Roles, choose Active Directory Domain Services, click Add Features, and then click Next
On Features, click Next
On AD DS, click Next
On Confirmation, click Install.
After installation, either
On Deployment Configuration, choose to Add a new forest and provide the root domain name (“”)
On Domain Controller options, provide Directory Services Restore Mode password and click Next
Under DNS options, click Next
Under Additional options, click Next
Under Paths, click Next
Under Review options, click Next
Under Prerequisites check, click Install
Once installed, the remote connection would be terminated.
Login to DC01 as encon\
DC01 is now ready
Creating Offline Root CA
The standalone offline root CA should not be installed in the domain. It should not even be connected to a network at all.
We will be creating this Root CA on-premises. I will create this on Proxmox, but you can use VMware or VirtualBox for this installation.
After installing Windows Server 2019, follow the steps below
Log onto CA01 as CA01\Administrator.
Click Start, click Run, and then type notepad C:\Windows\CAPolicy.inf and press ENTER.
When prompted to create a new file, click Yes.
Type in the following as contents of the file.
Click File and Save to save the CAPolicy.inf file under C:\Windows directory. Close Notepad
Installing Offline Root CA
Log onto CA01 as CA01\Administrator.
Click Start, and then click Server Manager.
Click Manage, and then click Add Roles and Features
On the Before You Begin page, click Next.
On the Select Server Roles page, select Active Directory Certificate Services, and then click Next.
On the Introduction to Active Directory Certificate Services page, click Next.
On the Select Role Services page, ensure that Certification Authority is selected, then Next.
On the Specify Setup Type page, ensure that Standalone is selected, and then click Next.
On the Specify CA Type page, ensure that Root CA is selected, and then click Next.
On the Set Up Private Key page, ensure that Create a new private key is selected, and then click Next.
Leave the defaults on the Configure Cryptography for CA page, and click Next.
On Configure CA Name page, under the Common name for this CA, clear the existing entry and type Encon Root CA. Click Next.
On the Set Validity Period page, under Select validity period for the certificate generated for this CA, clear the existing entry and type 20. Leave the selection box set to Years. Click Next.
Keep the default settings on the Configure Certificate Database page, and click Next.
Review the settings on the Confirm Installation Selections page and then click Install.
Review the information on the Installation Results page to verify that the installation is successful, and click Close.
Post Installation Configuration on Root CA
Ensure that you are logged on to CA01 as CA01\Administrator.
Open a command prompt. To do so, you can click Start, click Run, type cmd and then click OK.
To define the Active Directory Configuration Partition Distinguished Name, run the following command from an administrative command prompt
To define CRL Period Units and CRL Period, run the following commands from an administrative command prompt:
To define CRL Overlap Period Units and CRL Overlap Period, run the following commands from an administrative command prompt:
To define Validity Period Units for all issued certificates by this CA, type the following command and then press Enter. In this lab, the Enterprise Issuing CA should receive a 20-year lifetime for its CA certificate. To configure this, run the following commands from an administrative command prompt:
Configuration of CDP and AIA points
Multiple methods are configuring the Authority Information Access (AIA) and certificate revocation list distribution point (CDP) locations. The AIA points to the public key for the certification authority (CA). You can use the user interface (in the Properties of the CA object), certutil, or directly edit the registry. The CDP is where the certificate revocation list is maintained, which allows client computers to determine if a certificate has been revoked. This lab will have three locations for the AIA and four locations for the CDP.
Configuring AIA points
A certutil command is a quick and common method for configuring the AIA. The certutil command to set the AIA modifies the registry, so ensure that you run the command from a command prompt run as administrator. When you run the following certutil command, you will be configuring a static file system location, a HTTP location for the AIA, and a lightweight directory access path (LDAP) location. Run the following command:
certutil -setreg CA\CACertPublicationURLs "1:C:\Windows\system32\CertSrv\CertEnroll\%1_%3%4.crt\n2:\n2:ldap:///CN=%7,CN=AIA,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,%6%11"
Note: You need to modify the http address on the AIA location. For this scenario, our http container address was, which can vary for you.
Configuring the CDP Points
The certutil command to set the CDP modifies the registry, so ensure that you run the command from a command
certutil -setreg CA\CRLPublicationURLs "1:C:\Windows\system32\CertSrv\CertEnroll\%3%8%9.crl\n2: \n10:ldap:///CN=%7%8,CN=%2,CN=CDP,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,%6%10"
Note: You need to modify the http address on the CDP location. For this scenario, our http container address was, which can vary for you.
At an administrative command prompt, run the following commands to restart Active Directory Certificate Services and publish the CRL
net stop certsvc && net start certsvc
certutil -crl
Creating Issuing CA
Enterprise CAs must be joined to the domain. Before you install the Enterprise?Issuing CA (CA02), you must first join the server to the domain. Then you can install the Certification Authority role service on the server.
Firstly, we will deploy a VM on Azure. Ensure both the IPs are static.
While deploying, ensure,
VMs are deployed on the same Virtual Network
If deployed on the same region, ensure the subnet is the same
Public IP Address is static
Once the VM is created, navigate to Networking under Settings and click on the Network Interface
Navigate to IP Configuration under settings
Click on ipconfig1 on the menu and change IP private settings to Static from Dynamic
Click Save and go back to the VM
Provide other parameters as per your requirement and create the VM.
Enterprise PKI ServicesGet complete end-to-end consultation support for all your PKI requirements!
Learn MoreConfiguring Network
Login to CA02 as a local user
Click Start, type ncpa.cpl, and press ENTER
Click on Ethernet, and then click Properties under Activity
Double Click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)
Click OK and restart the VM from the Portal
Once Restarted, log in to CA02 as a local user
Click Start, type sysdm.cpl, and press ENTER
Changer PC name to CA02 and provide domain name in the domain. Provide credentials for DC01 and wait until you get a success message
Click on Restart Now when prompted.
Creating CAPolicy in Issuing CA
Log onto CA01 as CA01\Administrator.
Click Start, click Run, and then type notepad C:\Windows\CAPolicy.inf and press ENTER.
When prompted to create a new file, click Yes.
Type in the following as contents of the file.
Click File and Save to save the CAPolicy.inf file under C:\Windows directory. Close Notepad
Publishing Root CA Certificates and CRLs in CA02
Log into CA01 as a local administrator
Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\CertSrv\CertEnroll
Copy the CRLs and Certificates present
Paste the files into the C drive in CA02
On CA02, to publish Encon Root CA Certificate and CRL in Active Directory, run the following commands at an administrative command prompt.
To add Fabrikam Root CA Certificate and CRL in local store, run the following command from an administrative command prompt.
Installing Issuing CA
Ensure you are logged in as Encon User in CA02
Click Start, and then?click Server Manager
Click Manage, and then click Add Roles and Features
Click Next on Before you Begin
On Installation Type, click Next
On Server Selection, click Next
On Server Roles, choose Active Directory Certificate Services, click on Add Features when prompted and click Next
On Features, click Next
On AD CS, click Next.
On Role Services, Choose Certificate Authority Web Enrollment, click on Add Features when prompted, and click Next
On Web Server Role (IIS) and Role Services, click Next
On Confirmation, click Install
Configuration of Issuing CA
After installation, eitherClick on Configure Active Directory Certificate Services on the destination server in Add Roles and Features WizardOr, click on Configure Active Directory Certificate Services on Notification Center
Under Role Services, choose both Certificate Authority as well as Certificate Authority Web Enrollment
On Setup type, ensure Enterprise CA is chosen and click Next
On CA Type, choose Subordinate CA, and click Next
On Private Key, choose to Create a new private key
On Cryptography, leave defaults and click Next
On CA Name, provide Common Name as Encon Issuing CA and leave the everything default value.
On Certificate Request, ensure Save a certificate request to file is selected and click Next
On Certificate Database, click Next
On Confirmation after reviewing, Click Configure
Issuing CA should now be configured. Click Close.
After Issuing CA is configured, a file will appear on the C drive. Copy this file to C drive in Root CA.
Issue Encon Issuing CA Certificate
Copy Issuing CA req file to Root CA C drive
Open Command Prompt
Run the command
Select Root CA from the Certification Authority List
Once a request is submitted, you will get a RequestID
Open Certificate Authority from Tools in Server Manager
Navigate to Pending Requests
Right Click on the RequestID that you got while submitting the request, click All Tasks, and click Issue
Once issued, navigate to the command prompt again, and run
Select Root CA from the Certification Authority List
Once retrieved, the successful message is displayed
Copy the issued certificate from Root CA to CA02
Login to CA02 as an Encon user and copy the certificate to the C drive
Open Certificate Authority from Tools in Server Manager
Right-click on Encon Issuing CA, click on All Tasks, and click Install CA Certificate
Navigate to C drive, and select All files beside File name until the copied certificate is visible
Select the issued certificate and click Open
Post Installation Configuration on Issuing CA
Ensure that you are logged on to CA02 as Encon User
Open a command prompt. To do so, you can click Start, click Run, type cmd and then click OK.
To define CRL Period Units and CRL Period, run the following commands from an administrative command prompt:
To define CRL Overlap Period Units and CRL Overlap Period, run the following commands from an administrative command prompt:
To define Validity Period Units for all issued certificates by this CA, type the following command and then press Enter. In this lab, the Enterprise Issuing CA should receive a 20-year lifetime for its CA certificate. To configure this, run the following commands from an administrative command prompt:
Configuration of CDP and AIA points
Multiple methods are configuring the Authority Information Access (AIA) and certificate revocation list distribution point (CDP) locations. The AIA points to the public key for the certification authority (CA). You can use the user interface (in the Properties of the CA object), certutil, or directly edit the registry.
The CDP is where the certificate revocation list is maintained, which allows client computers to determine if a certificate has been revoked. This lab will have three locations for the AIA and three for the CDP.
Configuring AIA points
A certutil command is a quick and common method for configuring the AIA. The certutil command to set the AIA modifies the registry, so ensure that you run the command from a command prompt run as administrator.
When you run the following certutil command, you will be configuring a static file system location, a HTTP location for the AIA, and a lightweight directory access path (LDAP) location. Run the following command:
certutil -setreg CA\CACertPublicationURLs “1:C:\Windows\system32\CertSrv\CertEnroll\%1_%3%4.crt\n2:\n2:ldap:///CN=%7,CN=AIA,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,%6%11”
Note: You need to modify the http address on the AIA location. For this scenario, our http container address was, which can vary for you.
Configuring the CDP Points
The certutil command to set the CDP modifies the registry, so ensure that you run the command from a command
certutil -setreg CA\CRLPublicationURLs “65:C:\Windows\system32\CertSrv\CertEnroll\%3%8%9.crl\n2:\n79:ldap:///CN=%7%8,CN=%2,CN=CDP,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,%6%10”
Note: You need to modify the http address on the CDP location. For this scenario, our http container address was, which can vary for you.
Also, as per the CDP point, the CertEnroll folder will exist inside the pkitest container in Azure Blob. This is because the folder will be recursively copied from the CertSrv folder to the blob storage
At an administrative command prompt, run the following commands to restart Active Directory Certificate Services and publish the CRL
net stop certsvc & &net start certsvc
certutil -crl
Enterprise PKI ServicesGet complete end-to-end consultation support for all your PKI requirements!
Learn MoreUploading Certificates and CRLs to the Blob storage
Per our CDP and AIA points, the certificates would be available at the blob storage in Azure. If we run PKIView.msc at Issuing CA, we will run into errors where the certificates or CRLs are not found
To resolve this, we need to upload
Root CA certificates
Issuing CA Certificates
Issuing CA CRLs will be uploaded using a script we will run next.
To upload the files, copy them from their respective machines and keep them handy on your host machine. You can find these files at C:\Windows\System32\certsrv\CertEnroll on both Root CA and issuing CA.
Note: Do not copy the CRLs of Issuing CA.
Once copied, follow the steps below
Navigate to the storage account, and click on the pkitest you created
Click on Containers under Data Storage
Click on the pkitest folder
Click on Upload on the top left
Click on the browse icon and select all the files that need to be uploaded and click Open
Check to Overwrite if files already exist and then click Upload
After uploading, all the files should be available
Once the files are uploaded, navigate to CA02 and open PKIView.msc again. Now CDP points of Root and Issuing CA should be available, but the AIA point would still show an error as we didn’t copy those files to the pkitest folder
Script to copy Issuing CA CRLs
Before we begin, we need to download AzCopy. Once downloaded, extract the app into C:\ to be accessible. We will be using this location on our script. Change the script’s path if you intend to store the application in a different location.
Now you would also need a folder to store the code. I would recommend creating a folder on C drive as AZCopyCode. Download the script from below and store it there. We would need to make some changes to make it work.
Note: This code was initially created by dstreefkerk. As per Windows Server 2022, this code does work. I have made some changes and fixed a few bugs.
Github Gist to be embedded:
Code Changes
Navigate to the storage account, and click on the pkitest you created
Click on Containers under Data Storage
Click on the pkitest folder
Click on Shared Access Token under Settings. Provide appropriate permissions, and choose an expiry date (preferably one year)
Click Generate SAS token and copy Blob SAS Token
Open the code in notepad or your preferred code editor
Paste the SAS token for the variable
Navigate to properties under Settings, copy the URL and paste it for $azCopyDestination
Change log and log archive locations if applicable.
Change AzCopy location on $azCopyBinaryPath if you stored azcopy in another location.
Once changes are made, store them in C:\AZCopyCode\Invoke-UpdateAzureBlobPKIStorage.ps1
Open Powershell in CA02
Navigate to C:\AZCopyCode
Once copied, it will show how many files are copied, with 100% and all done with 0 Failed
Open PKIView.msc, and now no errors should be visible
The overall PKI should be healthy.
For this scenario, we suppose you get an error
Copy the URL by right-clicking on the location and copying it to a notepad. It should look something like this
If you try opening this on the browser, it would still give an error as there is a trailing %20 at the end, indicating a space at the end. To resolve this, CDP and AIA points need to be changed on Root CA, and the issuing CA needs to be recreated again.
Automating the script
We would automate this script using Task Scheduler to run this script every week. You can tweak this as per your requirements.
Open Task Scheduler
Left click on Task Scheduler (local) and click on Create a Basic Task
Provide name and description for the Task
Task Trigger is configured to weekly
Select Data and Time when the script will run
On Action, select Start A program and click Next
Under Start, a Program, In Program/Script write
Click yes on the prompt
Check the Open Properties dialog and click Finish
Once completed, AZ Copy should be available in Task Scheduler Library.
Right Click AZ Copy and click Run
Refresh and check History Tab. Action Completed should appear in History
This concludes our AD CS installation with Azure Blob Storage. It is easier to manage, but we also achieve high availability using Azure’s Blob Storage. This will help organizations create PKI that can be operational worldwide with minimal latency and high performance no matter where you are. If you face any issues, do remember to reach out to [email protected]
To learn more about the topic, visit Encryption Consulting