Microservice Guidelines  - The API RuleBook 2.0

Microservice Guidelines - The API RuleBook 2.0

The Big Picture

It’s rare that an organization decides it needs a micro-service out of the blue — most often, organizations start with an idea, application, innovation, or use case. By nature microsevice requires connectivity to other systems or datasets to fully delivery an end to end use case. APIs come into the picture as a means of enabling connectivity between the systems and datasets that need to be integrated with the micro-service

Organizations may implement APIs for many purposes: from exposing a core system's functionality internally, to enabling a customer-facing mobile app. For the most of the organization, the API  platform includes three categories of APIs:

API types - from consumer perspective

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Most of the time, the scope of API falls under the internal API umbrella. But remember, at a later point in time, all these APIs will be exposed as industry to moving towards  API driven industrialisation. So it's recommended to design api as if it's being externally consumed so that this technical debt can be avoided in the future.

API Types from communication mode

Looking through a communication lens, we can mainly bisect into two axes. The first axis defines synchronous versus asynchronous communication.

  1. Restful API - Based on OpenAPI Specification, known formerly as the Swagger, is a solution that produces machine-readable documentation for REST APIs.
  2. Event Driven Async API - AsyncAPI is an open source initiative that seeks to improve the current state of Event-Driven Architectures (EDA). The long-term goal is to make working with EDAs as easy as it is to work with REST APIs.  One of the most popular platforms for EDA is Kafka.

Let us see what are these and then what are the trade offs

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Illustrative example

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These, can also led up in continuous chatty calls at times

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This is where Async /Event driven API comes in

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Types of Async API 

Within async API , there are couple of different categories of APIs

Activity Oriented 

The activity is big, and may take a while to complete?

  • Uploading a video for encoding
  • Analyzing a big data set

Event Oriented 

The service may not be able to handle the flow of events / response not needed

  • Analytics events

Notification Oriented

You want the service to contact you (push)

  • Push notifications in app
  • Reacting to data changes

So how they are different from RESTful APIs

  • Async EDA /Kafka - Publish & Subscribe (just process the pipeline, will notify once the job is done)
  • REST - Request & Await response (on-demand)

  • Async EDA /Kafka - Publish once - Subscribe n times (by n components).
  • REST - Request once, get the response once. Deal over.

  • Async EDA /Kafka - Data is stored in topic. Seek back & forth (offsets) whenever you want till the topic is retained.
  • REST - Once the response is over, it is over. Manually employ a database to store the processed data.

  • Async EDA /Kafka - Split the processing, have intermediate data stored in intermediate topics (for speed and fault-tolerance)
  • REST - Take the data, process it all at once OR if you wish to break it down, don't forget to take care of your OWN intermediate data stores.

  • Async EDA /Kafka - The one who makes the request typically is not interested in a response (except the response that if the message is sent)
  • REST - I am making the request means I typically expect a response (not just a response that you have received, but something that is meaningful to me, some computed result for example!)

There are several different technologies and implementations to support synchronous and asynchronous communication to single or multiple receivers. By placing those communication systems on our API perspective, it gives us a quick overview of the available communication types and when they would be used. 

Think Globally, But act Locally

With that bigger picture in mind, let us focus on the what types of APIs Typical Bank currently supports and its level of maturity. While async API equally catching up, in this article we shall focus on micro-service based RESTful APIs. RESTful has been in the industry more than a decade or 2. Organizations still striving to bring up the level of API maturity.

Level of API Maturity

The Richardson REST Maturity Model describes four different levels of REST (starting at Level 0). A REST API that supports hypermedia controls is classified as Level 3 in this maturity model. 

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Level 0 - The Swamp of POX

The Swamp of POX (Plain Old XML) means that you’re using HTTP. Technically, REST services can be provided over any application layer protocol as long as they conform to certain properties. In practice, basically, everyone uses HTTP.

These services have a single URI and use a single HTTP method (typically POST). These are the most primitive way of building Bank’s SOA applications with a single POST method and using XML to communicate between services.

Level 1 - Resources

REST’s ‘resources’ are the core pieces of data that your application acts on. These will often correspond to the Models in your application (especially if you’re following the MVC - model, view, controller pattern).

API design at Level 1 is all about using different URLs to interact with the different resources in your application.

Level 2 - Methods

We are always going to need to perform CRUD operations on our resources, so why not find a way to share these operations across resources? Why create a new resource for each action or operation we would like to perform?

We accomplish this using HTTP Verbs. If we want to get a list of Pages, we make a GET request to /page, but if we want to create a new Page, we use POST rather than GET to the same resource - /page.

Level 3 - Hypermedia Controls

This level is the one that everyone falls down on. There are two parts to this: content negotiation and HATEOAS. Content negotiation is focused on different representations of a particular resource, and HATEOAS is about the discoverability of actions on a resource.

The hypermedia compliant API exposes a finite state machine of a service. Here, requests such as DELETE, PATCH, POST and PUT typically initiate a transition in state while responses indicate the change in the state. Lets take an example of an API that exposes a set of operations to manage a user account lifecycle and implements the HATEOAS interface constraint.

A client starts interaction with a service through a fixed URI /users. This fixed URI supports both GET and POST operations. The client decides to do a POST operation to create a user in the system.

Request: POST https://api.bank.com/v1/customer/users


    "given_name": "Josh",

    "surname" : "Joseph",




The API creates a new user from the input and returns the following links to the client in the response.

A link to retrieve the complete representation of the user (aka self link) (GET).

A link to update the user (PUT).

A link to delete the user (DELETE).



Content-Type: application/json


"links": [


        "href": "https://api.bank.com/v1/customer/users/ALT-JFWXHGUV7VI",

        "rel": "self",




        "href": "https://api.bank.com/v1/customer/users/ALT-JFWXHGUV7VI",

        "rel": "delete",

        "method": "DELETE"



        "href": "https://api.bank.com/v1/customer/users/ALT-JFWXHGUV7VI",

        "rel": "replace",

        "method": "PUT"



        "href": "https://api.bank.com/v1/customer/users/ALT-JFWXHGUV7VI",

        "rel": "edit",

        "method": "PATCH"




Uniformity in Diversity  

Being in the micro-service world, each team is autonomous and develops its own way.. So far, we have seen some of the key aspects of API, when it comes to implementation.. let us see how different these API can be in the way it will be created.. 

What is the scale of likelihood that these API can go out of uniformity

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API Consistency

If you want anyone to use your micro-service, API consistency across the board. It's the first thing users will see, so in some ways it's like a gift wrap. Present well in a consistent way, and people are more likely to use your API and put up with any idiosyncrasies.

In addition to being stable over time, APIs need to be internally consistent. You should handle common parameters globally within your API and use inheritance or a shared architecture to reuse the same naming conventions and data handling consistently throughout your API.

So it is highly important we need to Be consistent. Same word means the same thing throughout API, (Across APIs on the platform) every class, interface, method, constructor, parameter, and exception.

The organization wants retain API consistency, org needs to adopt the best practises and follow the golden principles

API Principles

Building goodAPI is not an easy task .

API designers must start on questions like 

  • What does this service need to do?
  • What does this service need to provide?

And then should turn around and think as consumers that can answer 

  • How can I use this API to do what I need? 
  • How can I spend the bare minimum of effort to get what I need out of this 

While this may sound easy and obvious, it's astounding how infrequently APIs appear to be designed this way.

Good APIs must be:

  • Easy to learn
  • Easy to use, even without documentation
  • Hard to misuse
  • Easy to read and maintain code that uses it
  • Sufficiently powerful to satisfy requirements
  • Easy to extend
  • Appropriate to audience

The API Golden Rules

Rule #1 Use nouns for naming URIs

All REST APIs have a URL at which they can be accessed, e.g. https://api.bank.com. Subdirectories of this URL denote different API resources, which are accessed using an Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For example, the URI https://api.bank.com/users will return a list containing the users of a particular service.

In general, URIs should be named with nouns that specify the contents of the resource, rather than adding a verb for the function that is being performed. For example, you should use https://api.bank.com/users instead of https://api.bank.com/getUsers. This is because CRUD (create, read, update, delete) functionality should already be specified in the HTTP request (e.g. HTTP GET https://api.bank.com/users).

Rule #2 Use intuitive, clear, unabridged names

When naming REST API endpoints, you should use URI names that are intuitive and clear—ideally, something that third parties could guess even if they’ve never used your API before. In particular, avoid abbreviations and shorthand (e.g. https://api.bank.com/users/123/fn for https://api.bank.com/users/123/first-name) —unless that abbreviation is the preferred or most popular term, in which case feel free to use it (e.g. https://api.bank.com/users/ids instead of https://api.bank.com/users/identification-numbers).

Rule #3 Readability of URIs with spinal-case

Hyphens (-) should be used to improve the readability of URIs - Also referred to as spinal-case

To make your URIs easy for people to scan and interpret, use the hyphen (-) character to improve the readability of names in long path segments. Anywhere you would use a space or hyphen in English, you should use a hyphen in a URI.

For example:


It is recommended to use spinal-case (which is highlighted by RFC 3986), this case is used by Google, PayPal, and other companies.

Rule #4 verbs in URI which is bad practice 

To demonstrate a point and to ease the way into the resources properly, let’s write a few APIs for a Blog which has some articles, to understand more. 

/getAllArticles is an API which will respond with the list of articles.

Few more APIs around a Blog will look like as follows:







To perform operations on our resources, so why not find a way to share these operations across resources? Why create a new resource for each action or operation we would like to perform?

We accomplish this using HTTP Verbs. If we want to get a list of Pages, we make a GET request to /page, but if we want to create a new Page, we use POST rather than GET to the same resource - /page.

Here is the common Methods / Actions used:

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Custom Actions 

At times, it is required to expose an operation in the API that inherently is non-RESTful. One example of such an operation is where you want to introduce a state change for a resource, but there are multiple ways in which the same final state can be achieved, and those ways actually differ in a significant but non-observable side-effect.

Some may say such transitions are bad API design, but not having to model all states can greatly simplify an API.

As a solution to such non-RESTful operations, an “actions” sub-collection can be used on a resource. Actions are basically RPC-like messages to a resource to perform a certain operation. The “actions” sub-collection can be seen as a command queue to which new actions can be POSTed, that are then executed by the API. Each action resource that is POSTed, should have a “type” attribute that indicates the type of action to be performed and can have arbitrary other attributes that parameterize the operation.

It should be noted that actions should only be used as an exception when there’s a good reason that an operation cannot be mapped to one of the standard RESTful methods.

Illustrative example..

PaymentMethods - PaymentMethod objects represent your customer's payment instruments. They can be used with PaymentIntents to collect payments or saved to Customer objects to store instrument details for future payments.    

  •  POST /v1/payment-methods
  •  GET /v1/payment-methods/:id
  •  POST /v1/payment-methods/:id
  •  GET /v1/payment-methods

Custom action - Exceptional cases

  • Attach a PaymentMethod to a Customer : Attaches a PaymentMethod object to a Customer. 
  • POST /v1/payment-methods/:id/attach
  • Detach a PaymentMethod from a Customer - Detaches a PaymentMethod object from a Customer.

POST /v1/payment-methods/:id/detach

Subscription Schedule : A subscription schedule allows you to create and manage the lifecycle of a subscription by predefining expected changes.

Standard HTTP Methods

  • POST /v1/subscription-schedules
  • GET  /v1/subscription-schedules/:id
  • POST  /v1/subscription-schedules/:id
  • GET /v1/subscription-schedules

Custom action - Exceptional cases

Release a schedule - Releases the subscription schedule immediately, which will stop scheduling of its phases, but leave any existing subscription in place.\

  • POST /v1/subscription-schedules/:id/release

Rule #4 Lowercase letters should be preferred in URI paths

When convenient, lowercase letters are preferred in URI paths since capital letters can sometimes cause problems. RFC 3986 defines URIs as case-sensitive except for the scheme and host components.

For example: https://api.bank.com/my-folder/my-doc vs https://api.bank.com/My-Folder/my-doc

Rule #5 File extensions should not be included in URIs

On the Web, the period (.) character is commonly used to separate the file name and extension portions of a URI.

A REST API should not include artificial file extensions in URIs to indicate the format of a message’s entity body. Instead, they should rely on the media type, as communicated through the Content-Type header, to determine how to process the body’s content.

https://api.bank.com/clients/3248234/accounts/casa/casa-account.json https://api.bank.com/clients/3248234/account/casa/

Rule #5 Forward slash separator (/) must be used to indicate a hierarchical relationship

The forward-slash (/) character is used in the path portion of the URI to indicate a hierarchical relationship between resources.

For example: https://api.canvas.com/shapes/polygons/quadrilaterals/squares

Rule #6 Should the endpoint name be  plural

The keep-it-simple rule applies here. Although your inner-grammatician will tell you it's wrong to describe a single instance of a resource using a plural, the pragmatic answer is to keep the URI format consistent and always use either plural or singular.

Not having to deal with odd pluralization (person/people, goose/geese) makes the life of the API consumer better and is easier for the API provider to implement (as most modern frameworks will natively handle /students and /students/3248234 under a common controller).

In general, using plural nouns is preferred unless the resource is clearly a singular concept (e.g. https://api.bank.com/users/admin for the administrative user).

Rule #7 Avoid special characters

Special characters are not only unnecessary, they can also be confusing for users and technically complex. Because URLs can only be sent and received using the ASCII character set, all of your API URLs should contain only ASCII characters.

In addition, try to avoid the use of “unsafe” ASCII characters, which are typically encoded in order to prevent confusion and security issues (e.g. “%20” for the space character). “Unsafe” ASCII characters for URLs include the space character (“ “), as well as brackets (“[]”), angle brackets (“<>”), braces (“{}”), and pipes (“|”).

Rule #8 Proper Usage of Header Params

The HTTP headers are one of the basic design rules for REST APIs. They are needed in order to convey more data about the resource itself, mostly meta-data, security, hashes and more.

HTTP headers also provide the required information about the request or response, or as we said - about the object sent in the message body.

There are 4 types of HTTP message headers:

General Header These header fields have general applicability for both request and response messages.

Client Request Header These header fields have applicability only for request messages.

Server Response Header These header fields have applicability only for response messages.

Entity Header These header fields define meta information about the entity-body or, if no BODY is present, about the resource identified by the request.

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HTTP Custom Header Extensions

Following are some custom headers used in these guidelines. These are not part of the HTTP specifications.

API Extensions

Extensions (also referred to as specification extensions or vendor extensions) are custom properties that start with x-, such as x-logo. They can be used to describe extra functionality that is not covered by the standard OpenAPI Specification. Many API-related products that support OpenAPI make use of extensions to document their own attributes,

x-correlation-id : API consumers MAY choose to send this header with a unique ID identifying the request header for tracking purposes.

Such a header can be used internally for logging and tracking purposes too. It is RECOMMENDED to send this header back as a response header if response is synchronous or as request header of a webhook as applicable.

Rule #11 Query parameters


It is necessary to anticipate the paging of your resources in the early design phase of your API. It is indeed difficult to foresee precisely the progression of the amount of data that will be returned. Therefore, we recommend paginating your resources with default values when they are not provided by the calling client, for example with a range of values [0-25].

If no limit is specified, return results with a default limit. For example, get records 51 through 75 do this:

GET /users?limit=25&offset=50

  • offset=50 means, ‘skip the first 50 records’ 
  • limit=25 means, ‘return a maximum of 25 records’

Note: POST is preferred over GET from security standpoint


Filtering consists in restricting the number of queried resources by specifying some attributes and their expected values. It is possible to filter a collection on several attributes at the same time and to allow several values for one filtered attribute.

Note: Filter/Query parameters on a single resource. In typical cases where one resource is utilized (e.g. /v1/payments/billing-plans/P-00058432VR012762KRWBZEUA), query parameters SHOULD NOT be used.


Sorting the result of a query on a collection of resources. A sort parameter should contain the names of the attributes on which the sorting is performed, separated by a comma. Default sort order SHOULD be considered as undefined and non-deterministic. If a explicit sort order is desired, the query parameter sort SHOULD be used with the following general syntax: {field-name}|{asc|desc},{field-name}|{asc|desc}. For instance: /accounts?sort=date-of-birth|asc,zip-code|desc


A search is a sub-resource of a collection. As such, its results will have a different format than the resources and the collection itself. This allows us to add suggestions, corrections, and information related to the search.

Parameters are provided the same way as for a filter, through the query-string, but they are not necessarily exact values, and their syntax permits approximate matching.

Rule #12 API Payload formats

To interact with an API, a consumer needs to be able to produce and consume messages in the appropriate format. For a successful interaction both parties would need to be able to process (parse and generate) these messages. 

Using JSON format payload format is the most widely accepted.

Rule #13 API Payload format encoding

To interact with an API, the consumer needs to know how the payload is encoded. This is true regardless of how many encoding formats the endpoint supports.

The three patterns of payload format encoding most frequently found in the wild are:

  • HTTP headers (e.g. Content-Type: and Accept:)
  • GET parameters (e.g. &format=json)
  • resource label (e.g. /foo.json)

Using HTTP headers to specifying payload format can be convenient,

Rule #14 Error Handling

Allowed Status Codes List    

All REST APIs MUST use only the following status codes. Status codes in BOLD SHOULD be used by API developers. The rest are primarily intended for web-services framework developers reporting framework-level errors related to security, content negotiation, etc.    

APIs MUST NOT return a status code that is not defined in this table.   APIs MAY return only some of the status codes defined in this table.

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HTTP Method to Status Code Mapping For each HTTP method, API developers SHOULD use only status codes marked as "X" in this table. If an API needs to return any of the status codes marked with an X, then the use case SHOULD be reviewed as part of API design review process and maturity level assessment. Most of these status codes are used to support very rare use cases.

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once had to use an API that returned 200 OK for every response and indicated whether the request had succeeded via a status field:


  "data": {...},

  "error": "",


In fact, the API could return responses such as:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Failures - 401/50x

When providing detailed responses, we should include error element with following details

  • code : a unique identifier for the error
  • Message : a brief human-readable message [Note: based on the header locale - Accept-Language setting in the request, it will response with respective user locale]
  • Detail : a lengthier explanation of the error - Optional
  • Helpline : Standard page with the list of all error codes and details to resolve this issue - Optional

For example, if a client sends a request with incorrect credentials, we can send a 401 response with this body:


“error” : {

    "code": "auth-0001",

    "message": "Incorrect username and password",

    "detail": "Ensure that the username and password included in the request are correct"


“data” : {...}


Sometimes, API  may want to report more than one error for a request.


“error” : {

    "errors": [


            "code": "auth-0001",

            "message": "Incorrect username and password",

            "detail": "Ensure that the username and password included in the request are correct",

            "help": "https://ap.bank.com/help/error/auth-0001"





“data” : {...}


Rule#15 Versioning our APIs

We should have different versions of API if we’re making any changes to them that may break clients. The versioning can be done according to semantic version (for example, 2.0.6 to indicate major version 2 and the sixth patch) like most apps do nowadays.

This way, we can gradually phase out old endpoints instead of forcing everyone to move to the new API at the same time. The v1 endpoint can stay active for people who don’t want to change, while the v2, with its shiny new features, can serve those who are ready to upgrade. This is especially important if our API is public. We should version them so that we won’t break third party apps that use our APIs.

Versioning is usually done with /v1/, /v2/, etc. added at the start of the API path.

Rule#16 Business Capabilities and Resource Modelling

Various business capabilities of an organization are exposed through APIs as a set of resources. Functionality MUST not be duplicated across APIs; rather resources (e.g., user account, credit card, etc.) are expected to be re-used as needed across use-cases.

Embrace BIAN - The BIAN design The BIAN design approach  is well aligned with API solution development for a number of reasons:

  • Support for Emerging Industry Approaches – Two key technology approaches are considered: API development and the adoption of a Micro-service architecture
  • Support for Industry Standards – The BIAN Service Domains and service operations present an Industry standard definition for the componentization and service enablement of Banking
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Rule#17 Resource Path standardization 

An API's resource path consists of URI's path, query and fragment components. It would include API's major version followed by namespace, resource name and optionally one or more sub-resources. For example, consider the following URI.


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Rule#18 Internationalization - country code

The following common types MUST be used with regard to global country and currency


All APIs and services MUST use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two letter country code standard.

Rule#19 Internationalisation - currency code


Currency type MUST use the three letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217. To specify currencies in request URI and body parameters, use three-character ISO-4217 codes.

Note: Other internationalization factors such as Locale setting are mentioned in the header rules

Rule#20 Date, Time

When dealing with date and time, all APIs MUST conform to the following guidelines.

The date and time string MUST conform to the date-time universal format defined in section 5.6 of RFC3339. In use cases where you would require only a subset of the fields (e.g full-date or full-time) from the RFC3339 date-time format, you SHOULD use the Date Time Common Types to express theses

date_time SHOULD be used to express an RFC3339 date-time.


date_no_time SHOULD be used to express full-date from RFC 3339.



  • “Z”: stands for Zero timezone (UTC+0). Or equal to +00:00 in the RFC 3339.
  • RFC 3339 is following the ISO 8601 DateTime format. The only difference is RFC allows us to replace “T” with “space”.

That’s it. These top 20 rules any organization needs to follow. Now the question is where do we begin when it comes to API for micro-services

Developing API for  Micro-service based product - The Jump Suit

API interfaces are the unique access point to Typical Bank business logic. For this reason APIs definition is one of the most important tasks for MS teams.

MS APIs should allow developers accessing and managing application data in an optimised way. To do so, Typical Bank suggest a list of architectural points that should be followed in order to deliver a coherent and optimised set of business logic end points:

  • Identify and define the resources from a requirement perspective.
  • Identify the type of resource as one of the following
  • Main resource (Definitions with one or more attributes)
  • Identify and define the attributes in each resource
  • Identify and define the data type of each attribute.




Reference to another resource

  • Provide "Description" for each field/attribute
  • Identify and provide "ENUM" for each field/attribute (if applicable)
  • Identify the operations/HTTP methods to be exposed for each resource
  • Individual Resource URI (for actions on a single record)




Collection Resource URI (for actions on multiple records. POST in this category is an exception)




POST (for individual resource creation)

Once you have tabled this, then you can tap into the top 20 golden rules. In day-to-day API development, these rules are often played down to unify the team and move together in the same consistent API delivery.


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