Microlearning and Nano learning!
Online learning has been in existence since quite a few years, however, the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns around the globe, managed to push the trend exponentially further compared to before and popularised e-learning for individuals across all regional, financial, and age groups.
With considerable advancement in digital technology along with the changing mindsets of people towards learning, there has been an emergence of new trends within the sphere of online learning. Microlearning and nano learning are two of these innovating learning methods that have been widely embraced by many.
Concept of microlearning and nano learning: The average attention span of a person in the pre-pandemic era was around 18-20 minutes. However, the onset of online learning has resulted in that time significantly reducing. Most people experience fatigue and get distracted more quickly now. Today, it is more imperative than ever to deliver effective information in shorter time spans.
Microlearning and nano learning are exactly that. As their names suggest, these two learning methods offer smaller and bite-sized chunks of information in one go. Both of these are short term online learning methods that aim to meet the objective of imparting knowledge and information effectively as and when you may need it. While microlearning and nano learning are both conceptually similar in their approach in a way that they both offer fast learning, they are still not quite the same as one another.
Microlearning is the learning mechanism that divides larger parts of information and knowledge into smaller parts to impart instant content to the learners in a shorter duration. This usually spans anywhere between 5-15 minutes.
Nano learning is similar, except it specifically dabbles in highly focused knowledge of a particular subject in a much shorter time span lesser than 5 minutes. It can also be said that nano learning is in fact a subset of microlearning.
While the content in both these methods is simple, accessible and engaging, microlearning can be used as independent material to learn entirely new topics in both formal and informal settings whereas nano learning due to its laser focused nature is generally used in informal learning as well as majorly for refreshing one’s knowledge about the specific topic.
For example, microlearning would teach the learner how to use a video editing software in general, nano learning on the other hand would teach the learner how to do a very specific task within the software, like trimming a video or colour grading a clip.
Efficient learning methods for modern learners: These learning methods have proven to be effective for the modern-day learners that find it much easier to grasp and understand bite-sized content. Not only does the focused information of these modules help with shorter attention spans but it also helps in retaining the knowledge.
Unlike traditional learning methods like a classroom setting, or even live online lecture, these models are flexible and designed with the learner in mind. It can be easily accessed according to their availability and can be consumed at their own pace.
In contrast with the classic long lectures that we have in educational institutions, these models give out knowledge without any fillers and only convey the necessary points of the topic. Watching a 2–5-minute video to learn a skill that you would regularly need in your life happens to be highly time-effective.
Another advantage of these models is that it is able to deliver in multiple modes. Different learners have different preferred learning styles. While some would find visual components more helpful, others rely on listening and would prefer auditory modules.
Learning methods adopted by many: Microlearning and nano learning have gained significant popularity in the past few years. Owing to it, these learning models are being used widely for different purposes. While students can use these methods to revise what’s being taught to them in their institutes, they can also opt to gain more skills outside of their courses. Additionally, many companies are also adapting these methods to effectively train their employees to suit their work requirements. People have also been learning through these models in their free time to learn new skills and knowledge.
In conclusion, the utilisation of these e-learning models on this big of a scale leaves no doubt about it being the future of learning.