Microlearning and eLearning Localization

Microlearning and eLearning Localization

What is Microlearning?

Microlearning is often referred to as a learning “nugget” – about 3-5 minutes long – that meets a specific learning objective. Content is taught and delivered to learners in small, specific bursts. Media used include short videos, short assessments or quizzes, real-world exercises, and gamifications. Also, learners can access this content on multiple devices such as smartphones, tablets, desktop computers, laptops, etc.

Why is Microlearning Growing?

Microsoft Corporation did a?2015 study?on attention spans and determined that the human attention span has 3 types: sustained, selective, and alternating. For all types of attention spans, the digital lifestyle is “changing the brain, decreasing the ability for prolonged focus, and increasing their appetite for more stimuli.” This essentially means that long-winded educational materials may be a thing of the past.

Though the study addresses marketers, these same ideas have been applied to today’s learners. This means that businesses and organizations must tailor training to their audiences. Localized training is necessary even in today’s global business environment since adaptive training leads to effectiveness and retention.

So, How Does eLearning Localization and Microlearning Work Together?

It’s actually quite simple, it’s just a matter of adaptivity. Finding the right resources to help with the transition is all you really need, and there are many benefits too:

Save on Timing and Costs

Content is delivered in shorter bursts. Less content usually means less cost. If it costs less to develop the eLearning, it will also cost less to localize the eLearning. In addition, microlearning content is often easy to update. This same concept translates (pun intended) to updating localized courses. If it was easy to develop, chances are it is easy to update (no matter which language version). This allows for eLearning to be available for multiple language markets in a shorter amount of time.

Microlearning Characteristics?

A lot of organizations simply condense their existing digital learning courses to create microlearning, which is the wrong approach. There are certain characteristics that must be a part of every microlearning bit you create, or else you run the risk of creating ineffective microlearning. In this article, we’ll discuss these characteristics.

1. Must Address A Single Performance-Based Objective

One of the most essential core values of microlearning is that it is concentrated and focused. Thus, every microlearning bit or unit must adhere to only a single performance-based objective, like teaching the learner how to perform a single task, which could be a part or a step of a bigger skill. As each microlearning bit targets only one single learning objective, the cognitive overload on the learner is reduced. Learners also remember each objective specifically, which boosts retention and application of the task, while helping fight the forgetting curve.

2. Must Leverage Content From Existing Courses

As mentioned before, your microlearning content must not be a condensed version of your existing digital learning course. However, collecting and curating all new content for your microlearning bits can be time-consuming, which sort of defeats the purpose of microlearning, as it is supposed to be able to be developed quickly. Thus, it is okay to leverage bits of existing content in order to create microlearning, such as PPTs, PDFs, videos, and the like. In fact, taking bits of content from existing courses is a characteristic of good microlearning.

3. Must Be Minimalistic In Design

Although microlearning does use high-quality videos as well as high-definition graphics, images, and visuals, it must follow a minimalistic design with crisp, minimal text and only relevant visuals to go with it. Don’t include any elements that do not add to the learning process and/or clutter the screen.

4. Must Be Short And Useful

Everybody knows that microlearning bits must not take more than 5 minutes to complete. However, that’s not all. In addition to being short, microlearning must also be useful. Don’t just design microlearning for the sake of it. Microlearning is a learning strategy for the modern learner. It must be able to educate learners without them having to exert themselves mentally and help them accomplish tasks on the job.

5. Must Employ A Number Of Formats

As mentioned before, the power of microlearning lies with its ability to work in a number of formats. Use interactive PDFs, videos, infographics, podcasts, and such microlearning formats to create variety and engage learners. However, always remember that form follows function. Employ the format that is most suited to explain a specific piece of knowledge to learners.

6. Must Be Paired With Mobile Learning

In the modern context, there is no point in implementing microlearning without mobile learning. Microlearning bits work best when the learner has the freedom to consume them at a time and place of their choosing, which mobile learning provides. Also, most microlearning formats work best on a mobile screen, such as microlearning videos, infographics, gamified simulations, and interactive PDFs. When creating microlearning, you can design it in a way that it runs on all devices, but make it mobile-first.

7. Must Be Able To Provide Just-In-Time Learning

Another reason microlearning is so popular among modern learners is its ability to provide Just-In-Time learning. As microlearning bits are 5-minutes long, they can be consumed just before applying the skill they teach the learner. For example, learning how to behave in a meeting just before a meeting. Thus, your microlearning module must cater to learners looking to perform a specific task or looking to apply a specific skill or piece of knowledge. Make sure all the modules are available to the learners to be consumed in one place, preferably a learning app.

Michael Caincross

Technically astute Learning & Development (L&D) Professional | Instructional Designer | Digital Learning Developer | Digital Interaction Designer

2 年

This is a great read. A lot of training goes off the rails, trying to include all the content, and latest multimedia trends available. A popular term that I have always followed is "Nice to know or kneed to know". A lot of stakeholders request videos, animations, motion graphics etc., within a single course. If appropriate, I ask "Is this a nice to have, or a need to have?" Sometimes it is discovered that a simple Job aid or infographic is all thats needed.


