Microgrids Powered by Renewable Energy and HR Tech are both Hosted on Web3 Platforms and will solve many Problems
Most countries in the Western World have a common goal to be Carbon Neutral by 2050. Most believe renewable energy is the answer. One solution is microgrids and already we see peer-to-peer electricity trading emerging as an incentive to share energy resources, as well as being an attractive business venture. Governments and universities are investing a massive amount of time and money exploring ways to use roof-top solar panels to provide fuel for industries and households. Energy sharing schemes have the potential to supplement national energy grids and Monash University in Australia and the Arizona State University in the USA are two good examples of how pure energy microgrids and HR tech hosting intersect.
The purpose of this article is not to save the planet or stop global warming, but to contribute to the adoption of Web3 platforms that will solve a host of problems that include data privacy, application software design (monolithic to component-based), provide an alternate source of energy to massive data centres, and reduce the cost of energy that threatens to derail economic recovery following two years of COVID-19 shutdowns.?
In this article I will identify the common Web3 distributed ledger technology (DLT or blockchain) platform that will underpin both the renewable energy platform and the hosting platform for future HR technology composable frameworks .?
Microgrids – Arizona State University
The diagram below based on an Arizona State University ASU website image illustrates how Solar Photovoltaic (PV) roof-top panels capture and store energy for household consumption and distribution to the energy market.
To put the process of capturing and distributing energy to the market in a microgrid hosting context, the steps are identified by RED numbers in the diagram above, and explained as follows:
(1)???The PV panels are installed on the roof of the business or household premises. Solar energy is captured and stored in batteries. Software records the quantity of energy in the Smart Energy Meter.
(2)???Introduces BLOCKCHAIN . Here is where Web3 and the latest technology comes into play. Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology (DLT) and there are better, more efficient DLTs now available. It is the provenance, immutability, consensus process, scalability and other blockchain features that make the technology the right platform for hosting renewable energy.
(3)???Excess energy is where peer-to-peer energy trading comes into play. The excess energy can be shared within the network or traded on an open market.
(4)???The permissioned Hyperledger Fabric blockchain is mentioned in this box. Competitive Edge Technology (CET) first explored this blockchain type in 2017 because of its permissioned consensus process that was localised within a network and did not draw the massive power that permissionless blockchains , such as Bitcoin, took from the grid: For that reason, it was considered suitable for a subset (employee owned data) of an HR database. The consensus process requires GOVERNANCE to determine who can belong to the network, and because CET’s network was set up for employee owned data and intended for a global workforce, the logical consensus group should be members of the global Human Resources associations community. The Consortium for Decentralized HR was setup in 2020 as the result of a partnership between CET and IHRIM (International Association for HR Information Management) to create the governance group. In Q1 2022 CET will be evaluating the Holochain DLT that promises an even better network than the earlier blockchains, explained further on in this article.
(5)???Most estimates of energy consumption in 2022 do not take into account the impact of electric vehicles that will draw energy from the grid if charged at home or on business premises.
(6)???Other major impacts on the grid will come from IoT (Internet of Things) devices and must be factored into estimates for future energy consumption.
Microgrids – Monash University & U.S Department of Energy
Quote from IHRIM WSR article The Scope and Impact of Web3 on HR Systems, due for publication late February 2022: ”A new hosting model is needed to address energy usage and provide “virtual microgrids” where electricity can be shared with others, including business consortiums. For example,
(1)??The Australian Monash University received a government grant to launch a project to “virtually connect one business and approximately 20 homes into a microgrid.”
(2)??The U.S. Department of Energy’s Smart Grid initiative creates electric generating units that intelligently route power between nodes when needed. Customers form “collectives” to share the power they generate to lower costs or improve reliability by providing backup facilities and ensuring clean, uninterrupted supply. The model can be scaled to create a Web3 model for HR technology infrastructure.
Microgrids, fueled by renewable energy sources, e.g., windmills and solar panels, supply power to nodes on demand, while semiconductor inventions lead to less power-consuming devices”
The Holochain Platform and the HR Tech Application Framework
Holochain is a relatively new and little known DLT that has the capability to change the traditional hosting model and application delivery for the HR tech world. The HoloPorts, boxed in red in the diagram below, are the equivalent of the Smart Energy Meter box in the ASU diagram earlier.
The implementation of the HoloPort Hosting Model to the global Agent Network (shown in the diagram above) will lay a platform for communities or collectives to be set up and join the Consortium for Decentralized HR, the governance process and participate in research, education, and other activities. ?
For more details about Holochain and the Holovictory campaign please see recent articles, such as: The Power of peer to Peer , The Holovictory HR Tech Campaign , NFTs, Low Code and Holochain Apps for Citizen Developers , the Consortium for Decentralized HR
Please contact us at [email protected] for more information or details about how you or your organisation can be part of this exciting Holovictory campaign.
The global economic outlook following two years of COVID damage to business is not good. The solution described in this article could have measurable economic benefits.
If governments could subsidise the manufacture and installation of solar panels, and businesses could offer electricity supply to employees connected to their microgrid network (as described in the Monash University research project) as a pre-tax benefit, it would take an enormous amount of pressure off employees’ cost of living and minimise the risk of industrial unrest.
The Current Australian Economic Reality
The status and likely scenario that Australia faces post-COVID is as follows:
1.??Wage pressure: Companies, especially retailers, have had a rough time for the last two years and are seeking to catch up on lost profits. Prices are going up and putting pressure on the cost of living. Wages have not grown over the last two years and families are struggling.
2.??Slow economic recovery: The reduced amount of disposable income has resulted in a slower economic recovery than what was forecast.
3.??Consequences of wage increases: If wages go up so will inflation. If inflation reaches a threshold the Reserve Bank will raise interest rates and thousands of families that have committed to large mortgages will struggle to repay their home loans.
4.??Taxation will erode benefits: if remuneration packages go up so will the individual’s tax and erode the take home amount.
5.??Electricity bills are on the rise: Power bills are on the rise contributing to a cost of living increase and the pending closure of coal-fired power stations will have an impact on pricing and put further pressure on household budgets.
6.??Impact of rising power bills on inflation: A measure of inflation in Australia is the CPI (Consumer Price Index) and Domestic Fuel and Power is part of the Goods and Services Expenditure Category. An increase in that single item due to price increases being passed onto consumers will have an unwanted impact on inflation and add to the risk of interest rate rises.?
Possible Solution
Companies could potentially be incentivised by energy sharing models that can attract revenue by selling excess energy to members of their industry networks or providing energy free to employees as part of their remuneration package
The workforce will need to be given an increase in income without losing most in taxes, incurring higher mortgage rates, or experience loss of jobs due to employers being unable to pay.
i)??From an employee’s perspective: Employees’ households may have cash set aside to pay electricity bills that they may now spend as they wish. That would stimulate the economy without a need for government incentives. In other words, an employee would receive a salary increase equivalent to their annual electricity bills without paying any additional tax.
Additional disposable cash will accelerate economic recovery across all industries.
ii)???From an employer’s perspective: They are able to give their employees a salary increase, that they would have been applying industrial pressure to receive, without adding to their wages bill. The microgrid infrastructure would yield additional revenue at the same time it delivers a bonus to employees and eliminates a major cost of paying for obsolete enterprise software applications from multi-billion dollar software companies.
iii)??From a Human Resource Management perspective: an employee would be connected to the company’s microgrid during the on-boarding process. The unique microgrid DLT record would ensure only one member of the household could claim the pre-tax benefit of electricity bill subsidy. Large families with a big electricity bill, single income and a mortgage would be the major beneficiaries.
iv)????From a national economy perspective: there would be wages growth without impacting business viability, new jobs would be created for infrastructure installations and technology advancements. The country would take a huge step towards carbon emission targets.
The successful deployment of the solution will not be possible without Web3 and the HR composable application framework designed to run on a peer-to-peer Web3 network.
General Director at Decentralized Climate Foundation
2 年Amazing! Thank you very much for the research.