Microblog: Philosophy - Be a Hiring Expert
Our Philosophy @ RockIT is to add value to Job Seekers and Companies by being Hiring Experts.
Getting through an interview process and finding a company you love is hard work!
Recruiters who are hiring experts take time to: listen to what is important, advise on career decisions that will impact their lives for years, and help navigate the interviews.
Unfortunately most recruiters only see their value as keyword matching. They default to making as many low-quality matches as possible to try to make as much money as possible. Not a recipe for long-term success.
Hiring engineers in Silicon Valley is hard work!
Recruiters who are hiring experts help companies: craft their pitch to potential hires, understand and identify the best profiles, create a positive candidate experience.
Unfortunately most recruiters simply see themselves as order-takers. This doesn’t make companies better at hiring.