Michael's Dream - The Man in the Mirror
McCartney Green
★★Christian Speaker-Author of 17 books including...The In Jesus' Name Series★★Mentor and Relationship Problem Solver★ ★★Go to mccartneygreen.org for FREE books★★
"Honest. Raw. Uplifting." An honest, divinely inspired book about ending racial tensions in America and in the world. "Don't you think it's time?"
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Some reader comments on Michael's Dream:
“...controversial but this is how change happens.”
“The author is gutsy in writing this book and with all that is going on right now in the world it gives me hope that the world will change for the better.”
You may have noticed that I define this book as helping to end racial tensions, rather than saying helping to end racism. There’s a reason for that. We can’t force people to love, or to “not hate,” however, if we stop the tension and move forward, the hate will die out on it’s own. As a matter of fact, the one’s who cling to hate will simply become laughable. This doesn’t mean that we don’t encourage love, and kindness and patience and understanding and treating people as individuals. We give that our best. But in the end, we simply move forward in our own joy and love. Leave the hate behind for what we focus on grows. What we give our energy to grows. Focus on love, focus on kindness, focus on joy... and let those things grow.
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