Steven Ihde
Poet, Publisher, GlenPress Poetry Awards sponsor. Non-Fiction and Fiction Manuscript Proofreader at GlenPress
This glaive has thrust through demon and dragon,
While steed charged headlong fearing not frenzy,
Our purpose as one, a bold MacKenzie,
With tartan beneath, and breastplate upon,
With courage we burst through every denizen
That dwelled in regions where harpies are wont
To scurry and scamper, and while they haunt
Nights, as coal mines, to provide specimen
Of their saliva, I clove off each tongue,
So stopped their foul screaming, while deeply flew
To torture the damned ones, toward Hades gate,
So lost beyond redemption was each one,
Like rich man while Lazarus last breath drew,
Had forged heavy chains, then it was too late.