Michael Copass Blessings
Ann Marie Kimball
Vice Chair COVID 19 task force at The Rotary Foundation/Rotary International
Yesterday Michael Copass was honored by nearly 1000 mourners at the Museum of Flight for his memorial. As it happened I could not attend but in remembrance of this incredible man I share a short story.
As a young woman in Medicine, there were numerous challenges which today are no longer in play. One of course, was as "Medic One Doctor" where I was giving instructions to very burly wonderful medics who in that epoch were not always welcoming of instructions from a girl. At one point we had a drowning and I gave instructions. It was a salt water drowning not a fresh water and my instructions were being resisted by my wonderful guys. Copass broke in and said "Listen to her...she is right!" It was like God had spoken, the patient did well.
Later I was invited as a graduate student to practice as an Emergency medicine. This was before there were boards or other gates for internists. While my male colleagues applying for the same opportunitiy were only asked for one reference I was asked for three, to include Copass.
He "got it" immediately and gave me a huge thumbs up. Copass was quietly a hero for me and I believe for many women who pioneered in Medicine. He was an amazing person with incredible dedication and I put up this piece in him memory. Invite comments, and thank you to the Copass family. Please share your stories of this incredible man. Humanity as embodied in Michael Copass are our "North Star" for why we are in medicine. Thank you to all my brothers and sisters in our incredible mission.