MiCA implementation in France

MiCA implementation in France

Manimama's experts are well versed in the complexities of cryptocurrency regulation and are committed to sharing their findings with businesses and individuals navigating this dynamic sector.

Indeed, our legal team recently finalized a comprehensive study on the national implementation of the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation (MiCA) in various EU countries. The legal research not only highlights the differences in how MiCA is adopted at the national level, but also offers standard rules for compliance. Today we offer you an insight into the specifics of obtaining a cryptocurrency license in France under the new MiCA provisions.

Current requirements (prior to MiCA implementation)

The DASP must notably comply with the following conditions:

1) either have professional indemnity insurance or a minimum amount of own funds;

2) at least have one executive manager;

3) have sufficient human and technical resources;

4) have resilient IT systems;

5) have an internal control system;

6) have a claims handling procedure;

7) have an organisation enabling it to avoid conflicts of interest;

8) have procedures for the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism.?

To provide the services 1-4 in France you shall mandatorily register first with the AMF. This obligation applies to DASPs established in France but also outside France.

For the services 1, 2, the AMF, in conjunction with the ACPR, checks that complying with the regulations on AML/CFT.

In all cases, the AMF checks the good repute and competence of the managers and beneficial owners of your organisation and seeks clearance from the ACPR.


To submit your registration application, you must fill in the following four forms, which specify the required information and documents:

– AMF DASP Form;

– AMF DASP Executive Manager Form;

– AMF DASP Significant Shareholders Form;

– AMF DASP Programme of operations.

The registration application and its constituent parts shall be sent by email to the AMF at the following address: [email protected].??

Has the jurisdiction enacted a law/draft law implementing MiCA?

MiCA will replace the existing PACTE regime in France for market participants wishing to start their business on or after 30 December 2024.

France started adapting to MiCA back in 2023. At that time, regulations were adopted, which came into force on 1 January 2024. However, these regulations do not fully implement the provisions of the MICA.

Who is the regulator under the law/draft law implementing MiCA?

1. French Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des marchés financiers;?“AMF“)??

2. Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (Autorité de Contr?le Prudentiel et de Résolution;? “ACPR“)

Requirements for future CASPs stipulated by the national legislation implementing MiCA, the presence of national peculiarities.

A cryptoasset service provider (PSCA) is a legal entity or other business whose occupation or business is to provide one or more cryptoasset services to clients on a professional basis and which is entitled to provide these services in relation to cryptocurrencies in accordance with the provisions of the MiCA Regulation.

Ten services subject to mandatory authorisation:

– providing storage and administration of crypto assets on behalf of clients;

– managing a platform for trading crypto assets;

– exchange of crypto assets for cash;

– exchange of crypto assets for other crypto assets;

– execution of orders for cryptocurrency assets on behalf of clients;

– placement of crypto assets;

– receiving and transferring orders for crypto assets on behalf of clients;

– providing advice on crypto assets;

– providing cryptoasset portfolio management;

– providing cryptoasset transfer services on behalf of clients.

In addition, service providers will be required to comply with a set of general rules, such as anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing requirements, cybersecurity obligations, good reputation and competence, conduct, governance, conflict of interest management, and, where applicable, custody and asset segregation requirements. MiCA also imposes certain obligations depending on the type of services offered.

You must first register with the AMF. This obligation applies to DASPs established in France, as well as outside France, in accordance with the conditions set out in AMF Position DOC 2020-07

The applicant must provide the AMF with the information specified in two instructions.

This digital asset service provider shall provide information relating to the security and internal control system, the conflict of interest management system, the resilient and secure IT system, the customer complaint management policy and the pricing policy set out in an instruction.

Pursuant to Article 721-7 and Article Article 721-8, a digital asset service provider must meet the following requirements:

  • It should have at least two senior executives. They will be responsible for ensuring that the company meets its legal and regulatory obligations. They are required to regularly evaluate and review the effectiveness of the systems and procedures mentioned in this section. Any significant incidents should be reported immediately to senior management;
  • It shall at all times have human and technical resources that are sufficient and appropriate for the services it provides;
  • It should establish, implement and maintain appropriate internal controls and procedures to ensure that it meets its legal and regulatory obligations. If the digital asset service provider is an investment service provider, the compliance system referred to in Article 312-1 shall include digital asset services; and
  • It employs staff with sufficient qualifications, knowledge and experience to perform their duties. It must ensure that the staff is adequately informed of the procedures to be followed to properly perform their duties.
  • It shall establish, implement and maintain operating systems and procedures to protect the security, integrity and confidentiality of information in a manner appropriate to the nature of the information concerned.
  • It shall establish, implement and maintain operating systems and procedures that allow for early recovery to ensure that, in the event of an interruption in its systems and procedures, essential data and functions are protected and that its digital asset services are not interrupted, or, if this is not possible, that those data and functions are restored as soon as possible and that its operations are resumed as soon as possible.

  • It shall have sufficient information and human resources to ensure the resilience and security of its information systems, in particular by conducting regular tests to analyze the vulnerability of its information systems in the event of cyberattacks;
  • It should implement an IT strategy consisting of clearly defined goals and activities
  • It shall establish and maintain appropriate physical and electronic security systems that reduce, to the extent practicable, the risks of attacks on its information systems and include effective controls in terms of identification and access. These systems ensure the confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and availability of data, as well as the reliability and robustness of the digital asset service provider’s information systems;
  • It must immediately notify the AMF of any serious breach of its physical and electronic security measures. It must provide the AMF with an incident report outlining the nature of the incident, the measures taken after it occurred, and the initiatives taken to prevent similar incidents in the future; and
  • It should ensure that it is able to identify all individuals who have critical access rights to its information systems. It shall limit the number of such persons and control their access to its information systems to ensure traceability at all times.

And there are also separate requirements for custodians of digital assets, etc.

Rules to be followed, briefly:?

Rules regarding financial resources and organisation?

A licensed DASP must, in particular, meet the following conditions

  • have professional liability insurance or a minimum amount of own funds
  • have at least one executive manager;
  • have sufficient human and technical resources;
  • have stable IT systems;
  • have a system of internal control;
  • have a procedure for handling claims;
  • have an organisation that avoids conflicts of interest;
  • have procedures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.

Business rules?

A licensed DASP must:

  • provide clear information to clients;
  • sign a contract with its client;
  • meet specific requirements for the services provided.

The period of time by which the CASP must comply with the new requirements, as well as the procedure for notifying the regulator of compliance with the new requirements.

Pursuant to Article 721-3, for the services referred to in paragraphs 1-5 of Article L. 54-10-2 of the Monetary Code, the applicant must send the AMF a program of operations containing:

  • The activities that the applicant carries out or will carry out;
  • Lists or categories of digital assets covered by the activity;
  • The geographical distribution of its activities;
  • Systems and resources established to comply with the provisions of Chapter X, Section IV, Book V of the Monetary and Financial Code and this section;
  • Certificate of insurance and professional liability insurance policy, if applicable, or any other means confirming that the applicant has the minimum required level of capital;
  • Description of human and technical resources allocated to various activities, including the internal control function;
  • A detailed organisational chart showing the persons responsible for the activities to be performed and the number of employees assigned to each digital asset service for the next two financial years;
  • A list of services or other essential or significant operational tasks that the service provider outsources, on a long-term and regular basis, to a third party, or should be, as well as contracts signed or planned with these service providers;
  • Measures taken to ensure the resilience and security of the information system established to provide the digital asset service;
  • Measures taken to identify, prevent, and resolve conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of providing digital asset services, as well as a description in non-technical language;
  • A description of the systems for monitoring the company’s activities, including, where applicable, backup systems and risk control systems when the company wants to use automated trading systems;
  • Information on the systems for reviewing internal control and risk management;
  • Details of the systems for assessing and managing money laundering and terrorist financing risks;
  • Business continuity plan;
  • A streamlined wind-down plan;
  • A policy on the management of any conflicts of interest, as set out in Article 721-11;
  • Outsourcing policy, including contingency plans and exit strategies, taking into account the scale, nature and complexity of the digital asset services provided;
  • Description of governance mechanisms;
  • Description of the digital asset marketing procedures;
  • And other documents depending on the services provided.

According to Article D54-10-6 of the Currency and Financial Code of France, in order to obtain the approval referred to in Article L. 54-10-5, the applicant shall send the Financial Markets Authority a complete file containing the following elements:

I.General information, in particular:

  • Its name or corporate name and corporate form, the address of the establishment, as well as the contact details of the contact person designated by the applicant;
  • A list of digital asset services for which approval is sought and, if applicable, services that will be provided without approval;
  • A copy of the company’s constituent documents and, if applicable, a unique identification number.

II. For digital asset service providers registered pursuant to Article L. 54-10-3, the information specified in Article D. 54-10-2.

III. Identification of the shareholders, direct and indirect, natural or legal persons holding at least 10% of the capital or voting rights, or any other possibility of exercising significant influence over the management of the company, as well as the amount of their participation.

IV.-Financial information, in particular:

  • Information on the applicant’s financial position on an individual level and, if applicable, consolidated and sub-consolidated, including forecasts, including forecast accounting plans for the first three financial years, planning assumptions used for the aforementioned forecasts, and explanations of the figures, including the number and type of expected customers, the expected volume of transactions and orders, and, if applicable, forward calculations of capital requirements;
  • For companies already in operation, the regulatory financial statements at the individual level and, if applicable, consolidated and sub-consolidated for the last three financial years, approved by the auditor after review, including the balance sheet, income statement, annual reports and financial statements and, if applicable, the auditor’s report for the last three years or the period since the beginning of operations.

V. With reference to Article L. 54-10-5, paragraph 1° I, the insurance certificate and the concluded professional civil insurance contract or any means to ensure that the applicant has an appropriate level of capital.

VI. For the services referred to in paragraphs 1°-5° of Article L. 54-10-2, information on the organisation of the service provider and its program of activities, the content of which is determined by the general rules of the financial markets. Authorization.

VII. For the service referred to in Article L. 54-10-2, paragraph 4°, the rules of operation of the platform for trading in digital assets.

Although the MiCA regulation does not come into force until 30 December 2024, since 1 July 2024 it has been possible to file an application for authorisation with the AMF to become a crypto-asset service provider, with a view to pre-investigation by the AMF departments, since MiCA authorisation cannot be granted until the regulation is in force.

To compile this file, reference should be made to the Draft Technical Standards published by ESMA on 25 March 2024 on the content of the application for authorisation for PSCAs, which specifies the requirements set out in Article 62(5) of the Regulation. The licence application and its components shall be sent by e-mail to the AMF at e-mail: [email protected].?

Is there a transition period before the full implementation of MiCA?

Transition period without a European passport.

Providers that already provide digital asset services in France on the basis of a “simple” or “enhanced” registration as a digital asset service provider (DASP) or an optional DASP authorisation obtained under the PACTE Law, or provide services that are not currently subject to mandatory registration (e.g. financial investment advisers (FIAs) providing advice on crypto assets) will be able to take advantage of the transitional period. These providers will have until 30 June 2026 to obtain a MiCA authorisation in order to continue their activities after 1 July 2026.

However, the AMF would like to point out that “simple” or “enhanced” registration or optional authorisation does not allow for the benefits of the European passport during the transitional period. Therefore, market participants who have obtained any of these forms of registration will not be able to provide their services under the European passport regime until they have obtained MiCA authorisation. These providers are responsible for ensuring the legality of their services in other EU Member States during this transitional period.

The date of 30 June 2026 will mark the end of the 18-month transitional period granted to digital asset service providers (DASPs) that have obtained “simple” registration, “enhanced” registration, or optional licensing from the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, or that provide services not subject to mandatory registration (referred to in 5° of Article L. 54-10-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code),? before 30 December 2024. During this eighteen-month period, these entities will be able to continue offering their services solely to investors in France. From 1 July 2026, they will have to obtain MiCA authorisation in order to continue offering their services, including to investors in France.

The ability of a CASP from a jurisdiction with a transition period to operate freely in a jurisdiction without a transition period starting from January 1, 2025

The French regulator noted that a VASP that was authorised in France under the old rules (i.e., not in compliance with the MiCA) can offer its services exclusively to investors from France and cannot serve other regions. It should be assumed that this rule will also apply in the opposite order – VASPs that were authorised/licensed before the MiCA will not be able to offer their services to French citizens.

The transitional period only applies to digital asset services provided in France. French PSANs should therefore ensure that their activities in other countries are in line with applicable local laws.

Liability provided for CASPs that continue to operate at the place of registration without meeting the new requirements.

Not provided.

Other useful information regarding the implementation of MiCA

On 02 August 2024, the AMF announced on its website that, in accordance with the European MiCA Regulation, the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) has started accepting applications for authorisation to become a cryptocurrency-related service provider from 1 July 2024.?

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is amending the provisions of its General Regulation and its policy on the regime for digital asset service providers (DASPs) to be applied through the “enhanced” registration introduced by the DDADUE Law. These changes, which will apply as of January 1, 2024, are also intended to anticipate the transition to the European Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA) by adjusting the provisions relating to licensed DASPs.

The amendments adopted by the AMF have two main objectives:

to incorporate into the General Regulation and its policies the provisions applicable to DASPs subject to “enhanced” registration. This regime will become mandatory from January 1, 2024 for new players wishing to provide the four services subject to mandatory registration;

to align the DASP licence requirements with the European authorization requirements for cryptoasset service providers (CASPs) under the MiCA Regulation and to allow for a fast-track procedure for CASP authorization.

“Enhanced” registration of DASPs:

The new Article 721-1-2 of the AMF General Regulation, which entered into force on January 1, 2024, was created to expand the provisions of the DASP licence for DASPs subject to enhanced registration in various areas now covered by the enhanced DASP Registration: Adequate security and internal control systems, conflict of interest management systems, clear, accurate and non-misleading information, public pricing policy, special custody provisions (segregation of client assets from own assets), prohibition of using client assets without their express prior consent, agreement signed with clients, robust and secure IT system, prohibition of using client assets without their express prior consent, signed agreement with clients, and robust and secure IT system.

Amendments to the AMF General Regulation and to the instructions DOC-2019-23 (preparation of the registration and licence file) and DOC-2019-24 (cybersecurity requirements), which entered into force on January 1, 2024, must be taken into account in the account in the file by applicants for enhanced DASP registration

DASPs that received a simple registration before January 1, 2024, enjoy the benefits of the grandfather clause and continue to be subject to the system that was in place before that date.

The amendments to the AMF General Regulation (Book VII) will apply from January 1, 2024. They apply to licences issued on or after that date. DASPs that obtained an additional licence before this date must comply with all legal and regulatory provisions (including the provisions of Book VII of the AMF General Regulation) (question 3.3 of the DASP FAQ).

Instruction DOC-2019-23 on the rules applicable to DASPs has been amended to bring the documents required for the extended registration and additional licence largely in line with the requirements set out in the MiCA Regulation.

Instruction DOC-2019-24 on cybersecurity requirements has been amended to take into account the introduction of cybersecurity requirements for DASPs subject to enhanced registration by the DDADUE Law.

Manimama Legal & Growth Agency provides a gateway for the companies operating as the virtual asset wallet and exchange providers allowing to enter to the markets legally. We are ready to offer an appropriate support in obtaining a license with lower founding and operating costs. We offer KYC/AML launch, support in risk assessment, legal services, legal opinions, advice on general data protection provisions, contracts and all necessary legal and business tools to start business of virtual asset service provider.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter, not to be considered as a legal consultation.


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