Mia's Story
Family Resources Pittsburgh
The region’s leader in the fight against child abuse.
Mia is 10 years old. Like other young girls, Mia liked to ride her bike, play outside, eat ice cream and go to the park – until she didn’t.
Mia’s anxiety came upon her suddenly. Day after day, she eliminated activities she enjoyed until she refused to leave her house, not even venturing into her back yard. She wouldn’t ride the bus to school, which led to her parents homeschooling her. When Mia started having stomach aches, vomiting, and eventually stopped eating, her parents took her to the doctor, and she was admitted to the hospital for three weeks.
During her stay at the hospital, Mia was treated by a psychiatrist who then referred her to Family Resources.
Family Resources Family Based Program strives to address mental health issues and keep families together. Our therapists, Rachel and Shun, visited Mia weekly and began to understand how she was feeling. They learned that Mia loved animals, and that the family expressed a desire to work with our FURiends Animal Assisted Intervention Program.
In the following weeks, Cheese, Family Resources English Labrador facility dog, came into Mia’s life and treatment plan. Cheese, who experiences hints of anxiety himself, immediately bonded with Mia.? He came into Mia’s home, gently placed his head on her lap, and stayed calm when Mia patted his fur.
The next time Cheese came to visit, Nina, Cheese’s handler, kept Cheese in the back yard. Mia looked out the window and watched Cheese play. Eager to play with Cheese, Mia took her first steps outside in months. The two played with Cheese’s toys, practiced commands, and played fetch.
“Would you like to take Cheese for a walk?” Shun asked Mia on their next visit.
Shun handed Mia Cheese’s leash, and after a few minutes, Mia shook her head “yes.”
“Will he stay with me on the walk?” Mia asked.
Shun smiled. “Of course he will.”
Those outside of Mia’s clinical team may never know the cause of Mia’s anxiety, but we know through her treatment at Family Resources that Mia has returned to living the life of a happy little girl.
Please consider making a donation to Family Resources today. Your support helps us continue making a difference in the lives of children like Mia, providing the care and resources they need to thrive.