Miami Lakes Veterans Day Parade 11-03-24

Miami Lakes Veterans Day Parade 11-03-24

Shared by Stanley Krieger a MUST Read and Share:

Left: Dr. Bret Weinstein, PhD; Right Mattias Desmet, Author The Psychology of Totalitarianism


Great speech by Bret Weinstein:

"I believe we must zoom out if we are to understand the pattern that we are gathered here to explore, because the pattern is larger than federal health agencies and the COVID cartel.

If we do zoom out and ask, what are they hiding?

The answer becomes as obvious as it is disturbing.

They are hiding everything.

It will be jarring for many to hear a scientist speak with such certainty.

It should be jarring.

We are trained to present ideas with caution as hypotheses in need of a test.

But in this case, I have tested the idea, and I am as certain of it as I am of anything.

We are being systematically blinded.

It is the only explanation I have encountered that will not only describe the present, but also, in my experience, predicts the future with all but perfect accuracy.

The pattern is a simple one.

You can see it clearly and test it yourself.

Every single institution dedicated to public truthseeking is under simultaneous attack.

They are all in a state of collapse.

Every body of experts fails utterly.

Individual experts who resist or worse, in an attempt to return their institutions to sanity, they find themselves coerced into submission.

If they won't buckle, they are marginalized or forced out.

Those outside of the institutions who either seek truth alone or who build new institutions with a truth-seeking mission face merciless attacks on both their integrity and expertise, often by the very institutions whose mission they refuse to abandon.

There is a saying in military circles, once is a mistake, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action.

I have no doubt that given an hour, the people on this panel could point to a hundred examples of the pattern I have just described, while finding even a handful of exceptions would pose a significant challenge.

We are left in a fool's paradise.

Our research universities spend huge sums of public money to reach preordained conclusions.

Professors teach only lessons that are consistent with wisdom students have picked up on TikTok, even when those lessons contradict the foundational principles of their disciplines.

Once proud newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post only report important stories after they have become common knowledge.

Morticians must now raise the alarm over patterns missed by medical examiners.

The CDC has become an excellent guide to protecting your health, but only for people who realize you should do the opposite of whatever it advises.

The courts, the last holdout in this ongoing inversion of reality, are now regularly used as a coercive weapon of elites against those who threaten them.

We have literally witnessed the Department of Homeland Security attempt to set up a truth ministry and declare accurate critique of government as a kind of terrorism.

To my fellow patriots in the West, the pattern is unmistakable.

I cannot tell you with any certainty who they are or what they hope to accomplish, but I can tell you that we are being systematically denied the tools of enlightenment and the rights guaranteed in our Constitution.

We, those who remain dedicated to the values of the West, must fight this battle courageously and we must win.

For if we do not stem the tide, the result will be a dark age that differs from prior dark ages only in the power and sophistication of the coercive instruments wielded by those who will rule us."

Levin: American History, constitutional law and their relation to this election: In his inimitable style, Saturday night, Mark Levin gave a lesson on American History, constitutional law and their relation to this election.? Unfortunately, as Levin points out American History is not taught the way it was when we were in school.? American students are being taught to hate America, not love it.

You can see Levin here.

Mark Levin reflects on America's founding ahead of Election Day. Mark Levin: This election is about throwing out this regime,

World Net Daily, A Free Press for a Free People, Click to watch:


Jared Silverman Email:?? [email protected]

Garbage and Puerto Rico:

The political scandal of the moment is Garbage.

It started when an unknown comedian (if you could call him that) made a remark in an otherwise forgettable routine at the Trump MSG rally that Puerto Rico was a "floating island of garbage." Given the reaction, one would think he fired on Fort Sumter, setting off the Civil War.

Not to be outdone, our fearless leader, stealing the headlines from his Veep and Democrat presidential candidate said,

“And just the other day, a speaker at his rally called Puerto Rico ‘a floating island of garbage.’ Well, let me tell you something … I don’t know the Puerto Rican that I know… or Puerto Rico where I’m –?in my home state of Delaware?–?they’re good, decent, honorable people,” Biden said during virtual remarks in a Voto Latino get-out-the-vote call meant to help Harris.

“The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters,” Biden said, pausing for a moment before continuing. “His, his demonization of Latinos is unconscionable and it’s un-American.”

Trump supporters are all garbage?? Master showman Donald Trump jumped at the opening, put on an orange safety vest, and came up with a brilliant parody and commentary - a Trump garbage truck.? This was worthy of the old SNL.

Meanwhile, Harris supporters contended the remark was a Biden "gaffe" (after all, Biden is the gaffester-in-chief) and that Trump supporters missed the apostrophe in Biden's remark.

The WH went as far as editing the official transcript of Biden's remarks. Here's AP:

AP sources: White House altered record of Biden’s ‘garbage’ remarks despite stenographer concerns

  • White House press officials altered the official transcript of a call in which President Joe Biden appeared to take a swipe at supporters of Donald Trump, drawing objections from the federal workers who document such remarks for posterity, according to two U.S. government officials and an internal email obtained Thursday by The Associated Press.
  • Biden, according to a transcript prepared by the official White House stenographers, told the Latino group on a Tuesday evening video call, “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters — his — his demonization of Latinos is unconscionable, and it’s un-American.”
  • The transcript released by the White House press office, however, rendered the quote with an apostrophe, reading “supporter’s” rather than “supporters,” which aides said pointed to Biden criticizing Hinchcliffe, not the millions of Americans who are supporting Trump for president.

Let's go back to the orginal statement about Puerto Rico and talk about Puerto Rico.

When it comes to Puerto Rio, it is easy to fall back on the old saw, "It's complicated."? However, these articles will give you an idea of what is happening politially.

Many people came into contact with Puerto Rico in West Side Story, in particular the song America (lyrics bere), where two Puerto Rican teenage girls debate the merits of Puerto Rico, one taking the side that America is better, the other Puerto Rico is better.

The lyrics of the 1961 film differed from those of the 1957 Broadway production.? Anita, pro-American and anti-Puerto Rico, has these lyics in the 1961 film, "Let it sink back in the ocean."

In the 1957 Broadway production, Anita sings:

Puerto Rico . . .

You ugly island . . .

Island of tropic diseases.

Always the hurricanes blowing,

Always the population growing . . .

And the money owing,

And the babies crying,

And the bullets flying.

West Side Story was written by two celebrated musical geniuses, Leonard Bernstein, who wrote the music, and Stephen Sondheim, who wrote the lyrics.? Putting aside Bernstein's music (Can music be racist? Yes, according to CRT.). and look at Sondheim's lyrics.? Is/was Sondheim racist, anti-Latino, and/or anti-Puerto Rico/Rican?? He describes Puerto Rico as ugly, diseased, overpopulated, in debt and violent.? How does that compare with a comedian calling Puerto Rico a "floating island of garbage"?? There were two recent productions of West Side Story,, one being liberal Stephen Spielberg's bilingual film with Spanish translations and dialog by Lin-Manuel Miranda.? In anticiapation of Spielberg's film, the NYT ran The Great ‘West Side Story’ Debate. In neither production, was America struck from the playlist nor was it demanded to be struck by the woke, particularly the woke Broadway community.

In the Broadway play, not repeated in the film, there is the telling line, "Nobody knows in America/Puerto Rico's in America!"? This gets to the core of s sticky political problem.

Puerto Rico's current status is that of a commonwealth, which is something more that a territory, i.e it has more self-government.

Since 1967, there have been 6 referenda in Puerto Rico on its status, 1967, 1993, 1998, 2012, 2017 and 2020.? The choices have been independence, free association, commonwealth, statehood, and none of the above.. (I am not sure what the last category would entail.)? In 2017, an overwhelming majority, 97.2%, voted for statehood.? In 2020, that number dropped to 52.52% with None of the Above coming in with 4748%.? This Election Day, next Tuesday, there will be yet another referendum, with independence, free association, and statehood being the only options.

Yarimar Bonilla has written a NYT op-ed, In Puerto Rico, a New Generation Votes for Change, 10/31/24. The graphic accompanying the article is of a sign saying "Muerte a al Corrupción y la Tiranía" (Death to Corruption and Tyranny) held by the Grim Reaper (la Parca) in front of the Puerto Rican Capitol.

  • Puerto Ricans are experiencing something unfamiliar: hope. For the first time, in the governor’s race a progressive pro-independence candidate, Juan Dalmau, is virtually tied with a pro-statehood candidate, Jenniffer González-Colón. If elected, he would be the first pro-independence governor in Puerto Rico’s history, which is significant, given the island’s painful history of nationalist surveillance and repression.
  • And yet what has made his campaign so powerful and even groundbreaking is that it doesn’t center on changing Puerto Rico’s colonial relationship to the United States. Mr. Dalmau’s platform focuses on making Puerto Rico livable for its people. It’s about reclaiming dignity amid relentless crises — financial, infrastructural and environmental. It’s about rejecting the idea that we must flee our homeland in order to thrive. And it’s about tackling corruption to put our own house in order before reckoning with our relationship to the United States.
  • No matter what happens on Tuesday, a new generation, shaped by disaster and debt, is determined to reclaim the island’s future. For decades we’ve been told our island is garbage, but Puerto Ricans are remembering that they come from a place where legends are made. And they are daring to imagine a future where staying on the island is a viable choice, not an act of sacrifice.

In the same vein, Ricky Martin, Rita Moreno and Lin-Manuel Miranda have written a NYT op-ed, Puerto Ricans Are Not Throwing Away Their Shot, 10/31/24.

  • Like us or not — and it’s obvious that some people really don’t like us — the threads of Puerto Rican culture are woven into our shared American story. That story speaks loudly and proudly to tens of millions of Americans.
  • It wasn’t always this way. The face of Puerto Ricans in our culture was until recently distorted into a caricature that still lingers in some minds. You might not appreciate the creativity and generosity of Puerto Ricans if you knew us only as the Sharks from “West Side Story.”
  • We’re not ignorant of the very real failings of Puerto Rican leadership. In fact, we were outspoken in the mass protests that led to the resignation of the scandal-plagued Rosselló administration, which played a part in the botched response to the hurricane.
  • But it takes a willful ignorance of American history, law and politics to blame Puerto Ricans for their own woes.
  • Puerto Rico might not have a vote in the Electoral College, but Puerto Ricans will be voting in states such as Pennsylvania where we could tip the result of a close election.
  • The United States is changing, as it always has: changing what it looks like, what it listens to, what it eats. Those changes help explain why the pushback in support of Puerto Rico and Latinos has been so forceful. Mainstream audiences love our culture in ways that make racist jokes sound as archaic as they are offensive. The country’s changing sense of self is unsettling for some, and their backlash is part of our American tradition too.

Jared Silverman Email:?? [email protected]

Doug Emhoff's wife is a badass

Laugh of the day.

Because I am a registered Democrat (I live in a one-party state called NYC), I receive about 10-15 solicitations daily, in total, from the Harris campaign, the DNC or the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee.

This one takes the cake.? It is from the No. 1 alpha male in the US.? No, not from either Elon Musk Hulk Hogan or Mark Cuban.? Or even the Nazi Orange Man. It is from the Second Gentleman, Doug Emhoff, via the Harris campaign.? (If Emhoff is the country's No. 1 alpha male, I guess that makes Tim Walz No. 2.)

The subject of the email solicitation is "My wife is a badass."

What is a "badass"?

Does Harris fit any of these definitions?? More fitting monikers would be Kamala ("Giggles") Harris or Kamala ("Word Salad") Harris.? Nevertheless, Alpha Male Emhoff explains:

She's kind [immediate badass eliminator], strong, smart, driven. She cares. When she sees a problem, she doesn't complain about it or find somebody to blame -- she gets to work. Simply put, she's a badass.

Does Emhoff's paean to his wife fit the defintion of "badass"?? When you think of a person who is tough, uncompromising, intimidating, ruthless, or troublemaking, does the image of Kamala Harris come to mind?? Would it come to the minds of Putin, Xi, Khamenei or Kim?

As the great philosopher Daffy Duck says, "It is to laugh."

Jared Silverman Email:?? [email protected]

On Sat, 02 Nov 2024 14:27:21 +0000 (UTC), Doug Emhoff <[email protected]>wrote:

We have just three more days to do everything we possibly can to elect Kamala as the 47th President of the United States.

Every door we've knocked, every rally we've held, and every dollar we’ve raised has led us to this moment. I can hardly explain how grateful I am.

But the only way we’ll come out on top Tuesday is if we keep fighting until the very end.

So, I'm personally asking: Will you chip in $47, $94, or anything you can afford to power our final voter outreach efforts and help us win this election?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

$47 >> $75 >> $100 >> $250 >> $500 >> Other >>

I’ll never forget when Kamala officially accepted the Democratic nomination at the convention. The hope and pride I felt.

I remember thinking: How lucky am I to be married to this woman?

Not because of where she's been.

Not because of what she'll do.

But because of who she is.

She's kind, strong, smart, driven. She cares. When she sees a problem, she doesn't complain about it or find somebody to blame -- she gets to work. Simply put, she's a badass.

That's the kind of leader Kamala will be as our next president.

The American people need Kamala -- but first, she needs each of us. I notice you haven't yet pitched in to the campaign. Will you please chip in $47 or any amount to help us reach every last voter, elect Kamala, and keep our country moving forward?

Thank you for all you do,


Doug Emhoff Second Gentleman of the United States

Some have written that the Trump campaign is always asking for contributions at times allowing them to mark recurrent amounts that get much from unsuspecting Seniors, our message is clear, during elections both parties do the same thing, so don't come to tell me anything about Trump when Kamala is doing the same!

From Brazil, former Nortel Networks Executive Luiz Crispin shares a post by Elon Musk challenging those who see the posting because no one has been able to figure out what the word is... I HAVE FIGURED IT OUT, WILL YOU?

Luiz Crispin

Representante Nacional

4 个月

HOPE ! Tks mr Weinstein. Well done. And tks, Hope, for the pictures.



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