Miad Healthcare Monthly Digest
Miad Healthcare
Informative courseware & organisational development services to the healthcare market in the UK.
Welcome to our latest monthly digest, delivered through LinkedIn.
This month, we share information on a number of our 2024 programmes and webinars, including courses for your Leaders, Medical Education Managers, Revalidation Managers, Appraisal Leads, and Physicians stepping into role of educational or clinical supervision.
We hope you find this edition valuable.
Three new courses proving popular for the year ahead
As the needs of NHS Trusts evolve, so do our courses. We’re constantly listening to the market so that we can adapt our training to help best support your doctors in new or challenging aspects of their roles. At the start of 2024, it seems like a good moment to share details of three new courses that are proving popular for the year ahead: https://miadhealthcare.com/new-and-in-demand-training-for-healthcare-professionals-in-2024/
Strategies, Skills, and Systems - Advanced Medical Education Manager Event 2024
We are delighted to announce our first face-to-face event for Medical Education Managers since 2019 in central London! This series of interactive lectures and workshops is run by Dr Jane Sturgess, an Associate Dean with HE East of England and Ian Clarke, an experienced trainer and coach with expertise in business, finance, and education.
Topics covered include:
Click here to find out more: https://miadhealthcare.com/strategies-skills-and-systems-advanced-medical-education-manager-event-2024/
Leadership, Managing People and Building Teams Webinar
How good are your team-building and leadership skills? Is it time to put them to the test?
Today’s doctors are increasingly expected to show leadership skills and work successfully with colleagues and patients to achieve positive outcomes. This comprehensive programme introduces leadership, management, and team building and uses a combination of questionnaires, group discussions, and exercises to help delegates understand their own working and leadership styles and team dynamics.
Click here to find out more: https://miadhealthcare.com/product/new-appraiser-training-28-february-2024-webinar/
Miad Conference for Focused Learning - Could your Trust benefit?
Our recent virtual event for Revalidation Managers and Appraisal Leads brought together industry experts and clinicians for an intense agenda that packed seven 30-minute sessions into a day-long conference with ample opportunity for reflection and discussion. Could your Trust benefit from a conference for focused learning?
You can learn more about the event and the benefits it could bring to your Trust here: https://miadhealthcare.com/miad-conferences-for-focused-learning-could-your-trust-benefit/
Are you a physician stepping into the role of education or clinical supervision?
This 4-hour interactive webinar is essential training for any physician stepping into the role of educational or clinical supervision. It covers the position's key responsibilities and provides a theoretical basis for different learning styles and generational differences. In addition, it offers practical guidance on managing and giving feedback to trainees in difficulty, especially post-COVID-19.
To book a place and for date options and full details, please click here: https://miadhealthcare.com/product-category/webinars/