In MHF, "PSM" Must Be Inherent

In MHF, "PSM" Must Be Inherent

Oil&Gas, Petrochemical, Specialty Chemical, Power Plant, Mineral Processing Plant and other industries usually deal with hazardous materials (explosive, flammable, toxic, etc) and also hazardous energies (high pressure, high temperature, high speed, high voltage, etc). These hazardous material/energies must be contained properly to ensure safe operation of the plant.

Due to that "potentially hazardous nature" of the industry, installation of new facilities, modification to existing processing facilities, as well as major maintenance works on processing facilities may expose new safety risks to the employee, public, environment, and the facility itself. Therefore, they are called as “Major Hazard Facilities (MHF)”.

Design, installation, operation and even the demolition a MHF, are mandated to be done according to the agreed "Recognized And Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP)". It may includes Regulation, Standard & Codes, Best Practices, Recommended Practices, Guidelines, etc.

Process Safety related RAGAGEP, are mostly resulted as learning outcome from investigation of Major Accidents, which have occurred in the past in many Major Hazard Facilities (MHF).

When companies dealing with Major Hazard Facilities (MHF) do not implement those process safety related RAGAGEP, they basically open the path for the same Major Accident Hazards (MAH) to realize into the same Major Accident to re-occur in their plant, which is not acceptable.

An effective and efficient management system is needed to ensure a systematic implementation of those RAGAGEP, such a way that the safe operation is achieved systematically, not by luck. The system is called “Process Safety Management (PSM)”.

Therefore, in Major Hazard Facility, “PSM” MUST BE INHERENT. If not, be ready to diminish.

The above story is the take away message that I have conveyed in a one day seminar arranged by PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) as part of the "Hari Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja Nasional (HK3N)" in the company, and also as Closing Ceremony of Bulan K3 Nasional in Pertamina (Persero).

The seminar is conducted in Ballroom of Grha Pertamina, Jakarta, on 19-Feb-2024, with the following theme "Implementasi Process Safety &? Asset Integrity (PSAI) Dalam Mengelola Major Accident Hazard (MAH) di Industri Migas".

I am presenting BKKPII in cooperation with LebSolution. Thanks to PT KPI, BKKPII, and LebSolution Team.

Thanks and best regards,

Lukmanul Hakim

BKKPII / LebSolution


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