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Robert Edinger PHD
Owner at Independent | PHD in Religion, Social Ethics, Human Rights
I want to improve the face of healthcare by helping to enhance the efficiency of healthcare administration. I hope very much to be accepted to the Master’s in Health Administration (MHA) Program at the University of XXXX because of my profound admiration for the contents of your curricula and the smooth operation of your state-of-the-art program. I especially look forward to studying healthcare reform and public policy debate in our world today because of the way in which it has come to be so controversial, causing division in our society. I follow closely the various arguments made my members of Congress for or against reform and what kind of reform is needed. While these arguments are often quite complex, increasingly, I am able to understand the issues at stake. I hope to use my knowledge and the experience that I gain by earning my Master’s Degree to make a difference in the quality of care that our patients receive. I want to help to reduce the costs of the VA at the same time that we enhance the level of care that patients receive, through greater streamlining and efficiency.
a health administrator which will afford me opportunities for leadership and service. I knew early on that I wanted to spend my professional life in the field of healthcare. I also realized early on, however, that I was not cut out to go to medical school since I am not fond of the sight of blood. Nevertheless, I want to do all that I can to protect and preserve the health of my community. I am quite knowledgeable about health care, preventive medicine, patient education, and most of all administration because it is in these areas where I spend much of my time reading. With a career in health care administration, I will have the profound satisfaction of knowing that I am helping others, having a positive impact on the future of my community. Now 24 years old, I served for 6 years up until last year, 2016, as a volunteer at Kaiser Permanente Hospital here in southern California.
While I was born in California, my parents both immigrated from India. Thus, I am an Indian- American woman who speaks two of our Indian languages, as well as English. Perhaps what is most unique about my qualifications as an Indian-American applicant, however, is the fact that I am almost fluent in Spanish. Increasingly, as I continue to practice, I find myself communicating in this language with great ease and this brings me special joy as well as hope that I might be accepted to your program. I began learning Spanish as a Freshman in high school and I chose this language to study because there is so much opportunity to put it to good use here in California where there as so many speakers of Spanish. I am impressed by the fact that so many people in Southern California speak very little English, in fact, and Spanish is the only way that they are able to communicate, underscoring the special importance of having English/Spanish speaking professionals in our health care system. As a volunteer at Kaiser Permanente, I would frequently use my Spanish, translating for patients, helping them to understand post care instructions, especially for those that underwent surgery and needed to abide by careful, explicit instructions so as to care for themselves once they return home.
My family is Sikh and we have always been very much involved with our local Sikh community, in particular, in my case, our Sunday school. I went very Sunday until I graduated in the 9th grade. After that I have served and continue to serve as a volunteer. I substitute as a teacher when the need arises, and I help with administration, office duties, doing what I can to help our community to train our children in the most effective way possible to become excellent citizens who want to give something back to our community. We teach ideals of social as well as individual responsibility and this is very much part of both my identity and also the civic identity that we create for ourselves as Sikh Americans.
I am currently serving as an intern in the area of administration at the VA Hospital in Long Beach and am enjoying it immensely. As a result of completing the MHA Program at UXX, a few years down the road I hope to become part of the Executive Management leadership team. I want to give my all to the VA, working to ensure an efficient and comfortable workplace environment for everyone around me – always with the best interest of the patients themselves foremost in my mind. There are many changes that need to happen in the VA, which lags behind health care administration in other areas.
Since I have spent my whole life in the USA, I identify more as an American than a citizen of India, and I like to think of myself as a patriot. In addition to the fact that I have come to dearly love and appreciate my co-workers, our team at the VA in administration, I feel special joy in serving those who have fought on behalf of the freedom of all of us, many giving their lives and others coming home largely broken as a result of profound injury, psychological as well as physical. I have been serving with the VA now for more than 6 months, full time, since January of this year, 2017. I could not be happier, giving back to my community in this way. We look forward to making our VA Hospital a leading health care organization for patient delivery; and we have a long way to go.
I believe that I am a good candidate for the MHA Program at UXX since I have been actively involved in the health care field as a volunteer since I was in my first year of high school. I started volunteering in the hospital gift shop. When I graduated high school, I then when into the clinical side of health care and began volunteering in the ICU and DOU. Next, I became a volunteer in the Outpatient Surgical Care. I completed an internship in the summer of 2016 at another hospital and came to the VA at the beginning of this year.
Here in the VA, I have been rotating between Human Resources, Medicine, and Executive Management learning many skills that will help me to excel in your program at USC and be with me for a lifetime of service as a Health Administrator. I place a very high value on personal and professional integrity, relationship and team building, and especially critical thinking. I am dedicated 100 percent to whatever I do.
I thank you form the bottom of my heart for considering my application to your MHA Program at UXX.