MH370 Flying in the Clouds
Nobel Laureate Arthur Ashkin (at age 96) was once asked how he came up with the idea of radiation pressure associated with light. He said he was sitting idly watching clouds when the idea came to him. Many of us have examined clouds at the time of MH370’s disappearance hoping for some clue amidst all the diversity of patterns and tracks associated with clouds. Despite hours and hours of effort none have succeeded, including me. However, with the resolution of the exact path taken by MH370 from the Pilot-In-Command home simulator, we now know that MH370 was in a controlled aggressive descent at the 7th arc along that precise track. This was the start of the final track to the landing location. My initial thought was that the descent was to go below the extensive cloud cover on that day. So, I expected to see a hole through the clouds at that precise descent location. I searched with this new insight and instead found a long trail of cloud anomalies! Two separate data sources from the Terra/MODIS satellite which passed overhead about 2 hours and 48 minutes from the 7th arc timing confirmed this very distinct trail of anomalies. Its length, direction, drift velocity, and geometry all matched the expectation that it was from MH370 skimming across the top of the clouds. Even 7 hours later, the trail was still obvious in 3 additional images from two different satellites. What it suggests is that secrecy was the main priority, but without the realisation that flying an aircraft through thick cloud will leave an obvious long-lasting trail!
This is the second direct satellite evidence related to MH370, following from the debris trail discovered at the landing site from MODIS. The evidence trail is overwhelming that MH370 is at the Penang Longitude Deep Hole. It leaves no doubt that this was a premeditated mastermind plan of extraordinary attention to detail and secrecy.
You can read the report (updated 25 February 2024 with the Second trail images) at: