MGMT Digest with Hanna Bey, CCO at Reenbit
How much does work culture factor matter in building remote dedicated teams????
A strong office culture and values are directly linked to employee engagement.???
In the everyday world, culture is all about the environment. In the professional world, it is all about the work environment. It always surrounds us, no matter where we are and what kind of work we are performing.????
Why is this so important????
Work environment and company culture are how employees interact with one another during work hours, and the teams interact with your clients and partners.????
The company's office culture means a lot to each team member. We choose the companies we want to partner with not only by great projects or passionate text on the website but through the people engaging with each other. We often read comments or feedback trying to understand what's behind the curtains and if this company will be your next destination in your career. Of course, there were times when challenging and inspiring tech projects were the highest priority. But now, we care more about the team we work with and are more inclined to build friendly relationships in the office. We are willing to bond with our colleagues, explore their areas of interest, and socialize after work.???
To make a long story short - culture is all about people who create, form, and maintain the company culture. So a strong company's culture and values are directly linked to employee engagement. Thus, keeping your people motivated and happy will pay off!????
Also, company culture can help nurture relations with customers. Building work ties will be easy and smooth if both parties share the same values and visions. And who wouldn't want that kind of connection with their clients???
Do you consider yourself to be more of a company or client advocate????
Such an interesting question!???
I'm passionate and driven by innovative ideas, people's connections, and the results these things bring about to the world.???
These two things are the foundation when I start the journey with my customers. I'm always doing my best to understand my customer's business, values, culture, plans, and visions. The whole business idea is often passionately driven by the primary dreamer - the CEO or founder. And as a rule, it's the starting point of everything after that. What we do is transform the idea into a product. Of course, during this journey, we may find some challenges, but it's where I come to light with my thoughts, willingness to help, and the intersection of the company and client advocacy.????
What does it take for cross-location cooperation to succeed????
Communication is key in different forms of cooperation, especially in our era of hybrid working models.???
And when it comes to delivering outstanding products, you can't do without transparent communication, clear goals, and deadlines.????
Not to mention the ongoing activities with the Reenbit team leaders and top management from our client's side. Such joint efforts give us a fundamental understanding of how to move forward and what actions to take to improve the delivery of results.???
How to build and maintain positive and long-lasting relationships with customers???
Building a long-lasting customer relationship is the core of a company's success. A stable relationship is the highest score for the company's success. However, who, if not our customers, are the primary ambassadors of the brand and the company? Who, if not our customers, can give feedback based on our journey, achieving the best results and growing together? But what is really behind all these things????
We should remember a few essential points when cooperating with our customers.????
Why is customer focus approach necessary??
Once I heard an exciting statement that good customer service equals good business. And this is one of my rules while working with my customers.??
Customer-focused companies are built around customers' needs. And successful companies understand customers' needs and wants and constantly work on improving their products or services based on feedback.???
It is also vital to monitor the changes in clients' wants and needs and adapt the services.??
It happens when companies focus on outcomes more than outputs. If we focus on what we would like to get in the future and forget about the things we need to do first, we might lose the client's focus. Focusing more on outcomes leads us to quick fixes rather than the basics and defining what customers really want.??
There are people in every organization who love the clients to bits and always go the extra mile, and it's more natural for them to build and secure relationships. Every team member can be the company ambassador by listening to what customers say, then analyzing and reacting, adding value to the project. So it's time to remove the barriers to forming a solid and enduring relationship and implementing this into the company's culture.??
Putting the customers at the core and expressing commitment to the products and projects is the only way to success.???
How to implement proactive customer service???
Imagine you have one and only client for the next 23 years. Will you work on the relationship strategy? Will you have enough time to manage and empower your relationship with this client? Will you create a day-to-day plan to build a relationship with your client? Will you find time for all the 1-2-1 meetings, monthly sync meetings, and team-building activities???
Your answer will be "yes" to all the questions.??
So that's the plan - imagine that every customer is your only customer for the next 23 years and act like this is a lifetime partnership. The results of this cooperation will take little time to be obvious.??
Share the best joke with us you've heard recently!??
Boss: How good are you are PowerPoint? Me: I Excel at it. Boss: Was that a Microsoft Office pun? Me: Word.?