Metrohm News: June 2024

Metrohm News: June 2024

This June was an emotional month for us: We welcomed new products and said goodbye to another. In addition, you can read about the latest blog posts, application highlights, and on-demand webinars below.

Product launch: 2060 VA/CVS Process Analyzer??

Metrohm Applikon | Metrohm Process Analytics has launched the latest member of their 2060 family of instruments: the 2060 VA/CVS Process Analyzer.

The 2060 VA Process Analyzer is designed for comprehensive trace metal analysis, while the 2060 CVS Process Analyzer can be applied for dedicated CVS analysis in electroplating.

Read the news article here.

The end of an era … the last 831 Coulometer ??

For many of our customers, the 831 KF Coulometer and its “twin”, the 756 KF Coulometer with built-in printer, were the embodiment of robustness and reliability.

However, since the 831 KF Coulometer was based on technology of the 1990s, maintaining the supply chain for all parts became increasingly more challenging as the years went by. In addition, the RS232 communication interface no longer fits in a modern, network-based laboratory infrastructure.

And so – alas – after 22 years on the market, the last 831 Coulometer left our production facilities in Herisau.

But there is no need to worry: With the Eco Coulometer, the 917 Coulometer, or OMNIS Coulometer we offer worthy successors. And who knows, maybe one of them will be the next “dinosaur” in 22 years.

Discover our range of Karl Fischer titrators.

Interview: Handheld Raman to fight fentanyl????

Photonics Media recently interviewed our own Dr. Michael Allen, Vice President Product and Marketing at Metrohm Spectro, about the use of handheld Raman for the detection and identification of fentanyl.

Read the interview here.

News: Potassium Analysis with IC according to USP testing methods

Together with USP, we have developed and validated ion chromatography (IC) as a viable alternative method to atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and flame photometry for the analysis of potassium.

Compared to other potassium analysis methods, ion chromatography has the advantage of analyzing multiple cationic species concurrently.

Learn more.

Blog:?? Automated liquid handling: The key to accurate and reproducible results

Why should you automate your liquid handling? Easy, because it will save you time, reduce costs, enable you to scale up your throughput, and improve the safety in your lab.

Need more reasons? Then read our blog post.

Customer voices: Quality control of beer with Metrohm titration and ion chromatography????

In this month's featured customer story, we learn how Feldschloesschen Getraenke AG, Switzerland's largest brewery, run their complete beer analysis using a combined titration and ion chromatography system from Metrohm.

Read the full story here.

On-demand webinar??: The power of LIMS ??

If you missed last month's webinar on integrating our OMNIS software and the LIMS from 1LIMS Lab and Quality Solution , you can now watch it on demand here.

Application highlight:? Composition of lithium salts in battery electrolyte

In lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), lithium hexafluorophosphate, the main conductive salt, tends to decompose at elevated temperatures, or it can react with traces of water to form toxic HF.

This is why lithium borate salts or imide-based lithium salts are used as additives to the electrolyte to improve its performance.

Learn how you can quantify the amount of different lithium salts by determining the anion concentration in the different salts using ion chromatography.

Find the application note here.



