About #MeToo - What's A Man On Purpose To Do?
Anjel B Hartwell
Trusted Advisor To Creative Age Leaders | Internationally Recognized Speaker | 9X #1 New Release Best Seller Author | Juried Artist | 17X Award Winning Executive Producer & Podcast Host | Master Life & Business Alchemist
Unless you have been hiding under a rock or hanging out in a man cave somewhere you’re aware of the plethora of sexual assault, harassment and abuse charges that have been surfacing and taking down a number of powerful men in entertainment, politics and the mass media.
With the opening up of women’s voices and the telling of their #metoo stories it has become clear that there is an epidemic of misbehavior (at the very least) that will no longer be ignored, brushed under the rug, hidden in the closet or twisted around to point the blame at those who have been victimized.
How we got here? That question is less important than Where do we GO from here? Men are being revealed for monstrous behavior but this behavior isn’t new and it’s not been unknown to many - rather it’s been quietly observed, brushed under the rug and tolerated or even encouraged as a “sign of manhood”. Truth is you yourself may have engaged in some kind of denigrating, disrespectful or demoralizing behavior towards the female of the species at least once in your life - maybe even as a young boy going into man hood - likely to “prove” yourself as a tough guy and not a “pussy/sissy” amongst your peers.
Are you yourself carrying shame? Shame of your own or shame on behalf of the men you may have looked up to, called friend or otherwise been in some sort of brotherhood with? Are you complicit merely because you have kept silent and not stood up and called out your fellow man when you have witnessed behavior that was not purposeful, not life affirming, not respectful, not honoring, not in service, not legal? Have you been colluding with the storylines that imply this behavior is ok in some way? Have your mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, colleagues been bearing the brunt of this for you? Are you carrying guilt? Confusion? Unclarity about what to do? Maybe a deep fear that if you stand up and speak out you too will be reviled, disempowered, disrespected and disenfranchised?
What’s a Man on Purpose to do in order to make a meaningful contribution to the ending of #MeToo?
Here are some thoughts (from someone with more than one #metoo story of my own) about how you can start to make a difference:
1) Move - Move beyond your current mindset - see the bigger ramifications of perpetuating or propping up misbehavior - how is it impacting the morale of your team? How is it depleting energy and momentum from bringing your mission and vision into reality? How is it deflating profitability and discouraging employees or team members from making their greatest contribution? Make the move to take yourself to task for healing your own internalized feminine oppression. Make the move to mend the wounds of your sisters, mothers, daughters, wives and of your own feminine aspects. Make the move to break the silence, to shatter the “code of brotherhood” that bonded you to behaviors that are making you and the society sicker. Make the move to stand for your own wholeness, health, freedom and purpose. Make the move to make your mark and stand in your majesty as a steward of the good, the true and the beautiful.
2) Activate - your ability to express - start writing, speaking, making art, music, poetry - creatively express your own feelings about the toxic masculine culture that cultivated and perpetuates the misbehavior of men as “normal”. CALL IT OUT in yourself and when others in your sphere of influence are perpetuating behavior that is not acceptable. Be a shining example of creating a NEW NORMAL where men are in touch with and fully expressed in their feeling/emotional/sexual/creative energy so that this energy is channeled in positive, life affirming, purpose aligned ways. Harness your own sexual power and potency to serve more than simply primal needs - raise your creative energy to the next level where you are able to co-create with PLEASURE in relationship to others (women especially) rather than via inflicting pain.
3) Nurture Your Nature - YES you have primal sexual urges, desires and an innate drive to connect on a sexual level - this is true, good, beautiful, natural. AND you also have the power, the will power, the mind power, the heart power to approach this not from a place of command and control but rather from a place of collaboration and cooperation for the higher good of all. There is so much MORE that can be created for both parties in an encounter when the encounter is approached from a place of purpose, awareness, exploration and intentionality. Acting from your TRUE nature also means shedding and releasing ALL the activities and patterns of behavior that keep you separate from that - including addictions, alcohol intake and activities that promote the breaking down of your individuality and uniqueness in service to creating a conquering force of corruption and conformity.
When Men on Purpose do their own work - to strip away all that’s in the way of their innate capacity to make the mark they were born to make, to steward their own life and sanctify their unique wholeness, to craft and embody their legendary legacy - and then start to speak out, take a stand and act as stewards for the creation - then the era of #metoo can pass away and we can all rest in peace, be more fulfilled and on purpose and prosper with pleasure.
Emerald GreenForest - Founder & Lead Visionary of Creative Age Consulting Group works with multidimensional men who are called to be the Vanguard of the Creative Age. They are ready to make a leap and go deep in order to clear away everything in their life that no longer serves and to align themselves to leading like a legend. Discover more and apply for acceptance in to the work here: https://www.emeraldgreenforest.com