Method, Message, or Meaning? Bringing Back Personalized Customer Service
Radicle Science
Proving the true effects of health and wellness products beyond placebo.
Have you felt over the past several years that customer service is like watching a movie sequel that's worse than the original?—Disappointing, frustrating, and you're left wondering why they even bothered? Turns out, you’re not alone. A recent study from the Voice of the Consumer, indicated that over the past three years, 44% of consumers perceive a decline in the quality of customer service. The reason? An increase in complex products and services makes it more difficult to solve product or service problems.?
Question of the Week:
The study referenced the need to diversify customer communication methods and that the traditional in-person, mail, and voice channels are a thing of the past. Share your tips for providing customer excellence. (Add your comments to the post!)