A Method for the Detection of Pathogens in the Atmosphere

“A Method for the Detection of Pathogens in the Atmosphere”

“Stand-Alone Handheld Long-Range Atmospheric Detector Scanner Device”


There is a need for a small handheld device (lightweight, relatively small electronic device) to detect pathogen droplets (COVID-19) in the atmosphere at a far range of 10 to 20 meters. The handheld device also needs to find traces of droplets, patterns on individual people, and also within the gathering of people in a crowd, and on other objects like hard and soft surfaces. The handheld device needs to locate the infected people with COVID-19, or “bad pathogens” on their clothing or anything they are wearing; it does this in a 360 ° 3-D viewing mode. The handheld device looks a little like a handheld radar unit that the police use for speeders, but only in visual appearance. We call this small handheld device the “Pathogen Handheld Detector Device” (PHDD), and below is a list of features and specifications of what it is and what it does.

Specifications and basic features of the PHDD:

1.     It detects all pathogens droplets in the Atmosphere from a far-range 10 to 20 meters

2.     Finds traces of pathogens on individuals, even in a crowd of people

3.     Finds pathogens droplets on almost all types of surfaces, Hard Soft, Materials

4.     Acquires a 360 ° 3-D view of the color LCD screen, that can be expanded for microscopic viewing (Liquid Crystal Display, OLED 

5.     A non-passive device, that is not sending and signals out, resembles a Handheld Police Radar gun, a little bigger and has a conical front funnel shape

6.     The device is capable of sucking in air at long distances, depending on the power applied

7.     It Compares and displays the resultant in real-time on a High Definition Screen, 3-D color

8.     It is easy to operate, “point and shoot”, one trigger pull

9.     It has a Long-lasting battery, 4-6 hours DCV, and ACV can be used, comes with spare batteries (Direct Current Voltage) (Alternating Current Voltage) (Solar power W/modifications 

10.  It works in almost all environmental conditions and terrains (dry-cold-extreme weather)   

11.  It has Polycarbonate housing for rugged terrain,

12.  It has Replaceable parts for fast turnarounds and repairs

13.  It has a GPS locater and security access codes to operate the device (security keys)

14.  The software and hardware can be changed for other strains of pathogens and bacterial/materials, this requires a complete upgrade from the manufacture

15.  The size is about very close to a Police Radar Gun, and weights 12-17 Lbs,

16.  The PHDD Comes in many different colors, materials, and configurations

17.  When the PHDD is being used it has no traceable signatures or in the off position

18.  The PHDD uses hand grips that are interchangeable (special paper-cloth) for COVID-19 safety

19.  The PHDD is water-resistant and can be cleaned numerous time with a wet-disinfected whip

20.  The PHDD can also detect pathogens on the surface of water, and other liquids

21.  A self-test is always run on the inside of the PHDD and on all start-ups, along with security checks, and reports back to a cell phone or a Central Office for conformation and authorization      

         An operational description of the “Pathogen Handheld Detector Device, PHDD”

The PHDD device pulls in air from the atmosphere and finds the motions magnetic patterns embedded in the pathogens (COVID-19), and understand that all pathogens have a motions magnetic pattern signature embedded in them. When these motions magnetic patterns are found and located in the atmosphere they are sent to a very fast microcomputer for processing in the Main computer (Texas Instrument, microcomputer). Then the motions magnetic patterns are stored in a database and compared to known pathogen patterns pre-stored in a motions magnetic patterns database. If a match is found an alarm is sounded and shown up on an LCD/OLE display, if a match is not found there is not an alarm and an all-clear message is displayed. The PHDD device is easy to operate and only takes one trigger pull to make it work. This is a “point and shoot” device.

“A physical description of the PHDD device”

In the front of the PHDD device is a magnetic rotating scanner called a Flux-Barrel-Passive Unit (FBPU). The PHDD physical front of the device is a funnel cone shape casing that allows large amounts of air to enter the magnetic rotating scanner (Flux-Barrel-Passive Unit) sensors. And the operation of the FBPU is similar to how a copier scanner works on a printer. It is scanning and magnetically moving across, up and down, and in a circular motion to obtain a 3-D view of the atmosphere, persons, or crowds of people it is pointed toward. The PHDD software then determines if it has found any pathogens in the atmosphere (air) it just pulled in. To operate the PHDD just point and shoot at the atmosphere upward or in the intended direction, and then a trigger pull activates the PHDD. The results are displayed on an LCD color screen.   


“Examining Clusters of the Air in the Atmosphere”


The PHDD peers (examines) into the atmosphere as pointed to (directed) and locates pathogen patterns. The Atmosphere for talking purposes is the Air in the troposphere and the Atmosphere is a composition of many different elements (118 Elements of the periodic table) and important points. So basically the PHDD is looking close to the earth for pathogens in the air. For more clarification, the PHDD is looking into a grouping of air in the troposphere or the layer of air closest to the Earth’s outer crust. To explain it even better and in understandable terms, “the PHDD is scanning clusters of air for pathogen patterns”, and specifically for motions magnetic patterns that are embedded in all pathogens (COVID-19). The cluster (grouping of air) is like a cloud of air particles/elements/magnetic patterns. In this context, we will use a “cluster of air, atmosphere cluster” to denote the grouping of air in the atmosphere. All pathogens have magnetic components embedded in them, a well-known fact by leading scientists and universities.

“The Rotating Front Scanner Sensor”


The rotating scanner is a sensor in the front of the PHDD device called the Flux-Barrel-Passive Unit (FBPU), positioned inside the conical funnel that is looking for motion magnetic pathogen patterns inside a grouping of air (small sections of the atmosphere we call them Atmospheric Clusters), and it can also look at people’s clothing/body. After the pathogens magnetic particles (motion magnetic patterns) are acquired and located by the rotating scanner sensor (FBPU) the software in the fast main computer starts to build a visual picture of the whole Atmospheric Cluster in 360 ° 3-D, this can also include a picture of the people or any objects in the Atmospheric Clusters, and of course the droplets patterns inside the pathogens. So the picture captured is like a photograph of the cluster in 2-D, and also 3-D. This picture is stored in a special Atmosphere Cluster Database (ACD). 


The droplets embedded in the pathogens cluster are picked-up and stored in a special Atmospheric Droplet Pathogens Database (ADPD), along with visual other data on the location and people's pictures and related information in the cluster. So we have two different databases for storage, one for the total Atmosphere raw data, and a second for droplets. Let me describe the pathogens cluster a little better, it is a large piece or pieces of the atmosphere in an irregular shape. So as the front (looks like a funnel) of the PHDD scans the atmosphere cluster that is pointing toward the cluster it slices the cluster (the atmosphere cluster) into small atmospheric magnetic sections, kind of like a meat slicer, but it does this electronically and magnetically using advanced software. These atmospheric magnetic sections/slices are downloaded into the fast main computer and recombined to make a full and complete picture of the cluster. As an example: recombining the magnetic slices is like stacking all the slices of meat previously cut back together to get a full picture, in this case, it is the Atmosphere Cluster.  

Detailed operations of the PHDD as an “Atmosphere Cluster Scanner”

Depending on the sensors arrangement (Flux-Barrel-Passive Unit) the viewing aspect, the front of the PHDD has a large conical funnel that acts as a large vacuum pulling in the atmosphere (air) and the particles (droplets), this is accomplished by the rotating scanner sensors in the front of the PHDD. The data in the atmosphere cluster is in an analog format (raw data). The rotating scanner sensors are in the very front of the PHDD; this is where the conversion of the analog pathogen patterns is changed to digital data (digital droplets) format. Then the converted analog droplets are then in a pure digital binary signal data format. The digital data is then sent to the main computer processer where it is cleaned up (scrubbed) and the data is analyzed. The computer processor then takes all of this data and stores the visual data in a composite motions magnetic patterns pathogens database (CMMPPD). The objective is to build in real-time, a 3-D composite view of the atmospheric cluster, and all associated information, and where the pathogens are located in the Atmosphere Cluster, and its surrounding information. And if the PHDD is looking at a crowd of people in the Atmosphere Cluster it displays a complete picture of everything in the Atmosphere Cluster. Each person in the crowd is assigned a number and identification and displayed on the screen, each individual equates to a pixel (ID). So depending on where the PHDD is pointing the total picture displayed is going to show the atmospheric cluster plus the people in the atmosphere cluster, plus substantial amounts of surrounding information, this helps to visually identify the location. So the surrounding information shows what the atmosphere cluster is near (proximity), number of people, environmental conditions, data and time stamps, operator ID number, GPS location, Degradation of the pathogens shapes, and density for tracing. This information can be used for back-tracking to the point of origin, for all pathogens (COVID-19), and as the PHDD software is running its identification nomenclature, registration license, and software authenticity is verified (true, accurate) information, a security precaution.

Detailed operations of the PHDD as a “People / Object Scanner”

If the PHDD device is used to scan individual people, crowds of people, or objects, normally the PHDD uses a top, down front view that corrects for any angles and enables the PHDD to find any infected person (singular) also within a large group of people and combined with other objects. So the resulting view is displayed on an LCD/OLED screen of all the people scanned and the objects near them which the PHDD is pointed to in that direction. And each person scanned represents a pixel of a different color, green is clear, red is infected, and yellow a certain amount (and the visual of all of the people in a low atmosphere cluster or in a building, the same this applies for objects scanned, that is green, red, and yellow. The technology just described obtains results in minutes, no waiting. So the PHDD can be used not only for Atmosphere Clusters pathogen detection but for groups of people and objects infected.

Tracking down and Tracing the Point of Origin of the Pathogens (COVID-19)

As described the PHDD is used to detect pathogens, the resultant pathogens patterns reveal a lot of data about the origin of the pathogens. The age of the pathogens droplets and the shapes can determine the direction of the pathogens where they possibly came from, a track of information is implanted in the magnetic patterns. So the main computer is investigating the date rooted in the patterns. The computer algorithms look at the Shapes, Colors, and Density of the pathogens meaning the closer to the point of origin these parameters change, a detailed database is formed, and tracking down the pathogens beginning is easily accomplished. So all pathogens can be traced down to the original location and time when the pathogens were created (a lab). This also includes if they had origins in a wet market or came from an animal. Regarding people, the PHDD device looks at the clothing, hair, shoes, anything on that person, the total 3-D view of the body/bodies. As an advanced feature, the PHDD advanced scanning device can examine the blood near the surface of the skin (epidermis), which can also include skin cancer cells.

As a side note: all cells have well-defined magnetic patterns, and this is what the PHDD technology looks for. Besides searching for pathogens and cancer cells, almost all materials have unique motions magnetic patterns that the PHDD can find.

At this point it should be noted that we present two (2) different methods of detecting pathogens, one (1) is using Pattern Frequencies and the other is looking entirely at Motions Magnetic Patterns. And both methods include tracking down and tracing pathogens origins, but method one is just using less hardware and software than the other, both have their own features. We will explain both in the next paragraphs.

“The PHDD Scanner Frequencies Methods”

“Pattern Frequency Scanner”***

The PHDD scanner is well suited for tracking down and tracing where pathogens come from, as stated and listed in the previous paragraph (using the traceable parameters). Pathogens like COVID-19 also have frequency footprint patterns embedded in them, and this also means almost all materials, waters, foods, earth, and the atmosphere has different pathogen frequencies that make up their composition. Almost all materials have COVID-19 pathogen frequencies on their surfaces and the affected areas. So the surface area has a differential between the pathogens and the surfaces of most materials, which are affected by the COVID-19 surface areas (all painted surfaces). So the painted surface areas are affected by the COVID-19 frequencies and thereby retain frequency footprint patterns. This means there is a difference in COVID-19 pathogen frequencies in affected areas and the non-affected frequency areas. When this differential occurs the PHDD can sense this differential and determine the COVID-19 differential patterns and make a 100 % decision that COVID-19 exists in a certain surface area, or on an object. Using this method of frequency tracking, the origin of the COVID-19 is a matter of back-tracking the steps and this is called reverse surface-faces tracking. The previous paragraph also talks about the pathogens parameters (algorithms that look at the Shapes, Colors, and Density) of the pathogens. The frequency tracking is just another method for detecting and tracking down the origin of the COVID-19 pathogens. Both methods are valid, but some are more hardware software-intensive and complex. 


“Inter build of the PHDD”

To accomplish Frequency Pattern and tracking requires complex transducers (sensors). The sensor ASB uses is called the FLUX-BARREL-SENSOR (FBS) that needs highly accurate software, and fast Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) bipolar hardware logic. The and built-in conjunction with Nano construction housing of the total device (PHDD), which means the smallest parts possible and gold printed circuits with as few as possible connection points, and the communication within the device its self is paramount to the operation of the unit. And the spacing and routing of the inter-communication have to allow for no noise or crosstalk. Once more the design of all the components in the PHDD device is significant to the PHDD device working.


“The PHDD Scanner Motions Patterns Frequency Methods”

 “More technical Description”

In a nutshell, think of the PHDD handheld COVID-19 Pathogen Detector that looks like a small gun-type unit with a handle on it (but can also have a different configuration) that resembles a Police Radar gun only in appearances. The “COVID-19 pathogens detector is like a large magnetic vacuum” that detects pathogens, from the atmosphere, and this is done because all pathogens have magnetic components in them. And the air is drawn into the front of the PHDD, the device acts like a magnetic vacuum searching for motions magnetic patterns in the atmosphere or on other sources, surfaces, objects. And the PHDD detector is a part of a system that can identify the pathogens and comparing them to a known pathogen in our pathogens database. When a known pathogen is found an alarm is sounded and the displays on the PHDD display easy-to-read information. As stated before the PHDD detector also searches where the pathogens came from by uses magnetism to realign/break up the pathogens, size, age, density, and color, and also works on a tail and a head method to find where the pathogens came from, developing a map of how they spread (degradation of the patterns) and trace where they have been and possibly predict where they will go. Besides writing this paper on “Detecting pathogens in the atmosphere” I also started technical documents (write-ups) (preliminary drawings), UML software design drafts, and then produce a final version for testing. It is the ultimate goal to build a working prototype, which is almost close to a full production model. I’m looking for funding and will share patent rights, or sell the invention outright. As a last note: These technologies, methods, and inventions can be used to find just about any object dead or alive, in or on the earth, in very thick earth (mountains) and deep in the ocean.

Contact William Birchard [email protected] [email protected]      

    text 727 612 4923


“How to detect pathogens in the atmosphere at a 100 % success rate, at a long distance and 10-20 Meters* above the surface of the Earth, in most geographical location also in almost any environmental condition”

“More technical information”


As I have stated COVID-19 has killed many people and also has partially stopped the economies from working. The sad fact is, it is getting worse all the way around, this pathogen is very hard to kill, let alone slow down or prevent because it spreads so fast from human to human (and killing it has not been addressed). And the spread of COVID-19 is not only from humans to humans but also using other media, like water, surfaces, animals, and one of the most dangerous is “the atmosphere”. And the preventions are not totally known what works, and the vaccines only get the body’s own immune system to work and to fight it, and that is great. But what if we contract another strain mixed with the current strain or a strain that affects the brain, or the heart that uses the atmosphere as a long-range transporter? Ah needs to be accomplished as a through (from beginning to end) investigation of how pathogens are developed either in nature or manmade, I personally believe it can be from dirty animals, or also developed in a lab. So both cases are possible, this brings wide implications for the whole world. The US has the technologies to stop, these viruses. We as a nation and leader of the free world need to help stop the viruses in other countries.

“A second alternative to the handheld unit (PHDD)”

“The How it works, and Alternative”


Pathogens/bacterial in the atmosphere and getting a 100 % success rate of detection can be accomplished by using a vacuum type method, is also possible, but simple but effective. The COVID-19 can be detected in the atmosphere using a few different methods and equipment, I have listed, some are more complex, in some cases needed and provide more data and information. But a simple way is to use a small vacuum sucker that reaches out into the atmosphere and pulls the air/gases over what is called a “Hydro-Flux-Radiator” (HFR). The HFR can operator in two different ways, it magnetically pulls the pathogens through the HFR by using airflow, so the magnetic parts of the pathogens the then be detected and sent into an eradication waste container, and there it is scrubbed by using a chemical agent and made harmless and put back into the earth. The system (The HFR operation is highly classified, but this paragraph is only designed to give the basic theories, I have designed some similar equipment for explosive detection, that is close to detecting how pathogens are detected. The HFR is very complex, and require special mechanical and software, similar to the complexities of a cyclotron accelerator in scope, once more too much for the paper. But it can be

built in a handheld version for general use. Of course, the HFR is more complex and for precise details, another paper would be needed. And the HFR is a long-range detector with a 360 field of view; the range depends on the size and rotation of the HDR and a very fast computer is needed to handle all the enormous amounts of streaming data. The whole HFR can connect to a smart cell phone and be very small, less than the size of a small radar gun. The HDR is a send and receives advanced transducer, able to detect a very small amount of pathogens in the atmosphere, less than a few droplets. The total apparatus can be used in all environments such as detecting in seawater and hard and soft surfaces. And mapping of the areas that are infected, and using GPS location is imperative, the HFR can do the mapping and uses a GPS for identifying the location, a very important point, but at the same time simple, very low cost and effective. 

“The Conclusion”

“A summation with the present technology of today, 2020”

I have completed hours of research and consultation with experts in the fields of pathogens (infectious disease (ID) specialist), Documents from major universities, pediatricians as well as many medical and specialists, and treatment of infections in major organ systems such as cardiovascular, central nervous system, circulatory system. As of this date (2020), many questions are unanswered. There is a vital need for a long-range (and even short-range) pathogen detector. A detector that can provide 100 % results without any error that is fast-acting, portable, easy to use, and affordable. What I present in this paper is a comprehensive detector for COVID-19 and other pathogens of many different future strains. Standard methods for testing and detection (detector for COVID-19 or other pathogens) take a long time, especially for each person. This paper takes a very different approach to detection methods of the COVID-19 / Pathogens. The approach is to use magnetic motions patterns of pathogens, including COVID19 and new strains; we use these current magnetic motions patterns as a baseline and 100 % identification of many other pathogens. All pathogens have magnetic components in them (a proven fact by major universities) and all pathogens contain magnetic patterns, we call them motions magnetic patterns because they have unique patterns and are always in motion. These technologies and methods (apparatus) described in this paper shows how it is possible to detect these magnetic patterns from a-far, and collect their motions magnetic patterns and make a 100 % identification of any pathogens, map their location, use GPS for tracking, and best of all store them into a motion magnetic pattern pathogens database. Each database contains more than just pathogens data, it also holds pertinent data sounding (proximity) the pathogens. The database also holds data related to date, time, and environmental conditions. So detecting pathogens in the atmosphere becomes very complex when considering many other parameters. For the record, I just want to state that this is a very good overview of what magnetic motions patterns technology is and can be used for, but it is still a brief description, things like clutter, rain, wind, magnetic interference atmospherics condition, and in general, the environment are not addressed here, I have a very long paper that does address these things, there is just not enough space in this short paper to go over everything. So in brief, the best and most important point is when a database in digital format is developed that is easily accessible to pathogens' motions patterns (a plethora of information) within a few moments, throughout the world; this is a huge leap in pathogens technology detection and identification. I have presented two (2) different ways to detect pathogens (COVID-19) both will work but some are less costly for the population and affordable for all countries. There are a few other methods and theories of detecting pathogens in the atmosphere, but they are not proven yet, I provide other solution in my other book, like static flat-screen magnetic filters. I believe what we present in this paper is the best and most viable solution to detect COVID-19 pathogens, at the present time. 2020  Wbirch ?.  

"If we can detect “bad pathogens”, we can eventually (have to) eradicate them from planet earth"

The Future, a little far out: “Cell Manipulation”

So the PHDD is an advanced detector, but it (changing the software/hardware) can also modify cells (cell patterns) in the human body and brain, and this also applies to all living and non-living things, actually nothing is ever completely dead. The other application and success of the PHDD is cells in the human body can be transformed, rearranged, and ordered. As a side note: All cells in the human body (all) vibrate at many differential frequencies combination, this is continually creating and maintain the total human body cell rejuvenation, changing these basic differential Frequencies of Patterns is possible. Of course, all of these technologies eventually can be used to change mankind into another species, in the future, by creating or modifying different cell patterns and structures. One of the first steps is to develop a Human Differential Frequencies Patterns Database, this will allow a person to pick and chose whom they want to be, this not as farfetched as you may think if Humans can think that far ahead?

[email protected]  [email protected]

www.andronicssuperblue.com ASB website

William G. Birchard Inventor of the technologies listed in this paper. ? 2020

For more on these subjects, theories, methods, inventions, equipment, ask for my 200 Page book that is about finished**.   [email protected]  [email protected]

*   Indicates this number can increase

** Indicating Some Key Information was not included, Patenting and Classified info, data, Docs

*** Frequencies = “special combination of magnet frequencies, and not standard electronics frequencies  

All citations and reference can be found in my 200 Page book, upon request from the above Email address, and PHDD tracks down the exact start of the COVOD-19 pathogen Please contact William Birchard ASB USA text 727 612 4923 The PHDD can be manufactured at a very low cost.


For more information contact [email protected] or [email protected], and a full version related to this paper, US Patent Applied for and copyrights, some related technologies have ECCN numbers that may apply. These technologies meet all the US FCC regulations for frequencies and power. This paper is for reference only, and not to be used (copied, transmitted) without the written permission of Andronics Super Blue LLC, Florida, and William G. Birchard, and not to be used for any medical procedures or laboratory applications/experiments/production/manufacturing. Andronics Super Blue / William G. Birchard take no liability for the use of technologies stated in this paper, and strictly prohibit the use thereof.

Patents pending USA ? WBirchard 2020    


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