Will Methane Slashing Lead Orange County Towards Sustainability?
Definitely! Orange County has quickly turned a huge contaminated area filled with organic waste into useful products.??
But do you know how OC Waste & Recycling helped Orange County to slash the rising methane emission?
Check out this,
Zero Methane Emission – Orange County’s Smart, Bold Step to Sustainability
The rising Methane emission in Orange County was a huge crisis. However, the third most populous area of California chose sustainable footsteps to divert 295 million pounds of food waste among needy people.?
It has also pushed a circular economy to compost organic waste. Till now, it has affected 80% of California communities to join this organic waste collection program.?
This program is based on a two-part strategy –?
Bold Vision and Game-Changer Solution
According to Mr. David Tieu of OCWR, an organic waste composting facility was launched in 2020 to revolutionize the environment.
The program used the following remedies to remove methane percentage from the air,?
Windrow composting – The program is operated in a large-scale method for composting organic waste in long piles or windrows to create compost. They are turned periodically to reduce methane emissions and other greenhouse gases (GHGs).?
Covered Aerated Static Piles (CASP) – A composting method to treat organic waste in a large pile covered with a specialized membrane. The process actively ventilates forced air to run decomposition for reducing methane emission from air.
Cutting-Edge Technologies for Tackling Methane Emission & Their Impact
Impact of Reducing Methane Content
Convert excess landfill gas into biomethane, a renewable source of energy. Install solar panels on closed landfills to create a 100% cleaner energy grid by 2045. Increase job scopes in this sector that turns methane into an eco-friendly resource.?
Apart from that, this program has been rolled out in Orange County to impact the climatic condition of the area by eliminating around 12,400 metric tons of greenhouse gases.?
It also diverts 64,313 tons of organic waste from the ecosystem
The concept of transforming methane waste into a sustainable resource used by Orange County is a real-time example of reducing methane emissions and avoiding unplanned landfills. Their sustainable effort can help other nations to reduce unplanned waste creation and eliminate methane generation.?