METAVERSE UNVEILED - The potential good and bad in the reinvented world of AR

METAVERSE UNVEILED - The potential good and bad in the reinvented world of AR

As stated in Horasis Global Meeting 2022 Augmented reality was “once a fun thing", but has now exploded into the worlds of metaverse. In this article we will uncover the future of a society characterized by an AR-influenced metaverse, with questions like: Will AR really mean an augmented or an aggravated reality? What opportunities and dangers will it offer? Will it mean more or less control for people, and who is really the president of this new digital realm?

These and other life-changing issues for society was addressed by myself along with a celebratory company of digital notables at Horasis 19th May – the main digital event that in these turbulent times under the theme "Toward a New Era of Peace and Sustainability" brought together a selection of 1000 world leaders in the form of ministers, business leaders and scientists. All who, by embracing modern technology and social change, navigate us through the development towards a post-Pandemic society and a post-Putin invasion era, as well as the increasingly visible needs of a more sustainable society etc.


After introductory presentations of the panel, apart from myself including Dr. Mihaela Ulieru, Bill Inman, Carlos Kuchkovsky, and Professor Crenguta Leaua, all formidably moderated by Dr. Mircea Davidescu from Meta (former Facebook), we all initiated by reflecting on our relation to the topic of AR. My own endeavors – whether as a scientist, digital innovator, or tech entrepreneur - has historically been about digital disruption in general and social impact in particular. In the same way AR, is?one of three major EmTechs for bringing about this disruption with as high impact on society possible.

One of my latest international ventures, AIAR EdTech where I'm now serving at the board, is a name made out of the acronyms AI+AR where we use AI to speed up the cognitive part of learning, while using AR to speed up the perception needed to enhance learning (adding the blockchain certificates for mitigating the fake eds online). But I would say that this tech strategy is more or less generic for any digital venture, where I'm a firm believer that one can today never make any long-term game changing impact, whether business impact or social impact, without AR.

And, listening to the intros of the rest of the panel, this was definitely not where our reflections differed – instead using our various perspectives to reflect around the four crucial questions - i.e. if AR truly will enhance reality or not, if it will give more control to people or not, render more opportunities or not, and who will actually govern this whole new realm of metaverse/-s that will be the result. Below I let myself be inspired by all the different perspectives of my collegues, while taking the full responsibility for any arguments made. Pls enjoy. And interact ;)

2) THE REALITY PERSPECTIVE - Is AR really an improvement or a threat to reality?

It all started out with the topic of the impact of AR on reality, i.e., if the reality will truly become augmented or abused. And this is of course a super interesting topic. And here I first want to note that the study of science and technology has proved all technological determinism wrong, so this topic is truly very little about what this technology “will bring to mankind” but what use mankind will bring to the technology, i.e., it is all in our hands.?

The threats of a changed reality perception

Having said that, in a deep dive digital trendspotting of this humanity future use of AR, I still detected some scenarios more probable than others. So of course, the perception of our already gamified kids will be twisted when they go from lifting the phone 96 times a day (as today) to being drawn to a digitally amplified (and many times more gamified) "reality" inspired by themes like Snow Crash 24/7.

Of course, this augmented reality becomes blurred when you constantly will live in a mixed reality continuously zapping between digital and analog experiences. We are no longer talking about a fun "gadget" to feel like a child about, no "hyperreality" to be able to jump in and get the OMFG feeling from after way too long AFK. We are talking about something that - on a higher level than ever the smartphone - will grow and become a part of you as a person, with history's most extreme version of McLuhan's definition of "technology as an extension of human", where your meta-self becomes a part of not only your identity but of your professional as well as private everyday experience.

And of course, that can eventually become a “threat” to what we historically called “reality.” And of course, the mental Panopticon effects of other people's subscriptions on this AR-gamified life logging of yours, will make the FND diagnoses from the live streaming on Twitch seem like a retiree's walk in the park.

Is the changed perception of reality an entirely bad thing?

But holding that thought for a while, we still have to think about how fun it will be to be on a date and simultaneously be able to go into the guys’/gals’ TikTok in real time to be able to look for topics of conversation. And how helpful it will be to see what you will look like with the tattoo before (!) you implement this irreversible trademark on your body (or, even better, if you buy it as an NFT for your avatar instead).

And imagine how great it will be when AR glasses, like the upcoming Hypernova or Vuzix, can give you three simultanous screens around solutions on the retina while you look at an urban garden land, a scribbled algorithm, an injured person on the street, or a drone engine that needs your attention. Think how amazing it will be when you can choose the path for your analog or digital walk based on the fact that your ex risks being around the corner, that there are wild dogs nearby, or the serendipity of one of your best friends or colleagues being a block away.

And speaking of serendipity, think about what possibilities exactly everything you look at, become curious about or are attracted to, with a twinkle or your eye connects you to Google and Baidu (information), or the best EdTech application (education, of course the AIAR :D) or Amazon and Alibaba (consumption). And imagine how fantastic it will be when your friends or family discuss what has rightly been said to happened, and instead of arguing you can refer to your 24/7 life log played directly in their AR-lenses. And, not least, as so well put by Dr Ulieru, think of the empathy being induced by visiting fishes fighting for their lives among plastic garbage, or needy people in war zones or catastrophic areas.

The list can be made infinite. And of course, we will see as much of an augmented and amazing reality, as much as a twisted and completely massacred "reality" - to the solipsistic degree that we no longer know what “reality” is, when the boundaries have been blurred and we all (for good and/or for bad) live in a constant digital delirium.

The point is that it is we who decide. We as producers of this augmented reality. And we as consumers of this mixed, immersed "reality".

Technology decides nothing, we decide it all. And we truly should. And we truly have to.

3) THE POWER PERSPECTIVE - Will AR give people more control over their lives, or governments & corporations more control over people?

The next topic also touched on the "good-or-bad-scenarios", this time in the area of power and control for different social entities. Or like Dr. Davidescu was framing it, the expectation of AR - like so many other digital technologies like internet and blockchain before - helping out with the democratization of society or not.

Should the prediction be made based on extrapolating the already existing trends, I would say that - with a certain (rightly) halt during the pandemic, and with a number of dictatorial panic attacks in response - the states are in a process of losing its influence to companies, as well as to the ones that companies depend on for their existence, i.e. the consumers.

But again, extrapolations are seldom the best prediction models in a disrupted world, and in the same way that there is no such thing as technological determinism, there is no inherent value in a technology.

Technology is a hammer, and (apart from some sprinkles of unintended consequences from game theory) the outcome of technology all depends on who is holding the hammer and his or her intention.?

The outcome will thus differ whether the hammer (AR) is held?by Jinping and Putin, or by?true philanthropists?(independent if the traditional rich family offices or the modern techy contributor) wanting to use it for saving the planet, or accelerate education for needy in emerging markets.

Using the religious metaphor of “intelligent design,” professor Leaua was arguing convincingly that the first of these controllers is the builder of the new immersed reality. Earlier it was God or “The gods", the old “designer/-s” of earth, today it would be the programmers integrating the rules of the reality into the very code they are developing.

At the same time history has proven that not only the builders, but the pharaoh commanding the builders are the ones dictating and defining the construction of reality as wells as the holy pyramids, in the same way investors or CEO:s to a certain degree commands the codes of the programmer. So of course, we will see a mosaic of different applications depending not only on the puppets standing on the scene building the castles, but of the ones conducting all the control behind the scenes. And of course, we will top-down thus see dictators in Asia and the Middle East developing seductively mirrored versions of the already existing states and/or religious "iron cages" offline

But like all technology disruptions, we always have the choice of using new technology to not only repair old processes, but to actually innovate totally new ones.

In the case of the latter, we will thus bottom up of course also totally see anarchist AR applications a la darknet and rebellious metaverses where people get to enjoy alternative civilizations far away from the autocratic IRL world.

The major point is that we are the ones who will decide that, no one else. And we have a historical possibility to do just that. And therefor we should do exactly that.

4) THE OPPORTUNITY PERSPECTIVE - What new threats and opportunities will AR create?

So, going from the potential improvement of reality and the empowerment of people, the next topic regarded what other opportunities will AR generate for mankind or if it instead will be flawed by abuses? At least for me it is obvious that in the world of ethical pragmatism, there can never be any wrong with making money as a spinoff of doing something that is good for the planet and/or the people. And those who want to do both, i.e., contribute to social impact and earn their living while doing it, will be met by a meadow that will flourish.

Isn’t there always a dark side of the moon?

And on that meadow there will not only be flowers but of course alos some weeds, some of which are even of invasive nature. Relating to the first question above, of course our already gamified perception will get blurred when constantly zapping between the analogue and digital reality 24/7. But even worse, as Professor Crenguta Leaua quoted during the session, “People are not addicted to alcohol and drugs, they are addicted to escaping reality.” From a more generic perspective this goes to the very heart of what Erich Fromm long ago defined as "The escape from freedom” that humanity has been occupied with since not only the Kings where deposed but also God was proclaimed dead.

With the seductive metaverse constantly poking for attention, we don’t only have work to escape to for 8 hours, as well as gaming, reality shows and SoMe to escape to on the rest of the hours, now we’ll be having a 24/7 AR-world to escape to instead of embracing the passion and pains of constantly confronting the freedom of true reality.

And in this escape from reality of course, we will see AR filters where posh people reinforce previous selective perception by clearing out outsiders and beggars out of their view, and of course, the same will happen to racists who digitally eliminate people of other kinds, or even "color" them. Of course, it will in this blurred reality become even easier to get seduced by highly advanced versions of fake news and seemingly trustworthy fake eds. Of course, people will get just as pathological abstinence from their digital beauty surgeries as from their analogues. And of course, several of these will be about total social scams with incorrect appearances, body weights, ages, and even incorrect gender.

Going to more traditional crimes, of course, there will be dark innovations that skim your token account, sell false NFT:s for fortunes, and that redirect traffic to your favorite mCom to digitally mirrored hallucinations that swallow your money without delivering products. And of course, there will be VR-rooms that take villains to places where they with the help of microscopic drones can reach intimate places that will crush your privacy and maybe even steal or use violence.

There is simply a high possibility that we will find some certain degree of weed in the magical meadow of metaverse.

The blitzscaling of the first atomic networks

With the effects on the dark side of the moon echoing in our heads, it should be equally obvious there is always a silver side of the same moon. The metaverse meadow will thus apart from weed of course contain the most gorgeous fauna, some only beautiful and illustrious, but some even eatable and functional.

This will be even more so in the cases where people with intense passion for using tech to do good, is armed with not only intense intellectual and innovative mindsets, but resources to merge AR with other disruptive EmTechs like AI and blockchain, perhaps even spiced with haptic technology borrowed from the Internet of Senses.

And, as was shown in another highly engaging session of the Horasis meeting, Transition to metaverse, the true blitzscaling leverage will come to the ones truly understanding that cool devices are one thing, but for true disruption the king is still content engaging the first atomic networks.

In the fabulous fusion of all this passion, tech, and resources we will thus of course see the first atomic networks like disabled people getting "a body", who like modern Hiros and Nero’s are being able to "do" things that they never where able to even imagine before. Going from the body to the brain, like was discussed in another session at the Horasis Meeting, we will of course have the atomic networks of engaged young students who will not only receive the enhanced cognition through AI, but also the enhanced perception by AR - where you can both discover new worlds and achieve new experiences, which are either too expensive, difficult or impossible to visit IRL.

And of course, for the networks of the healthy and/or ecological all you eat will undobtedly have a nutrition declaration, calorie counter and climate tracking linked to it, with a recommendation based on what you have eaten so far and the climate footprint left during the day. For the practical looking at your broken drone, your AR-glasses automatically renders tags with relevant parts from the wonderful AR manual for the machine. For the EV enthusiasts various AR features will detect the wear on your tires, as well as how "clean" your car is compared to your neighbor's. Etc. etc.

The dialectical disruption of inner and out matching

Still, I would saty that the truly game changing transformation will never emerge by the augmentation of this outer world. Instead it will arrive by the dialectical disruption of your AR glasses also monitoring the 45 different action units in your face combining hundreds of different emotions in your inner world.

When we enter this new reality, it will not be long before we in combination with the super-intelligence of a true AGI will see an explosion of just-in-time personalization, with the digital matching of exactly what your inner world desires, with the content from the outer world that'll trigger you both socially, intellectually and commercially.

This is thus the time when we digitally will receive a instant gratification of things we have seen and been attracted to, and are constantly informed and educated about and delivered to. News media will know exactly what we want, before we even know we wanted it, and expose it in the most appropriate format for maximum likelihood of attention. EdTech facilities will know exactly what you want or need to enrich to your capabilities. In entertainment, we will be pampered with totally responsive systems, where music will automatically be shuffled based on your emotional status while both movies and music are AI-rewritten entirely based on people's monitored inspiration, joy, crying and laughter.

And this also applies to not only your outer desires but the optimal matching of your social interaction, where we among the general warnings of cars and pedestrians with high speeds or unstable steps also will have personalized alerts for detours around ex-partners. Single girls night-clubbing will be warned of potential rapists typecast according to twin data, and when you are out with the kids you will be alerted to pedophiles with digital foot shackles.

And while we’re talking aobut children, what does the AR glasses not offer in regard of remote access for curling parents who in their "parental neurosis" are not willing to settle for a primitive "baby-watch.” Now the possibilities open for not only full geotargeting of where the kids are and drones that follow them everywhere - but by the AR-lenses you can now watch and listen to their conversations with others, and even sense their emotional reaction to it. As icing on the cake, you can now even control your little kids' very perception of reality, and steer away their play from "noisy" friends and dirty areas, as well as digitally edit away snakes or anything else that the kids are afraid of in their very own metaverse. Etc. etc.

The cure to the population collapse

When you are in town (IF we will still go to town, see below) you will, as soon as face recognition is triangulated with geotargeting and all our digital footprints, of course be able to see date-friendly girls and boys on your AR-screens. But that's only half the thing. The truly optimal data dating takes place just the right timing for when not only your retina has identified yourself as in "the right mood", but through an emotional dating data bank, even when he or she is.

So of course, there will be a date. And during the actual date, the emotional tracking itself will either become totally transparent or develop even more incredible acting talents - where people will learn what humor, charm and conviction strikes full points with the other mate.

And then we can talk about love. And sparks. And to solve the population collapse that our friend Musk is so worried about ;-)

Should it, despite all the über-precision of dating over time, still result in infected relationships, the person who claims not to be irritated will have to put the cards on the table (or otherwise access their emotional AR-monitor to their partner). And should it still go bad, we will be able to use digital divorce coaches who are more data analysts than Freudians, with AI-celebrated life programs that use advanced data science for analyzing the emotional AR-recordings to identify what in a relationship is sinking and what is not, what is mined land and what is erotically charged ground ;)

By subscribing to the feelings of others, we could even be warned about their emotional state before we meet them. We will receive remote warnings when someone you love is sad, so you can cook dinner and buy flowers for maximum comfort when you meet. Or why not that your boy-/girlfriend is erotically charged even though you are not together :-O (and in the most bizarre case maybe when he is near an AI:d Harmony or Sophia IRL or an AR-heated version of Second Life's virtual sex ??).

When all this is then linked to your lifelogging, the emotional system will be able to teach yourself not only which people "really" makes you happy in your heart, but also which places, activities and occupations make you happier than others. And if you are also given access to the AR-loggings of your loved ones, it will teach you what makes them happy :-D

But more than anything else, we will get to know ourselves. What paid Freudian therapists with billions of dollars in decades back, will now finally find its ultimate fantastic answer through the processing of AR-logged data - you will not only find out what and who you like, you will finally find out who you actually are:-O

The brutal business potential of pre-instant gratification

Still, even with the fusion of AR with other EmTech, the detection and blitzscaling of atomic networks, followed by the tech leverage of AR-tracking with AI-matching of the inner to the outer world, adding the effect of that on the essence of humanity like love and self-knowledge, all these things are still from a pure consumption perspective.

When we instead relate all this to business, we end up in areas where managers in a hyper-competitive market will be able to "demand" (expectations are also requirements, so to speak) to gain access to the emotional tracking in your AR-glasses. Companies will then be able to learn what increases your productivity or creativity, just as collegues with access to your AR-perceptions will be able to control dangers and remotely control your behavior through instruction, information, and communication.

And of course, it's not just employers who want access to your thoughts and feelings, marketers are at least as keen. Through sensors in your AR-glasses, we will of course completely adapt the advertising to not only the physical context you are in, but also your emotional context. In exchange for "free AR-glasses" or access to different freemium AR-subscriptions, you can now forget all simple emojis and instead embrace that you in the exactly right context when you are the most vulnerable to influence, will be attacked with gamified and AI-customized AV-manipulations attracting not only IQ but EQ for real.

The effect of this cannot be overstated. When about everything in your experience, and emotional reactions to these experiences, is tracked in your very own tailored metaverse, it will be possible for a completely new results-based payment - not unlikely paid via altcoins and transferred via blockchain technology.

And this is when we will pay for both movies and music as well as restaurant food and sweets based on how much pleasure-filled emotions and laughter it has generated, where PPE, pay per emotions, will be the new world currency ??

In this future we will have no choices at all, the prediction models will be so strong that you will be offered exactly the products and services you want before you even knew you wanted it. The path to insight goes through your digital and emotional footprint, geotargeting and emotargeting of your physical and psychological context in combination with roaring AI. The channel to the input is via connected AR glasses or digital mesh membranes, where you have no chance of getting away, and will receive such pre-instant gratification that you can’t, and actually don’t want to, get away.

Life in this final metaverse will be extremely comfortable, the choices extremely few, and the satisfaction of your needs absolutely instantaneous - serendipity in its most extreme form.

The giant market of virtual vanity

But love and self-knowledge are one thing, and pre-instant gratification of your personal inner demans matched with surgical precision to the supply in the outer world is another. But if we commercially take one look even further ahead, we will find a completely new market.

And I dare say that the world has never seen anything as disruptive as what will happen now, I mean never.

Because here we come to the other dimension of internal self-knowledge, i.e. external identity. Because in the future EmTech leveraged version of this metaverse meadow, you will not only be able to paint the world as you want to perceive it, but also paint yourself as you want to be perceived by this outer "world" – i.e. as you are experienced by others in their respective metaverses.

And now we're talking about a GIANT market. For what will it not cost to transform these AR avatars that others see, to deliver the blue pill so that no one can see the "un-filtered" reality of your true self. For those who don't want to be revealed on the date, we will get a digital plastic surgery that not only shows your date but your colleague, your friend, family member or boss, what you want them to see. Both to maximize opportunities - or to minimize the risks and pay to at least neutralize the profile others see. All this will generate a completely senseless bag of money.

It will cost money to perceive the world in a certain way, but in the exploitation of human vanity, it will cost monumentally much more to be perceived in a certain way.

Employment, business, friendship, dating, status, everything. The brutal money we today spend on status symbols and beauty attributes such as cars, houses, gardens, travel, hairdressers, clothes, cosmetics, jewelry and watches, are nothing (!) compared to the price of your digital beauty (which when scaling makes it an even more brutal business, as the material cost in metaverse will approach zero).

Your virtual cosmetics and our digital gorillas will become suppliers of cosmetics, dating, travel, PTs, and digital plastic surgery. And your NFT-secured AR avatar will be the biggest and most important investment you will ever make in your life.

And there will be a few 800-pound gorillas taking care of that money.

The end result of the remote species

And finally, what it all boils down to is mankind finally becoming the true “remote species". A trend humanity is already on its way to – where we are becoming a species that long ago stopped shopping in malls instead of eCom, stopped going to the bank instead of using FinTech, stopped reading books instead of listening to pods, stopped shopping at the grocery store instead of food delivery, stopped meeting our love in real life but on Tinder, stopped meeting friends instead of scrolling SoMe, stopped going to the hospital instead of consulting MedTech systems. Etc. etc.

This incipient remote species was first heavily accelerated by the pandemic of yesterday. In the AR-world of tomorrow our seductive metaverse will reach a climax that will change every single molecule of the world we have lived in so far, to a world totally unrecognizability.

It is a world where anyone who knows their gamification and can translate it from desktop and mobile first to the format of AR-glasses and lenses, will make a fortune. And it's a world where anyone who can fuse this amplified AR world for your perception, with an AI-enhanced brain for cognition and a blockchain-secured logistics for transaction, will be the head of total world domination - where the only question will be wether it is the domination of the digital or analog world you will, or even want, to have.

The historical chance we have right now

But, again, there is nothing deterministic about all this, its people making all the decisions that will form all our future application of AR in general and the end result of this magical metaverse meadow in particular.

The only process that does NOT lead in a positive direction, is the reactive one. To just "wait" and see what happens. That is when the reactive "good" will give way to the proactive "evil". And God knows that would not be even close to a “better” world.

So, it’s up to you and me to decide exactly how it will become. Both by being the proactive producer holding the hammer, having good intentions and developing things that belong to the more awesome than abominable application. But also, as proactive consumers, where we vote with our feet, choosing to only use and buy AR applications that tend to lead to good more than the less good directions.

Then there will be nothing but a bright future, an even brighter world, with a truly awesome augmented reality, perhaps even a healthy hyper reality. Factum verum.

5) THE GOVERNANCE PERSPECTIVE - How does governance work in the AR space, Is anyone in charge and in that case who?

So, there we are, with the final question truly getting us somewhere, i.e., who will be the boss in this new, loving, self-knowledgeable, pre-instantly gratified world of virtual vanity inhabited with the remote species of humanity :)

In a recent ted talk, Elon Musk discusses who will be governing the new states that his massive fleet of starships will make possible on March. He there demonstrates that there is nothing to be taken for granted here, where we in March actually will be able to "rethink society". I think the same goes not only for "outer space" but for the "AR space" – called metaverse or whatever we’ll come to baptize this new world/-s of ours :D.

With AR we are clearly behind here. AR will have at least as powerful impact on society and human perception, as AI will have on our cognition. And while for AI we at least have an establishment of digital giants who participate not only in realizing all the potential but also mitigating the risks, there is for the equally game changing issue of AR, so far comparably poor involvement in a similar direction.

Who decides in metaverse? Is there one state or are there multiple? Is it the server location that determines which laws apply there, is it the owner, is it the designer or the benefactor financing her development? And if like Satoshi the AR does not have a copyright owner (given that we don't develop a metaverse who noone owns), then who decides the rules and laws? And, not least, who makes sure these laws are followed? Who chops the quisling that hacks my avatar when I'm on my dreamd8 and transform me to a Quasimodo, or lures me into a path where my ex or worst enemy is? Who will be responsible when the tips on how to save my patient lead to death, or the algo I developed with AR support start killing instead of kidding people?

These are all "interesting" questions today but will - for real - be for humanity literally life-changing questions tomorrow.

We have, again, a historical possibility to answer these questions and proactively design the answers for the true benefit of mankind. And as we can, we should – when hit with a future reality not in line with what it could and should be, we’ll so regret it.

Factum Verum :)

Rufus Lidman, Fil.?Lic.

Ingen alternativ text angiven f?r den h?r bilden

Lidman is founder and board member of half a dozen ventures, the most recent being AIAR EdTech in Singapore, using cutting edge technology to reinvent learning for millions of needy in emerging markets. Prior to launching AIAR Lidman spent years as digital strategist in four continents for over 100 companies such as Samsung, IKEA, Mercedes, Electrolux, PwC etc. As an entrepreneur he has run half a dozen ventures with 2-3 ok exits, incl. two-fold award winner of growth (Gasell) and some of the world's largest apps in its areas with over 15 million downloads. He has been founder of IAB, digital advisor for WFA, is a top tech influencer with 50,000 followers, a recognized speaker with over 300 lectures, has published 4 books and the world's largest learning app in digital strategy loved by 200.000 people in 165 countries. Lidman received dual degrees in business administration and applied statistics from Uppsala University, complemented with PhD studies and data science.

Dr. Mihaela Ulieru

President, IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy - Technology Alchemist Innovating at the nexus AI/IoT/Blockchain Awarded Research Chair and Professor of Artificial Intelligence

2 年

It was an amazing conversation Professor Crenguta Leaua - I truly appreciated your insights, and so I am including here the YouTube recording of the session for the others to enjoy as well

Professor Crenguta Leaua

alternative dispute resolution specialist / alternative board member/alternative thinker/ ultimately - an alternative path finder

2 年

A pleasure, as always, to listen to your views,Rufus Lidman !


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