The Metaverse and Social Change: Is it Possible?

The Metaverse and Social Change: Is it Possible?

The metaverse is a topic for discussion and controversy over the past few years, with tech giants such as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg promoting the concept and starting to develop the technology to make the metaverse happen. This concept of the metaverse is so heavily believed in that earlier this year, Zuckerberg rebranded Instagram and Facebook to be meta and Zuckerberg is currently leading the development of it.

The metaverse in itself, is designed to use virtual reality technology to create a new and improved virtual space where people can have their own avatars and actively move around and communicate with people internationally. But with the way crypto and metaverse is structured this would more than likely be used for finance and business initially, to benefit the people at the top and further the commercial side of crypto.

Whilst this isn’t inherently a bad thing, there is a greater potential use for crypto than just money and it’s the desire to do more with the metaverse is that Trigan aims to do. Trigan’s mission is to create a smart city where people can invoke the change that they want and live in a city where they truly feel as if they have a say in what is going on and can truly be whom they want without judgment.

Trigan wants to make its citizens feel welcomed and welcome people of all communities into its city and team. However, the power of metaverse technology has the ability to invoke even further social change that was previously thought possible. When international communication and the ability to connect physically whilst within the metaverse reaches its peak. This means the doors are opened for full on social change that could bleed into the real world.

This allows for ample opportunities to arise, communications about events across the other side of the world could be learned about in a matter of moments, especially of a political matter meaning people will have more time to act and form their own opinions. Important meetings with people from across the world could be done in person, using a smart city as a central hub to host the meeting in.

The metaverse has the opportunity to change how we view and manage social issues and politics and how we construct and run businesses. However, it’s down to those running the metaverse to be made aware and to be shown the power it holds for social change, so we must use our voices and be proactive in demonstrating the power the metaverse has for social change.

Written by Alexandria Ockenden

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