METAVERSE 2022: From Hype to Hyper

METAVERSE 2022: From Hype to Hyper

Last year I wrote my first article about what the Metaverse will be in my opinion and now I would like to write another one.

You can find the first article here: - no editing and still the original piece.

I said back then that the Metaverse is a new IT-Infrastructure which will be able to connect us humans and all machines in a new way.

To simplify it even more I see it like this.

We humans are connected on earth and can communicate via spoken languages. Machines are connected via the internet and have their own languages. The issue is that humans and machines can't really communicate frictionlessly with each other. The IT-Infrastructure Metaverse will become the merger of both worlds so to say and enables a frictionless existence in every world.

At the end we will become part of the machines like machines becoming part of us humans and we will merge into one interconnected entity.

Especially the last part of my first article sounds very science fiction and still is, but I can still see that we are heading in exactly this direction...soon or later.

In this article I would like to share my thoughts on what changed from 2021 till today and some new views on the topic Metaverse.

Here we go!

1) The Status Quo

The term Metaverse is used for everything today.

It became THE mega buzzword which created a hype bigger than Blockchain, Cloud, AI and FinTech combined in my opinion.

Being a tech entrepreneur for over 20 years now I must say that I never witnessed such a hype - ever.

But, at the same time the term Metaverse is the most misused and not understanded term of all time as well in my opinion.

Why? Because the majority of people have the understanding that virtual worlds are a Metaverse or even worse - Metaverses.

A virtual world is not a or the Metaverse! I said this already thousand of times and I don't want to stress this anymore at all.

Here is one very simple example which will make it easy to understand for everyone:

Alice loves Fortnite and Bob Roblox. Christine Decentraland and David Axie Infinity.

Alice invites Bob, Christine and David to a party within Fortnite. Nobody shows up, because they can't just teleport themselves with their existing avatar from their platform of choice to the other platform.

All existing virtual worlds are closed ecosystems with their own rules, user account management and users. Users need to create an account on every platform to become part of it.

Matthew Ball already said in his Metaverse primer that interoperability is one core element which is needed to create the Metaverse -

That's why my example shows very simply why there can't be a Metaverse existing today. Furthermore it is absolute nonsense if people are talking about Metaverses because there only will be one.

One last time, the Metaverse is not yet existing!

2) The Giants Awake

Since Facebook rebranded into Meta last year a lot changed in regards to other initiatives from other global players. If it is Microsoft, Tencent or even governments and the military which all want to build their own version of a Metaverse.

It's the old game of trying to control instead of understanding in my opinion.

But, in this case I am very sure that everyone knows what consequences one "open" Metaverse would have. The impact would be groundbreaking and literally free all humans and machines if done right.

We all know that this is something which the ones in control right now don't want to happen - at all.

If there are no algorithms anymore which can manipulate us, there won't be any chance of controlling a mass. If you can't control the mass the mass will more likely become individuals with their own minds and this is a huge issue for those who like to be in charge.

And that's why the sentiment that a virtual world = Metaverse is perfect for those entities because that way they can sell their centralized solutions as something groundbreaking.

At the end they just put a new label on their solutions and the ordinary user will buy into it because the majority does not have the knowledge to differentiate and will think it's something new and hip.

But, there are players which already are in for the chance for all of us.

Epic Games and Tim Sweeney are one perfect example. Tim is for me one of the few who has the right vision and intention. As far as I can tell from what he stands for, for many years.

Epic's Unreal Engine offers everyone the possibility to become a creator right away. The same applies for Unity.

But, Epic Games goes one step further in my opinion.

Fortnite is their testing playground for all new innovations and features for the Unreal Engine and their idea of the upcoming Metaverse.

The MetaHuman Creator will become the digital twin tool so that everyone can turn themselves into their digital twin avatar.

Everything will soon be possible 100% cloud based and this will change the game a lot because everyone with a good internet connection will be able to create.

Creation won't be longer tied to hardware or other expensive equipment which brings equality into the game of creation.

I am following very closely what Tim is doing for the space and he is kind of the secret mentor for what I am doing within the Metaverse space, even if I never met him personally and I have my own interpretation of what the Metaverse will be in the end of the day.

And I like the fact that he is fighting against app-store monopolies which a startup never will be able to do. This makes Tim quite controversial, but I think that he is doing the right thing.

Mark and Meta on the other side is another very controversial player which has the power to do the right thing.

I am 99% sure that this time he will do the right thing and I even would go that far and say that Mark and Tim will somehow work together to help build the Metaverse.

Maybe they already do so.

Yes, I know it sounds really crazy, but hey, we are living in an absolut crazy world right now and this partnership would benefit Epic Games (Tencent) and Meta a lot. And it would send out the right signal to everyone - it's about unity and not competition!

We'll see!

In the end I don't think by now that there ever will be an "open" for all Metaverse because it's about an IT-Infrastructure which enables e.g. the interoperability of all virtual worlds, web3 solutions and AI, of course.

The prove for this theorie is the newly founded The Metaverse Standards Forum.

Meta, Epic Games, NVIDIA, Microsoft, and many other tech giants are coming together to agree upon open standards for the metaverse.

Founding members include: 0xSenses, Academy Software Foundation, Adobe, Alibaba, Autodesk,, CalConnect, Cesium, Daly Realism, Disguise, the Enosema Foundation, Epic Games, the Express Language Foundation, Google, Huawei, IKEA, John Peddie Research, Khronos, Lamina1, Maxon, Meta, Microsoft, NVIDIA, OpenAR Cloud, the Open Geospatial Consortium, Otoy, Perey Consulting, Qualcomm Technologies, Ribose, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Spatial Web Foundation, Unity, VerseMaker, Wayfair, the Web3D Consortium, and the World Wide Web Consortium.

Here is a very good article about the new initiative:

There will always be a gatekeeper existing in charge of the one or the other technology/solution which will be needed for creating the Metaverse.

Someone needs to provide, operate and maintain the overall infrastructure and I think that only the existing and new big players will be able to do so, because it will cost Billions.

3) Metaverse Gateways - The Chance For Everyone

It seems that only the big players will really be able to contribute in terms of building and developing the Metaverse.

It would be very hard for e.g. startups to offer what the big ones already can and will be offering.

But, every startup, brand and personality can become a Metaverse gateway and that's the actual beauty and chance of it.

Today's and upcoming users will all need to have a starting point to enter the upcoming Metaverse.

Virtual worlds or 3D experiences are a perfect first step achieving exactly this. Users get used to extending their realities through a more immersive experience.

If users are starting e.g. in one world and the experience suits them in the best possible way those users can be turned into returning customers and if done right into loyal ones.

That's why a lot of big brands and global players are already figuring out how to turn their existing omnichannel business into a more 3D focused business.

That way they will be able to bring back true user experience which will be essential for the future. Online and offline.

E-Commerce killed user experience and V-Commerce (via virtual worlds, VR and AR) will bring it back - 100% for sure!

Becoming a Metaverse gateway can be achieved in a variety of ways and the chances to become a Metaverse gateway are the same for startups and big players alike.

Only the user experience will count and everyone has the possibility to find their own niche.

One perfect example of how to become a Metaverse gateway is Ready Player Me.

Their strategy is brilliant, because they are offering the most needed starting point for a virtual world or 3D experience - avatars!

Right now they are the standard for avatar implementation and creation, even if I think that soon Epics MetaHuman Creator will become the new normal.

The next two years will be the most important ones in regards to the overall Metaverse development and design because soon the hype will become hyper real and the market will mature.

I can highly encourage everyone to get started and go for it!

Don't just copy what is already existing because that's no user experience and users will notice this and never come back, if done in the wrong way.

Try to develop or come up with something which is not existing or slightly differnt, because everyone can do so with the existing tools and their own imagination.

That way everyone can become their own Metaverse gateway which will be the key for the future in my opinion.

4) Rethink Security And Privacy

In 2019 I discovered and started to get what the Metaverse will be all about. I never had Neal Stephensons version on my mind because Snow Crash is a quite centralized version of the Metaverse.

Back in 2019 I wanted to create a new social network without the toxic side effects like digital manipulation and fake news/people/truth.

The principle of social media failed for me because it got hijacked by evil from all kinds of sides. They knew way faster how to use social media in their favour and today it is way too late to reverse anything.

Digital manipulation through faked facts is worse than cancer in my opinion.

I think that digital bubbles where the digital manipulation takes place are the major issues of our modern societies.

Digital bubbles make it nearly impossible that we can grow and merge into one global and interconnected society.

Today I am seeing that the issue will grow since less existing virtual world or 3D experience platform really did something in terms of protecting their users in this regard and I think that it will get worse.

Today we have social media streams, but soon we will and already have the same stuff in 3D and in a highly immersive way - in your face so to say.

This will do much more harm because discremination, harassment and terror will feel much more direct and life-like than ever before.

That way fake realities can take over the reality of users very easily and become the new reality in real life which is highly dangerous!

People already have a hard time today to tell what's real and what's not. This issue will be 100x bigger as soon as you can't tell anymore which reality is the real one.

That's why everyone working within the Metaverse space needs to ensure that users will have a safe trip into their extended reality.

Now we have the chance to fix what social media platforms messed up.

To be fair, it's not the initial platform's fault. It's the fault of some of their users which found a way to abuse what the technological possibilities are offering.

And today there is nothing which existing platforms can do about it anymore.

That's why we need to rethink security and privacy for each user now!

5) We Are The Core Pillars Of The Metaverse

I think it is quite funny that we humans are trying to make us more efficient through technology. While at the same time we are making machines smarter.

We are trading our intelligence in, for comfort. Knowledge, productivity and the motivation to achieve something on our own is fading.

We rather let algorithms decide what we should watch, eat or do instead of protecting our own algorithm - our consciousness.

It is really stupid because we need to understand that every human being is already the perfect AI with the best vision possible and our brain power is x times faster and more powerful then any existing super computer, if we would be able to control our brain power like a computer.

Not even talking about our body. Our all bodies are already the perfect independent working organisms and there won`t be any artificial version of our bodies any time soon since it is so hardcore complex and already perfect.

We are already the best avatars ever!

But, we are not making use of these fascinating facts - at all!

Instead machines become the better humans and we become the worse and useless version of machines.

I think that we must begin to understand that we humans will always remain humans and no extended reality will ever change this.

Nothing will change just because now we are an artificial avatar because it's just a bad copy of the original.

Virtual avatars can't feel, can't taste and will never be able to love!

As soon as we get this we will then be able to shift parts of our existing lifestyle into virtual worlds or 3D experiences.

It's not about becoming a cyborg, it's about getting back and becoming our own identity 100% - in reality and within digital/virtual spaces!

It's ONE reality and a virtual world or 3D experience is just meant for us to extend our all realities and possibilities.

It's like a drug, we can escape for a moment and travel somewhere else, but always remain ourselves.

We will be able to do stuff in a completely new way if we make use of that kind of extension.

But, we need to ensure that people don't get stuck within those extended realities.

As soon as digital reality becomes the real life reality it will get ugly which we can see in regards to social media bubbles.

At the end it's all about having an individual digital twin. Which WE own and which WE are 100%.

This will be even more important if we are talking about BCI's which will enable us to become individual nodes which at the end will become the core pillars of the upcoming Metaverse.

Till then we can get used to and develop our own individual digital twins if the next generation of platforms let us do so.

Well, this is my Metaverse article for 2022 and I am looking forward to writing my next one in 2023.

Thank you very much for reading and please feel free to share your thoughts!

Truly yours,

Bosco Bellinghausen aka The Metaversian #1 :-)

Oliver Wick

Humanist, Futurist, Technology Sherpa; Sensing, Connectivity, Computing: 6G; Space-Tech, Non-Terrestrial Network; Optical, Quantum and Neuromorphic Computing, Blockchain/DLT, AR

2 年

Cite: "This will be even more important if we are talking about BCI's which will enable us to become individual nodes which at the end will become the core pillars of the upcoming Metaverse." Sergej Holzmann

Oliver Wick

Humanist, Futurist, Technology Sherpa; Sensing, Connectivity, Computing: 6G; Space-Tech, Non-Terrestrial Network; Optical, Quantum and Neuromorphic Computing, Blockchain/DLT, AR

2 年

Great summary, Bosco. What's about the business case models behind?

Mark Christianson

Digital Workplace & AI Strategy Leader | Strategic Visionary | Metaverse Advocate | Author & Speaker

2 年

Amen. Id like to echo that those talking about Metaverse should replace the word with 'internet' and see if what they are saying still makes sense. You dont build your own Internet, you build a site, an app, a network ON the Internet. The maturity in Metaverse is going to be based on the underlying interop base code... the HTML of the Metaverse as my friend Dion Hinchcliffe espouses. The consortium's are more interesting than all the players who are saying that THEY are building their own thing. I really need to get on this video Im planning that outlines the concept of inter-world travel between metaverse worlds/spaces/sites that is like an embassy/consulate. Imagine if you are in Sandbox and you go to the Roblox embassy. There you can see what events are going on (cultural exchanges), convert funds and even teleport back and forth. No more hub and spoke movement across spaces. This is when things get infinitely more exciting.

Moray Hickes

Scaling Agile teams, Integrating AI & Delivering world class digital experiences ?

2 年

Smashed it as usual Bosco. That's why we call you the OG Chief Metaverse Architect ??

Franck Audrain

3D Fashion Innovation Specialist

2 年

Thanks !


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