Metathinking. Thinking. Reasoning. Creativity. Innovate. Emoting. Brain. Mind. (Un)Conscious. Mindfulness. Problem Solving. Decision-Making. Emoting.
Environmental Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)
?Professional Speaker?Consultant, Trainer and Teacher in Strategy, Planning, Performance, Problem-Solving & Solutions?H2O?Waste?Climate, Pollution, Environment ?SDGs ?Leadership?Entrepreneurship/Busimness/Marketing/Sales
I think it is a big scandal that human beings are generally not taught and trained in thinking right from kindergarten stage. It is also a big human disaster that today's society values knowledge more than thinking. The advent of the internet and artificial intelligence are, for many people, a big potential disaster that needs serious and agent attention before it's too. AI, poorly used leads to brain underutilisation and brain performance degeneration that can turn individuals, organisations and societies into dead walking zombi-morons. This is very dangerous at this critical epoch of humanity when we need more thinking instead of less thinking. I suspect that the most of collective knowledge that we have in this world is fast becoming obsolete even though we continue recycling it. This knowledge, paradoxically, was produced by thinking. Now, we, Earthians, now know more than we think. This is creating a future knowledge deficiency crisis in which we run out of current knowledge when we need it navigate the world and solve routine problems.
People, humans, Earthians are valued, in general, based on knowledge. When you have your academic qualifications, on which you qualified largely based on your knowledge more than on your thinking, you are somebody. Very few ever appreciate humans based directly on their thinking abilities.
Knowledge for sure is important and we need it. But we cannot ignore thinking and act as if knowledge is all we need to solve our problems and get things done especially at work in our companies, organisations, businesses and economies.
Know, before I go further, let me clarify something. When I am talking about thinking here I am not talking about psychology. Psychology helps us understand human behaviour and to some extent, human thinking. But psychology in itself is not thinking. Here I am talking about pure, original thinking as in brain activity and its outputs. Let me also say, at least in my own thinking,
Knowing is not thinking. Ok! some thinking is involved in knowing but knowing itself is not thinking.
To know is not to think.
Here I am talking about thinking.
Training, Education and Development in Thinking
When I say thinking training, education and development, I mean the learning of thinking as a subject, the development and improvement of thinking skills and the developing the brain and the personality qualities and potential in thinking.
Thinking Education
When I say training in thinking, I am talking about answering questions like;
Introduction to Thinking
Thinking Training
This is about developing and improving thinking skills and knowledge. This operates at two main levels. The first level if general or overall thinking skills improvement. The second level is acquiring and developing skills in specific types of thinking such as
Thinking Development
This is involved more with potential and qualities including
The Importance of Thinking
Listen properly,
Now let me ask your;
Have you ever taken any serious courses in thinking and thinking management?
[email protected] ?+263-77-444-74-38
?Simon Bere, 2024