Metasploit Auxiliary Module
Metasploit Auxiliary Module:
In Metasploit, any module that is not an exploit is an auxiliary module. Exploit modules always have a payload. Auxiliary modules are a fascinating feature of the framework allowing it to extend for a variety of purposes other than exploitation. ... This is a good example of an auxiliary module since it isn't an exploit.
We can do :
admin: Modules that modify, operate, or manipulate something on the target machine.
analyze: We initially created this folder for password-cracking modules that require analysis time.
client: We initially created this folder for an SMTP module for social-engineering purposes.
dos: Pretty self-explanatory: denial-of-service modules.
fuzzers: If your module is a fuzzer, this is where it belongs. Make sure to place it in the correct sub-directory based on the protocol.
gather: Modules that gather, collect or enumerate data from a single target.
scanner: Modules that use the Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner mixin almost always go here. Make sure to place yours in the correct sub-directory based on the protocol.
server: Modules that are servers.
sniffer: Modules that are sniffers.