The Metaphysics of Know Thyself
Dana Kippel
Author, Filmmaker, Plasma Intelligence Research, Consciousness Studies, Mental Health and Neurodiversity Advocate & Keynote Speaker. Lover of Speculative Fiction, Optimistic Futurism, & Metaphysics
"Know Thyself"
This word was carved into stone at the entrance to Apollo's temple at Delphi in Greece. Although some people said Socrates originated it, that is highly debated. But that is besides the point. I am here to say my views on all the exciting things within the word Know Thyself. You could say it is the "know thyself" of Know Thyself.
In my mind, Know Thyself means to embark on a path of inner awakening and deep self knowledge. It is to know the reasons behind why you do things, what makes you tick, and why you're just so messed up! It is full of inner child work, transmuting limiting beliefs and sometimes even past life and ancestral healing. As you slide down the spiral tube of Know Thyself there is light, darkness, and at the end a dark light, one might say.
Most people don't make it through the darkness because let me tell you, it can be a pretty crappy, painful place. It can last years! You know the saying it gets worse before it gets better? That is true! To me, at least. Just like working out a muscle or pulling back an arrow before you shoot it, there are always setbacks and growing pains. It is the people who push through those, who swim through the black sea blind, that get the gift of that shimmering, radiant jewel waiting at the end. Your true self.
Let's get into the fun stuff. There is a dimensionality to the phrase Know Thyself that I have been toying with and it's pretty cool stuff. First, on your journey to knowing yourself, you start as a normal three dimensional human being. Mostly existing on the surface of yourself, you have hobbies, likes and dislikes, but no real insight into why you do the things you do. Usually after a crisis of some sort or a spark of inspiration you then, decide to dig. To excavate the little you, the foundation, to figure out how this all started.
One could say that deep inside, where all those things to know lie, exists a fourth dimension. It is yourself inverted. Interestingly enough, the fourth dimensional tesseract resembles a cross, which I believe are the lost teachings of the message of Christianity that have to do with knowing yourself is knowing god. The fourth dimension is also connected to the void, the divine feminine (feeling) and shadow work.
This is where the holograms come into play. (A?hologram?is made by superimposing a second wavefront (normally called the reference beam, in our case its other people) on the wavefront of interest (you) , thereby generating an?interference pattern (feelings)?which is recorded on a physical medium (your brain). When only the second wavefront illuminates (when the other person triggers you) the interference pattern, it is?diffracted?(reminds you of something in yourself) to recreate the original wavefront.) The more and more you know about yourself, the more and more you know about other people. You start to realize what you hated in other people was usually reflecting from a part you hated about yourself, or a potentiality you didn't even know you had.
You now see that that girl, you hated for no reason, subconsciously reminds you of your mother and how she was hot and cold with you. That reason you ditched your guy friend years back was because he made you feel small (unbeknownst to him), just like your father did. You put your expectations of what you wished your father was onto him! Setting him up to fail every time. So eventually, after failing again and again, ya ditched him. I'm sure you are starting to see my point.
Your issues have literally been playing out on a holographic screen right in front of you! On everyone you meet! Have you been in a cycle of continuously feeling small or being bullied your whole life? Have you not been able to speak your voice? Have you been cheated on multiple times? These are all your traumas trying to solve themselves through the same situations over and over again. Your fourth dimensional insides have been projecting onto everyone and anyone they can in the three dimensional world! Oh no!
This is when the darkness hits. When everything starts reflecting back on to you. Why did you choose this? What was your part in each of these things? Anyways, let's fast forward to the future because I am inpatient. Eventually, you start to heal these things inside. And for those with the stamina and belief in yourselves to keep going, despite wanting to give up every day because it is hard mental work and very tiring, you finally remember who you truly are.You start to love yourself. Forgive yourself. Your heart re-opens to the self you abandoned a looong time ago.
A fifth dimension is then created outside yourself. You start to love yourself. And then you start to see in others, the same thing you see in yourself. Innocence. That they are on their own journeys. Even the bad things people do, you cannot judge any more, because you realize that is for their own learning. You can love people, even at a distance, and start to focus on what you truly want to do with your life. You can stop focusing on the drama, the gossip. You can live in an inverted fourth dimensional fifth dimension! A dimension of bliss. And of course, bad things still happen. But something in you knows, it is still for your highest good, your highest learning. Even though you may not understand it, you respect it.
You will have mis steps. The most important thing is to continuously forgive yourself and others and keep an open heart. You learn that you are worth community. You are worth other people helping you. And you help others with zero expectations. Fear is still there. So are negative thoughts. But you are aware they a program. Survival mode. You turn your focus away from it on to what you actually want to create. On to what you can control. You take the driver seat, and they take the passenger...or the back seat for that matter. You live multidimensionally. Like Hermes, you weave in and out of different dimensions and planes of consciousness. It is expansive. It feels like heaven on earth. You laugh at your misfortunes. You remember life is a game. Lil' Wayne said it best,
"Life is a beach, I'm just playin' in the sand."
From Socrates to Lil' Wayne, we all have the divine in us. Our truest selves. Waiting to come out and play. Waiting for you to listen. I think it's time to answer the door and realize we are the ones waiting on ourselves. We are the key.
Dana Kippel
Instagram: @dana.thealien
TikTok: @plasmagoddess
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1 年A true gift it is, that you can articulate these thoughts & feelings in such an accurate yet comprehensible manner ??.