Metaphysical Symbols
Curtis R Doll Jr
Artist/Painter/Print Maker/Architectural Glass Designer at CurtisGraphics Art & Design Services
The works of art at are in themselves "Metaphysical Symbols". Form and color are combined, united and harmonized to create heartfelt impressions of life. They are not meaningless abstractions. The concept of inner radiating light plays an integral role in the development of these images. This light emanates from within a counterpoint of darkness and shadow. In some of these images, the light is radiating from without almost hiding the shadow. In others, the light is radiating from within the darkness and is almost hidden. The light expresses all the positive forces of life including growth and expansion, the power of intellect and most importantly, the power of transcendental love. The darkness elicits the dark forces of nature and of humankind: anger; resentment; hatred; complacency. Ironically, we cannot have one without the other. The darkness increases the beauty of the light just as evil contrasting benevolence enhances the joy one experiences by doing a good deed. It is an eternal paradox.
Stained Glass is an environmental art form. As light floods the interior of a church or synagogue, the inner space is transformed into a mystical source of joy, peace, and tranquility. The Stained Glass Designs at CG Stained Glass are expressions of a deeply felt inner searching for the eternal.
These works are characterized by a fusion of color, form, and texture. My experience with stained glass design has familiarized me with the power of light and the difference between the three primary colors of light, RGB (red, green and blue); the three primaries used in printmaking, CMY (cyan, magenta and yellow); and the three primary pigment colors, RYB (red, yellow and blue), and how they break down into their cool and warm, saturated and unsaturated counterparts.
I believe the future of design will see more substance in terms of a mélange of classical as well as contemporary themes introduced by artists living in the present. We possess an extremely broad history of art that can be drawn upon with the introduction of both small and sometimes very large innovations.
In summation, these works are about light. This is because of my background in stained glass design and working with colored light. Stained glass as an environmental art form transforms the interior of its setting. Experiment 45 evokes an interior realm of existence deep within. There are conflicting elements within each of us. Refined to their most basic common denominator they are positive and negative forces which animate us and make us who we are and who we are becoming.