The Metaphysical Constructs of Quality: a Review of Two New Deep Thought Leadership Resources
My opinionated takeaways from “The Metaphysical Constructs of Quality: A Managers Guide to Instinctive Insight” and the companion “Glossary” are, firstly, that these are books for those who ponder deeply and, secondly, that, as a person who has often been asked to explain my passion for all things quality-related, they are books I would likely have enjoyed writing as much as reading. I’m glad that Patrick Lou Kelly has taken the time to put into words my challenging thoughts on the matter. These books are self-published and, as such, are not quite as polished as those from big publishers would be. Rather than detract, however, the minor editorial flaws contribute a down home character to the work which made me feel as though I was listening to a friend talk while we were situated in two cozy chairs in front of a fire on a cold day with something hot and yummy to sip. In my opinion, Kelly makes up for any minor polishing issues with high-level organization. For any QA Systems Thinker that has ever been stung with being described as ‘pontific’, ‘preachy’, ‘academic’ or simply ‘out there’…. these books were written for YOU! I’m one of those, by the way.
There are some nifty new terms synthesized and introduced through this work, as well. Kudos to the author for taking roads less traveled to create a new way of consistently explaining how terms were defined using complex sets of published references and citations, called a “Pattern Engine Algorithm”, along with a bulletized list of derived and refined philosophical concepts required for comprehension of each term called an “Intension Specification” (no, 'intension' is not misspelled). I probably would have been tempted to shorten that by calling it an “Intense Specification”. These two syntheses are best displayed in the companion glossary publication, however, you won’t find a definition for the third new synthesis, and probably the most profound, in that glossary. To get that one, you need to make a meal of the actual parent book. Here it is: “ConPriDigm”, the author’s synthesis of concepts, principles and paradigms to create a pattern of explanation and the output of the 'Pattern Engine Algorithm'. I played with it a bit and applied some of my own philosophical leanings to come up with the symbiotic out take which follows.
You see, I am of the opinion and belief that quality is the ‘soul’ of an experiential ‘moment’ within the fabric of the reality we know as our universe. This is my “ConPriDigm”. In order to appreciate that statement, the terms ‘soul’, ‘moment’ and ‘reality’ must be philosophically comprehended from my perspective. To that end, I would begin by explaining that I have applied a particular definition of “soul” as being the essence or embodiment of a specified quality; synonyms for which are: personification, incarnation, epitome, quintessence, essence, model, exemplification, exemplar, image, manifestation. I would then ask you to further align with my definition of a “moment” as a point or an instant on a linear progression (or regression), with the sums of such lines constituting planes and the sums of such planes constituting dimensions whereby the sums of such dimensions would constitute the entirety of a reality or universe (unified field). To exemplify this definition, I can say that, when applied to time, moments would collectively manifest as eternity and, when applied to space, moments would collectively manifest as infinity. This definition of “moment” seems well-supported by the definition of a “construct” in the companion Glossary for "The Metaphysical Constructs of Quality". Perhaps they should be viewed as somewhat synonymous. Lastly, I would ask that you align with my definition of “metaphysics” as a division or branch of philosophy concerned with the fundamental nature of reality or of being. This also seems well-supported by the definition of “metaphysics” provided within the companion Glossary.
In the conclusion of the main book, the case for quality being a ‘non physical phenomenon’, an abstraction, is presented by the author. That conclusion seemed understated… but… the exploration of the metaphysical construct of quality, as including momentarily applicable concepts, principles (foundations, laws, etc.) and individually unique experiences (paradigms), was also key to the book’s conclusions. Such thoughts make for GREAT pondering!
The author of these books, Patrick Lou Kelly, explains that quotes from four authorities helped drive the purpose behind his work: Sigmund Freud, Nikola Tesla, James Conant and Albert Einstein. If I had written similarly on the topic, I would have included Tesla and Einstein, but I would probably have exchanged the quotes from Freud and Conant for quotes from Elon Musk and W. Edwards Deming. One of my favorite Deming quotes is very similar to the one from Einstein preferred by the author, so I would have used Deming’s quote there and a completely different Einstein Quote. Tesla’s quote is timeless and I adore it: “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena; it will make more progress than all the previous centuries of its existence.” Following are the quotes from Musk, Deming and an alternative one from Einstein that I would more likely have used. From Musk (two quotes): “When something is important enough, you do it, even if the odds are not in your favor.” And “The first step is to establish that something is possible; then probability will occur.” From Deming: “Every theory is correct in its own world, but the problem is that the theory may not make contact with this world.” Last but not least, demonstrating the importance of a unified field theory, attributed to Einstein: “There is no matter. There are only relationships… and those are fleeting.”
The nature of quality is as integral to the construct we know as our universe as are time and space. There are also no absolutes about quality. What constitutes quality in one moment will differ from what constitutes quality in any other moment. The potential variations for the nature of quality are, therefore, infinite. If that is not a ConPriDigm, what is?
I encourage you to explore “The Metaphysical Constructs of Quality” with Patrick Lou Kelly and to ponder your own profundities in your own unique moments. When you’ve completed most of your initial ponderings, I further encourage you to share your conclusions with others, as I have done here. Buy these books!
Excellent !!!
Sr. Principal Engineer @ New World Medical | Quality Engineering, CQE, CMQ/OE
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